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China a Failed State and a Rogue State to the rest of the World

I find it interesting that with a billion consumers in their own country they seem to need the rest of the world to buy their stuff.

It's easy to think that if they were a democracy and allowed genuine entrepreneurship to have a chance without the weight of State regulation, then the average Chinese citizen would be heaps better off than they are now.

I can't be proved of course, but I tend to think they have gone too far regulation wise and have kept a lot of people in poverty for the sake of cheap goods to the western world.

So maybe they have failed in that sense.
When we can go to a shop here in Oz and buy a new toaster for $8 which includes GST, the retailers mark up, freight within Oz, freight from China, transport to the dock, cost of components it seems to me that it can only be done because China has always played a very long game.

They have suppressed the workers to create demand from the western world, undercut our manufacturers forcing closure of our factories and now we are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

To think how much they must supress the conditions of the workers in a communist country, which is supposed to be a workers paradise with every one being equal, highlights that as usual, some people are more equal than others.
Well the Trump rhetoric has an answer ....

China party media outlet ...

China needs to expand the number of its nuclear warheads to 1,000 in a relatively short time. It needs to have at least 100 Dongfeng-41 strategic missiles. We are a peace-loving nation and have committed to never being the first to use nuclear weapons, but we need a larger nuclear arsenal to curb US strategic ambitions and impulses toward China. Maybe we have to deal with challenges with stronger determination in the near future, which requires the support of the Dongfeng and Julang missiles.

Don't be naïve. Don't assume that nuclear warheads are useless. In fact, they are being used every day as a deterrent to shape the attitudes of US elites toward China. Some Chinese experts say we don't need more nuclear weapons, I think they are as naïve as children.

Bravo ... applause ... well done Mr Trump ... I cant wait for the war to distract us.
It's neither racist nor rubbish. China (the country) consistently produces low quality products. I am not saying their race is inferior (I'm not even saying 'China' or 'Chinese' is a race).
. But in reverse it doesn't even make western news.

It doesn't make the NEWS because the reporters cannot understand the language!!!!
Ohh and you are spot on with the rest of your comments, after 10 years of living in various parts of Asia.
Apple I thought had half it components made in China and was assembled there.

The again ... most cant afford one it seems. Same for most of their computers. So too about 30% of all pharmaceuticals we use ... a list that well is staggering ... yet, someone claims they are low quality ...

amusing this internet and site.

How Sinophobia goes viral: Building resilience against Australia’s latest anti-Chinese contagion
The position of the federal government helps explain why the attack on Chinese people — Australians and foreigners — has been so vitriolic, virulent and, yes, viral.
It doesn't make the NEWS because the reporters cannot understand the language!!!!
Ohh and you are spot on with the rest of your comments, after 10 years of living in various parts of Asia.

I later saw the same footage on expat groups with subtitles. You can bet your arse if Germany, France or Italy had said it in their own languages it would have been all over western and Asian media. If it had been said by Trump or Morrison it would have been all over western and Asian media (with subtitles in Asia).

do you have any links? I would be very interested in viewing this
do you have any links? I would be very interested in viewing this

I just had a google, couldn't find anything. To give you some idea of the way things work, one of the suburbs I regularly passed through had a name which translated to 'red dirt', referring to a group of political protesters killed by the government, their blood staining the ground, and the suburb near the middle of the capital has a name which serves to remind people what happens to those who speak badly of the government. I've literally had locals run away from me in terror when asking questions like "What do you think of the government of your country?". In Asia people go to prison for liking Facebook posts which express opinions the government doesn't like, it's not like the freedom people have in 'failed rogue states' like the USA. Obviously in countries like China it's extreme and in others it's not so bad. I suppose it's not too surprising I couldn't find a video, but I did see videos online earlier in the year, and I'm pretty sure you'd be able to find something with an exhaustive search. I did see that pressured non apology apologies were given.
China biggest human migration in our history as the peasants (300 mil) moved to cities for manufacturing jobs.

Wasn't the thinking the Chinese would get rich and the CCP would fall become a democracy and we would dance together down the road singing songs holding hands?
This is exceptionally clear. Highlights exactly how Donald Trump repeatedly denied the problems being caused by the pandemic until the day he said "I knew it all along".

As I watched it i thought about one of Smurfs recent observations
Are you two seriously stinking up a thread with trump rubbish again.
Keep it in the trump thread.
I don't think people realize just how bad the racism is in other countries. Even here all us coloured are putting sht on honky

To say that it's racist to call Chinese products "sht" blows my mind. Not only is it generally sht, they will also try and rip you off if you don't check the delivery. That's just how they roll. There is also one price for Chinese and one for foreigners.

If you haven't imported before- stfu. Similar if you haven't lived there rather then just holiday. You know sweet FA.
Other nations are extremely racist.
That's the current hope. But they are not much better then north Korea when it comes to restrictions on personal freedoms. There is definitely an undercurrent though. A lot of very brave people there.


Race, culture and nationality are three separate things. If you want an idea of what Chinese culture is like, it's so bad that in some countries international airports literally have three separate queues at immigration and emigration for locals, foreigners and Chinese, because Chinese so frequently cause disruptions, cut in line, cause fights, etc. Logistically it has just become a necessity in some places to keep the Chinese separate from everyone else, and in those airports I'm always thankful for it.

It's a ridiculous state of affairs when statements of clear, tangible reality which are not related to race get labelled as 'racist'. I am not racist, but I dislike dishonesty, rudeness, poor quality, scams, etc. If you want to see a display of racism, go to China and ask the locals what they think about black people.

If you think white supremacy is even a thing, you have no idea what Chinese supremacy is like, and to be fair, national/racial supremacy is common in many countries and some races. Maintaining countries as ethnostates is just open policy in much of Asia, and is seen as a bad thing almost exclusively in western and new world countries.
I find it interesting that with a billion consumers in their own country they seem to need the rest of the world to buy their stuff.


That’s like saying,

“why would a baker with 20 kids need any else to buy his bread”

ofcourse the answer is that his family needs more than just bread, they may want to to watch the latest Disney film, so need to sell bread to get cash to go to the cinema.

China imports a million things so they need to export a lot.

Also, before your population can be balanced consumers, you need to build your economy, and exports have helped to that over the last 50 years.
I don't think people realize just how bad the racism is in other countries.
I'll simply say that the most aggressive anti-China sentiment I've come across was from someone who was, in their own words, themselves "Made in China".

Most other serious anti-China sentiment, that with some evidence to back it up, has also come from people who are themselves immigrants to Australia and they've all said much the same.
I do a bit of work at a Buddhist temple from time to time. Meet a lot of people and you said it in one.

The point is that they make their money from slave labour and shoddy goods. If they paid their workers enough so they could buy their own products the whole country would be miles better off than they are now.
The point is that they make their money from slave labour and shoddy goods. If they paid their workers enough so they could buy their own products the whole country would be miles better off than they are now.

China is not really a low wages story anymore, wages have risen dramatically over the years.

as for shoddy goods, China will manufacture to any quality you want to pay for, IPhones for example are made there, nothing shoddy about them, infact some of the highest quality goods come out of China, you just have to be willing to pay for it.

If you go to China looking for cheap goods to import, you will find them but you get what you pay for.

I gave one example on how "some" Chinese will try and cheat you . The melamine milk scandal is another. Sure they fix them up when they are found out, but it's usually up to the customers to quality test, not the manufacturers.
And the plot thickens ...

Fan of neither the USA or CCP. ...
and we are in the middle of this.

Australian beef processors suspended in China trade escalation

Only 35% of the export market.

Golly ... a pox to them BOTH ... USA and China.
Time to diversify export markets and so too supply chain for imports.

NO more USA planes that dont work either ... F35 ... at 85% on the ground ... out of service.
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