Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Charlton Heston Dead at 84

with minnimal fuss i could buy them now. and they would never be licenced, or under any sembleance of control. thats what wrong with the laws. THEY DONT STOP CRIMMINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just the law abiding.

It is true and obvious that dedicated career criminals will find access to almost anything they want, what's at issue here is that guns should not be commonly available household appliances. Less guns = less accidental injury and death.
Good evening.
I thought this thread was about an Actor dying,
NOT a bash by the anti gun club.

PLEASE, at least have some respect and common manners about another human dying.

If you wish to bash the gun thing, then manner would have it, you start your own thread for such an event.

Sadly, I never thought my fellow Australian were like you 'lot' have conducted yourselves.

Sick, totally sick.
Kind regards,
If you wish to bash the gun thing, then manner would have it, you start your own thread for such an event.

Sadly, I never thought my fellow Australian were like you 'lot' have conducted yourselves.

Sick, totally sick.

Charlton Heston was synonymous with the gun lobby. It is what he is remembered for. It is what he wanted to be remembered for. He used his position as an actor to influence others to support guns. We are sick? You must be kidding. No apologies here!
hey metric you said
"There is not much doubt in my mind that the subsequent gun controls and buyback precipitated by the Tasmanian tragedy was overdue.
NOBODY needs an assault rifle,automatic weapon or .44 magnum in their home and prior to the regulatory changes, with minimal fuss and effort, I could buy any one of those."

In your dreams metric, We had a Kiwi bloke walk into our office a few months ago with a 357 magnum pistol, fortunately he was in a good mood and we tried hard not to joke about sheep.

His wife worked in the office and he had come to pick her up, the gun was her birthday present they had been in Aus less than 2 years, now if they could do it then migrants from any part of the world could do it. and it is perfectly legal you just have to know how. These are two of the nicest people that I know but if they can do it pretty much anyone can own a number of pistols and cannons you just have to know the law.

While I am at it have you ever been rabbit shooting? one shot and they are all gone! you need an automatic and a silencer, try explaining that to your local cop.


what you do not understand is that laws do not have to be effective, they just have to appear to be effective so that the politicians can get their photys took and make bull$hit speaches.
one question needs to be asked

within a metropolitan area, or within a large country town, who NEEDS a gun?

are there vermin to kill? NO

are there killers at your door daily? NO

how many guns are stolen in burglaries from law abiding home owners?


sporting shooters - store them at your club, or the local police.

and once the owners who NEVER maintain their weapons cant get access again, the problem is half over.
Charlton Heston set in stone "Thou shalt have guns" as a thirteenth commandment and isn't 13 the unlucky number!!

He made his bullet proof (hopefully) bed and now he has to lie in it. That is how I remember him, guns guns guns and his bellowing for the right of the citizen to bear arms - no matter that it meant the taking away of the right to life of innocent citizens

his movies were far gone in history and I think he was desperately wanting to get attention and the gun lobby was his only means of that other than the Dame Edna show on which he appeared - I can't remember if he and the viewers enjoyed it

RIP Heston and now we hope the living will be able to be more peaceful in life.

Charlton Heston was synonymous with the gun lobby. It is what he is remembered for. It is what he wanted to be remembered for. He used his position as an actor to influence others to support guns. We are sick? You must be kidding. No apologies here!