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Bring back the chat room

There was a chat room? Wow where has this been all my life.

Isn't there a function to override people who use obscenities and then permanently ban them ala MIRC chat?
There was a chat room? Wow where has this been all my life.

Isn't there a function to override people who use obscenities and then permanently ban them ala MIRC chat?

Yes, you could ignore people if you wanted to (but really, is anyone actually that sensitive?) and it would be very easy for the administrators of the site to ban people from chat. All standard features of a chat program.
Re: Bring back the chat room.

The problem with the chatroom is that there are so many ratbags and $hit$tirrers out there, unlike you and me your habitsome.

Nulla does a good job, but its too fast comment to moderate efficiently.

A bit like in the nunnery and picking wirgins. Its a random act.

Re: Bring back the chat room.

I reckon !

makes the world go round

happy festives to you and yours
Unfortunately the chat bar doesn't allow people to chat more than one on one. (If i'm wrong and anybody knows how to let a group chat, jump in and let us know).

The other chatters have found another site using flashchat. It is like being in comsec general chat, save me Joe!!! (Taz managed to get himself banned already, lol).
Well the chat bar didn't work and has now been consigned to the "chat bar bin". Every time I tried to open messages the contents were deleted. So if anyone tried to chat with me, please note I wasn't ignoring you, just couldn't open your message.
Well the chat bar didn't work and has now been consigned to the "chat bar bin". Every time I tried to open messages the contents were deleted. So if anyone tried to chat with me, please note I wasn't ignoring you, just couldn't open your message.

I've temporarily disabled the chat bar until the new version arrives, which should be very soon.
After carefully considering all feedback I have decided to reinstall the old live chatroom. I should get around to doing this over the coming weekend.
After carefully considering all feedback I have decided to reinstall the old live chatroom. I should get around to doing this over the coming weekend.

Thank you Joe. Would it be appropriate to post some "Rules & Guidelines" here first in respect of acceptable behaviour and outcomes for transgressions?
cheers Joe

A much needed and valuable resource

If worried about behaviour of some why not give Nulla a "nuke " button to zap the norty kids when they want to play up.
After carefully considering all feedback I have decided to reinstall the old live chatroom. I should get around to doing this over the coming weekend.

Been a slight delay on this due to some technical difficulties, but it should be back within a week.
Been a slight delay on this due to some technical difficulties, but it should be back within a week.

We are queueing up Joe. A week is a long time in the share market.
Might be a class action brewing for lost opportunities due to the inability to exchange information and highlight intraday trade oportunities. lol, it was nunthewisers idea, really.
Might be a class action brewing for lost opportunities due to the inability to exchange information and highlight intraday trade oportunities

Probably not a good idea really, considering you would all probably have to pay Joe for all the money you didn't lose from all the bad tips that go on in that room:
Probably not a good idea really, considering you would all probably have to pay Joe for all the money you didn't lose from all the bad tips that go on in that room:

We only lose on the forex and spi options bandied about. The good oil from the Geraldton Taxi driver is worth its weight in cocky poop any day.
Probably not a good idea really, considering you would all probably have to pay Joe for all the money you didn't lose from all the bad tips that go on in that room:

We only lose on the forex and spi options bandied about. The good oil from the Geraldton Taxi driver is worth its weight in cocky poop any day.

A cheeky but good point nmr, it would be interesting to have nn publish his trading record with and without the chat room.


As a past regular, I realise we caused you a few headaches Joe, but I am pleased to hear the Chat Room will be reinstated. It can be a great place to get diverse opinions on the market from many diferent people trading within their own framework.

PS...if I come back, can I have the mod spot??? I would love a "boot button" at times

And another thing, the chat site introduces members to each other far better than simply posting to threads.
I vote for milo as the mod. If there was ever a level headed and responsible chatter it is milo.
A cheeky but good point nmr, it would be interesting to have nn publish his trading record with and without the chat room.



Unfortunately this is not possible gg. I received an invite to join the chat room at the time the gfc was gaining momentum in September 2008. At that point I was a passive investor riding my losses.
Since joining the chat room I have become an active swing trader. My trading activity has increased accordingly. If I was to post trade details, before/after, it could make peolpe incorrectly think that the chat room was responsible for all the increase.
Hi Joe (and fellow ASF posters)

I notice that the "Chat bar" has re-appeared on the screen. Does this mean you are not reinstaling the Flash Chat "Chat Room" for everyone to access?


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