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Brexit OUT of EU: What happens now?

Christmas present of finally getting Brexit for Britain Its taken over 4 years I think. I will give Boris points for being hard nosed.
Christmas present of finally getting Brexit for Britain Its taken over 4 years I think. I will give Boris points for being hard nosed.
Well having France tell everyone what to do, would have been unacceptable, sounds like a 5 year fishing amnesty has been agreed upon.
Christmas present of finally getting Brexit for Britain Its taken over 4 years I think. I will give Boris points for being hard nosed.

Looking like a worse deal than what May achieved and was rejected could well end up a noose for Boris still will take a few years to play out.

One thing about the Brits when it comes to politicians the are all happy to feed off the carcass of their leaders god bless them.
Is it? I am eagerly awaiting an analysis.
Just read the headlines.
Is it? I am eagerly awaiting an analysis.
Just read the headlines.

Both sides will need to look like winners and agree devil in the detail analysis unfortunately puff and wind in the headlines.
Is it? I am eagerly awaiting an analysis.
Just read the headlines.
I'm with you on that, however I will be surprised if Boris makes it to the next election, now the media has finished with Trump all guns will be blazing for Boris.
Then it will be Morrison's turn, IMO it will be too obvious to attack both Johnson and Morrison together, just my opinion but time will tell.
Morrison is taking flak on Twitter in similarities to what was used on Trump. Seen it creep onto news site comments. Looks like paid/activist comments.
The impact of Brexit on trade and industry across the UK is "challenging" . More accurately however was the following description.
Impact on UK economic activity is horrendous.

That's expected. It was never going to be a bed of roses
That's expected. It was never going to be a bed of roses

Funny. I have absolutely no recollection of these types of difficulties being acknowledged by the Brexit movement. Nah it was all gunna be sweet..

And Remainers who pointed out that leaving the EU with its open borders and agreed protocols meant being a different country which had to go through all the processes of entry and exit were overrun and ignored.
It was mentioned over and over. You yourself brought up a lot of articles with the issues. Why on earth would you think that such a huge transition wouldn't have issues?

Eventually those issues get sorted though and your nation isn't under the thumb of greedy politicians from multiple EU zones.

Just. Totally.Ignored.The.Point. As. Usual..

In no universe did the Brexit Bullshitters freely acknowledge the massive problems facing England as a "free" country that now has to come to terms with the inevitable friction of trade and passage into/out of the EU. These were always disputed, denied or derided.

Of course the truckies, exporters and travellers can "sort the issues". Unfortunately many of them will simply not be economically sorting them with the EU community. The figures will not work. That was always the issue of walking away from a Common Market with agreed universal rules and instant easy access.

And a nice little throwaway piece of poison to finish off.
Ohh so you just wanted to pi$$ and moan because your enemies on the right must be crushed. Not the fact that you would have to be completely stupid to think that "there would be no problems". Actually I think the blanket statement that "no brexit supporters mentioned the consequences" as brainless as the previous statement. Keep going though with your partisan flavoured bs though. God knows where you lap this rubbish up
Any massive change will have issues, it is whether the change brings about a better outcome in the long term, doing nothing only means the constant slide continues.
But from what I'm hearing many appear to like the idea of falling living standards and the gap between rich and poor becoming bigger, I guess if a person is on the right side of the equation all is good.
That is obviously why the rich are turning to the left parties and the working class is moving to the right.
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