thanks jt, - I'll check em out. (I don't read more than 2 or 3 books a year , most of my reading is on the internet)
By pre-christian you mean? lol - hek, Chaucer was 14th C ?? lol.
I post some here for you to enjoy
You thinking Dead Sea Scrolls maybe
PC meaning cultures prior to the enlightenment of the crusades, inquisitions, assorted bastardry in the name of the 'church', empire that sort of thing.
Unfortunately the classics don't hold my attention for long (re:chaucer) I find literature for literatures sake punishing (bit like modern art) although have tried to read many of the 'greats' I find myself skimming to finish.
Just not my cup of tea.
I read some modern philosophy but mainly biography's / business / science.
'The Last Explorer' about south australian born Hubert Wilkins (who I'd never heard of!) should be part of the curriculum imo.