Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

BOOKS - What are ASF members reading?

Colin Thiele, Storm Boy.

It's the first book I've read in my life - it's a beautiful book and film about a boy growing up in the Coorong in South Australia and a Pelican called Mr. Percival.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment

This is the second book I read - it was far heavier than storm boy, and after reading this book I wasn't really interested in picking up another book again.

It tells the story of the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, an impoverished ex-student in St. Petersburg who formulates and executes a plan to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker for her money. But it's way deeper than that - it's got heaps of hidden meanings and all that sort of stuff.

This made me laugh, yep Crime and Punishment is a tad heavier than Storm boy, both books that I really enjoyed reading many years ago. I wish I had the time and mental capacity to start reading Dostoyevsky's works again.

At the moment I am reading "Financially Free, Think Rich to be Rich" A woman's guide to creating wealth by Anne Hartley.

It was on my bookshelf and I have no idea where it came from, it jumped into my hand last week and I cannot put it down.

Change your attitudes, Change your habits, Expand your horizons and create wealth.
If you want to be rich don't deprive yourself, do pamper yourself, live prosperously now and plan for an affluent future.
Anne Hartley has helped thousands of women and couples to become wealthy.
Her own success story is living proof of the philosophy of Financially Free.
Does listen to audio book on the way to work count? :D
if it counts

Why Smart People Do Stupid things

and Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior

I like these sort of books it help me buy good stocks in the bear market, when other people bailed out :)

when CCV fall like a hammer to 60c and below because of an AFR article, that mentioned in the Sway book well not CCV but the same Irrational Behavior
Just finished:
Game of Thrones - George RR Martin (great, but complex read. Read the book before you watch the TV series)
Killing Pablo (boring)

Sylvia - Bryce Courtney (not his best work)
"A Beautiful Mind" by Sylvia Nasar
It is a compelling book about a phenomenal figure, the mathematician John Nash.

I finished not too long ago, Godel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid

The book was fantastic and rather paradigm changing - certainly an enlightening read for those interested in Philosophy and Mind.
"What's Your Dog Telling You?"

by Martin McKenna.

I've read a lot of books about dog behaviour and training and have trained a fair few dogs.

The above book is more useful than all the others put together. Martin McKenna, following an abusive childhood in Ireland, left to live on the streets as a quite young teenager. Distrustful of people, he adopted as his 'family' a disparate group of stray dogs. This is where he first learned about the fundamental need of a dog to be part of a pack, and to have a clearly defined leader.

He explains how dogs only see us through this pack structure and if we do not act like a calm leader always in control of any situation, the dog will feel obliged to try to take this control. Hence 'testing' dominant behaviours like jumping up on you, leaning against you, putting a paw on your foot , standing in your way etc.

No need to get angry with a dog or shout at it when you understand Martin's much more logical way to allow your dog to feel comfortable in its place in the pack.
Re: Looking for a book

I'm due to start reading, time permitting, two books written by Sharyn Munro who lives on The Barrington Hills. One is 'The Woman on the Mountain' and the other 'Mountain Tails' from Exisle Publishing Limited of Narone Creek Road, Wollombi, NSW 2325.

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"The Fear Index" by Robert Harris.

A scientist designs an algorthmic hedge fund called VIXAL, programmed to run on "The Fear Index".

All goes well and billions are made, but then VIXAL refuses to obey the instructions of its creators.

A great read which includes some of the factual occurrences of 2010.
Reading 'A Feast for Crows', the fourth book in the Song of Ice and Fire series by George R R Martin.

Yeh i am now up to the 5th (or 6th depending how you count them) "A Dance with Dragons". Martin has defintely revolutionsed the fantasy genre. We are seeing the next Lord Of The Rings being created right now, in 50yrs time people will look back and be amazed at this series.

The 6th book is about 1/4 complete and then one more to come after that
I recently finished reading "Fooled By Randomness". At first I found Nassim's style of writing quite annoying, but this very quickly changed, and I found it hard to put the book down. This book was a real thought-provoker for me, and has really opened my eyes to the power of randomness/luck. I have purchased a couple of his other books and am eager to read them.

I am currently reading Trend Commandments by Covel. It is quite different to Covel's earlier work. It is more about the principals/philosophy of trend following and life, and is broken down into extremely short chapters (some only a single page long). This makes it very easy to read. The book is full of quirky quotes/references, ranging from The Matrix and The Simpsons, to successful trend followers, philosophers, academic journals, and everything in between. He doesn't hold back in some of his criticism, particularly that of modern financial news and Warren Buffett. It is quite different to anything I've read before. Covel certainly has a unique, unconventional style of writing...
Nothing Was The Same
Kay Redfield Jamison.

Outstanding "explanation" from personal experience of the similarities / differences between grief and clinical depression.

Not an academic read.
Been flying through the books lately...

Cry of the Curlew series (Cry of the Curlew, Shadow of the Osprey, Flight of the Eagle) by Peter Watt - excellent

Satan Burger by Carlton Mellick III - one of the bizarro genre. VERY different o_O

Currently reading Rose Madder by Stephen King

I also have a bunch of non-fiction books that I constantly have my nose in.
I don't read a lot of books, normaly too busy fixing things.
However I have bought my wife a kindle touch, waiting for it to arrive.
Load up 1,400 books, might shut her up and get her off my back .LOL
I don't read a lot of books, normaly too busy fixing things.
However I have bought my wife a kindle touch, waiting for it to arrive.
Load up 1,400 books, might shut her up and get her off my back .LOL

Mrs G has a Sony and reads murders.

If I ever stop posting remember this.
