Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Boat People

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I don't know what point you are trying to make, but you obviously haven't read my post # 30 on this thread.
I was implying my surprise at you making a somewhat positive comment about the boat people and my surprise that I agreed with one of your comments. :D

As for your post #30.
Perhaps Mr Rudd is on the wrong track when he rants about the people smugglers. Perhaps we should, after all, let the people smugglers decide who shall come to Australia. That way, we get the pick of the crop.
I simply mistook it as you using a tenuous implication to make another jibe at Rudd. While I am not a fan of Rudd, I am less of a fan of Howard and your lack of any impartiality within the political sphere is obvious.

If you were genuine about people smugglers being a better judge of a person than the UNHCR or the Australian Govt, surely Howard's; "We will decide who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come." would be the statement and position most diametrically opposite to your implied stance.
While I am not a fan of Rudd, I am less of a fan of Howard and your lack of any impartiality within the political sphere is obvious.

{emphasis mine}

I think it's fair to say that no one in this debate is impartial - such is life.
This couldn't be by chance. It seems to be a deliberate policy to select people whose cultures and lifestyles are so different from ours that assimilation is virtually impossible.

A high proportion of these have few relevant job or language skills, which makes them more welfare dependant. However this policy is not going to change if the UK example is any guideline.

I don't know what point you are trying to make, but you obviously haven't read my post # 30 on this thread.

Calliope, I think you've caused some puzzlement about an apparent change of attitude since your first quoted post above.
I, too, wondered if someone had hacked your account.

It's heartless & cruel to turn away boat people.
Shame on you Australia & shame on Cruddy for being such a weak wimp not standing up for human rights & instaed kow-towing to the media created xenophobes.
Not just picking out your post alone, Out Too Soon, but I always wonder why it is that the Left inevitably takes the moral high ground, implying that anyone who doesn't want to see everyone who decides they want to come to Australia without going through the standard application and assessment process, is cruel, heartless and without decency.

Could you perhaps clarify whether you would be happy to see no limit or conditions placed on whomever wants to come to Australia, whenever and by what means they want to come?
Not just picking out your post alone, Out Too Soon, but I always wonder why it is that the Left inevitably takes the moral high ground, implying that anyone who doesn't want to see everyone who decides they want to come to Australia without going through the standard application and assessment process, is cruel, heartless and without decency.

Could you perhaps clarify whether you would be happy to see no limit or conditions placed on whomever wants to come to Australia, whenever and by what means they want to come?
Very good question Julia, and I’d also like to know what vision these people have for the future of this country.

I imagine they probably see a beautiful peaceful multicultural society with the nation’s wealth being spread around evenly so that no one has a care in the world. Everyone lives together happily and harmoniously and at weekends we all go dancing hand-in-hand through fields of daisies and lush green grass.
I simply mistook it as you using a tenuous implication to make another jibe at Rudd. While I am not a fan of Rudd, I am less of a fan of Howard and your lack of any impartiality within the political sphere is obvious.

It is never wise to jump to hasty conclusions.

Calliope, I think you've caused some puzzlement about an apparent change of attitude since your first quoted post above.
I, too, wondered if someone had hacked your account.

Puzzlement? I see no contradiction. In the first post I was referring to migrant selection mainly with North Africa in mind. Boat people on the other hand mainly select themselves.

That said, it is good to see that you and derty are vigilant about hackers.
I imagine they probably see a beautiful peaceful multicultural society with the nation’s wealth being spread around evenly so that no one has a care in the world. Everyone lives together happily and harmoniously and at weekends we all go dancing hand-in-hand through fields of daisies and lush green grass.

Now that I've lost all my money, that's what I want too...

I don't believe it, I'm thinking like a boat person....

Maybe it would be better if I go get a loan from a loan shark, fly to Idon, pay a bribe, and come to Aussie on a boat ...

and, WOW, all those free lawyers would take my case all the way to the high court.

I can't think of any way to get free legals except to go for a boat ride.

What is really great, is that hard working Australians will pay for it.

Merry xmas...
Hey mellifuous... that’s a good point! Maybe these “refugees” are actually a bunch of Storm Financial victims who lost their houses and owe money and are now trying to get a free house and generous financial support.
Hey mellifuous... that’s a good point! Maybe these “refugees” are actually a bunch of Storm Financial victims who lost their houses and owe money and are now trying to get a free house and generous financial support.

Could be, there's a rumor that all the flights from Townsville and Brisbane to Jakarta are all filled up .. you might be right...

I'm dreaming of a new 'gimme' apartment, regular income, subsidized phone, health card, free legals, ethnic affairs support --- ops they mightn't give me that because my grandparents are from England.. how unfair.

Still, even if Ethnic Affairs won't pay for the dartboard, I might be able to enjoy the Chinese fireworks, or Sri Lankan curry nites, but no Guy Fawkes night.

No problems for those free spirited Australians who just love to pay the costs for all of us lost souls, for years, and years, and years.

On the other hand, these new 'boat people' might just end up being great competition for Indian restaurant owners.

That's right, immigration has given us a lot of eateries.

Gud onya Aussies...
I imagine they probably see a beautiful peaceful multicultural society with the nation’s wealth being spread around evenly so that no one has a care in the world. Everyone lives together happily and harmoniously and at weekends we all go dancing hand-in-hand through fields of daisies and lush green grass.

Sounds good to me : )

Having a negative outlook everytime there is a change in society, doesnt help anyone.
Rudd's credibility on Border Protection is on the line. Will he submit to the Tamils' sit-down strike, or will he show some backbone?

The whole situation is now a complete farce. For the cost of this operation we could give each of the 78 a $100,000 hand out and take them home where they could live like kings.,25197,26282995-7583,00.html

As Smith signalled, this is a case of asylum-seekers trying to decide what country will process their claims and what country will become their new home if those claims are upheld. Asylum-seekers have no such rights under the 1951 Refugee Convention. The situation is exactly the reverse of the interpretation given wide currency this week. Far from Australia ignoring its obligations under the convention, the asylum-seekers are insisting on rights they do not possess under the convention.

It is obvious what should happen: if the Sri Lankans are serious about being refugees they should leave the boat immediately and claim refugee status from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

Their real purpose, however, is different. It is to self-select Australia and to resist any effort to have the UNHCR process their claims outside Australia. "It's not their choice," Smith told the AM ABC radio program. "It's not a matter for the Sri Lankans on board to choose where they make their application for refugee status. We absolutely defend their right to make that application."

The spectre of an ignominious retreat now overhangs Rudd and Smith that would see them forced to bring the asylum-seekers to this country. Such a move would destroy Rudd's credibility on border protection and represent an Australian submission to the campaign by boatpeople to self-select Australia as their home.
Rudd's credibility on Border Protection is on the line. Will he submit to the Tamils' sit-down strike, or will he show some backbone?

The whole situation is now a complete farce. For the cost of this operation we could give each of the 78 a $100,000 hand out and take them home where they could live like kings.,25197,26282995-7583,00.html,27574,26284768-421,00.html

"... For the cost of this operation we could give each of the 78 a $100,000 hand out and take them home where they could live like kings. ..."

Or, they could give me the $7.8m and I'd live like a king.
We write pages and pages of crap that will not influence our leaders who have democratically elected license to do as they please.

Just hope, we will not have Bali or 9/11 on our soil !

Are you serious?

Letting boat people in is going to lead to a 9/11 or Bali style bombing?
Are you serious?

Letting boat people in is going to lead to a 9/11 or Bali style bombing?

I hope not, but shouldn't the air force keep the F-111s for a little while longer, just in case?

And if they do, then they'll be able to do some more nighttime fuel dumps down along the Brissie River.

See, we really should look on the bright side (of life).
I'm mildly surprised at how many unsympathetic and selfish people there are around.

Some of the comments here are pretty sad imo. You would think these boat people are leaving nice, stable lives and are coming here for a free ride. Most of these people are leaving behind atrocious living conditions in hope for a better life with chances they could be dead before they even reach here and if they do reach here be sent straight back home. They could also end up in debt to the people smugglers who they might be paying back for the rest of their lives. And most of them do this to give their families & children a chance at better lives.

From my experience most of the ones who are lucky enough to stay end up contributing a great deal to our society and put in a lot of work to make the most of the opportunity given to them.

I'm not saying let them all in or have no entry requirements etc etc, because tbh I don't have all the answers. I just would have thought there would be a bit more understanding and compassion for people who are a lot worse off then us and are desperate to escape to a better life. If any of us were in the same positions would we be any different? I don't think so.
The great juggling act.


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Nomore4s, if we had room to spare in our hospitals, schools, and the like this would be good, BUT we don't. They have passed 4 country's to get here, none of them have a war going on, why do they want to come here??? the land of milk and honey, and WELFARE. SEND ALL OF THEM HOME.:cool:
If any of us were in the same positions would we be any different? I don't think so.

And if any of them were in our position would they be any different than we are? I don't think so either.

Is Sri Lanka a bad place anyway?

I might be wrong, but I'd guess that Sri Lankans who have come here through the proper processes would not be happy about seeing what these folk are doing.

Australia allows a set number of people in, and those in the boats could be part of that - they're just queue jumpers.

Of course, everyone wants a better life, but we have laws - laws against theft prohibit me from stealing my neighbor's crops or livestock - Australia has immigration laws which prohibit particular behavior.

Lastly, these queue jumpers cost us money - in Brisbane Ms. Blight is selling off the family jewels, in Sydney it's no better. Our hospitals are underfunded, and yet, all these folk come to us in boats at great expense to us - money that could go to benefit our own families.

I'd put mine before theirs anytime of the day.

Even Senator Fielder has misgivings about supporting Labour's amendments to the immigration act.

Look at the cost, why doesn't he dip into his pocket to help pay for the debacle - after all, he contributed to it - after all, he's 'Family First', but, whose family does he put first?
Nomore4s, if we had room to spare in our hospitals, schools, and the like this would be good, BUT we don't. They have passed 4 country's to get here, none of them have a war going on, why do they want to come here??? the land of milk and honey, and WELFARE. SEND ALL OF THEM HOME.:cool:

Pilots you've missed the point of my post, I'm not saying let them in or greet them with open arms. Like I said I have no idea of how best to handle them.

It's just some of the comments highlight to me what sort of society we are becoming and I find it pretty sad really.
The Sri Lankan Government states there no reason for them to have left in the first place and have given them assurance they will not be ostracizsed on their return.

If the Sri Lankan Government can give Australia, the United Nations, the UNHCR and the rest of the world this assurance in some formal documentation, I say send them back to Sri Lanka.

With regards to Afghan and Pakistan illegal immigrants, I would suggest to Mr. Rudd, bring to Australia, give them 6 months Army training and send them back to fight the Taliban, with a reminder that our Aussies are over there doing their fighting for them.

Shoe some GUTZ and leadership Mr. Rudd.
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