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Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading thread

Bitcoin has the potential to rocket if the el Salvador thing pulls through.
I still think it's a crap way to transact though
Bitcoin has the potential to rocket if the el Salvador thing pulls through.
I still think it's a crap way to transact though
I think a better way could be a local currency parity first.but for that you need a crypto not jumping high and low, maybe the gold crypto if not a scam bring back gold standard for purchase, outside gov reach

LOL I can't take the acting United States Attorney Northern District of California serious looking like that in the picture
nice to be short when the bid auction falls to bits
..."yes but when x happens it'll go to the moon, Gromit.."
Bitcoin has the potential to rocket if the el Salvador thing pulls through.
I still think it's a crap way to transact though
Do you know if El Salvador has a Bunnings and whether if I buy BTC I can spend it there?

Alright I've bought another 60 @ $26.08. Let's see if I get a nice scalp or I end up having to DCA it down to save my ass (again).
Ok guys I'm going to have to consult the forum experts here.

Ok so @moXJO @Skate something really weird is going on. The numbers in my portfolio have changed to a green colour and I've never seen this before. Every other time I've checked them they've always been red.

What do I do? Should I just wait for them to change back to red again?

Oh well. At least my first buy is well into the green.

Edit: sold @ $30.80. Let's see how long until the next scalp.
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Just in case anyone's wondering how many dip buys & flip (scalp) opportunities have presented themselves over the last few weeks.

Almost all of which have been a solid 10-15% movement within 24 hours.
Got a bump off El Salvador confirmation. Personally I think it's just a gimmick play. But hodlers and fanboys will love it.
I think both moXJO and Value Collector are right.
To me trading is a skill set that you learn and practice, the trade takes very little research on underlying fundamentals and relies on indicators and trends and the skill of the trader to identify them, which is exactly what @moXJO said.
Value investors work more on a practical underlying intrinsic value model, where there is a market for the product and a company that can supply that market and grow the business, which is a completely different set of parameters. Which is @Value Collector s preferred model.

Both investment disciplines, rely on the skill of the investor to identify the correct parameters and basically boils back to the investors tolerance for risk/reward.

As for me I'm way too cautious, so it is the slow road for me, I may not end up rich but I don't think I'll end up homeless either.
But crypto's certainly are one of those things, it would have been nice to have got on in the early days, oh well back to the plod.
I think it is one of those things in life, if you really have been on the bones of your ar$e with nowhere to go and a family to feed, the fear of going back there never leaves you and makes you ultra cautious.
if cats could trade they'd rule the world because they cannot be herded

last nights lift in (xbt) btc was a nice hook, i got short on 38k area, the risk directly above,
that was a nice round target for minnows to be corralled to
we still have a series of lower highs, single downlines/uplines that get snapped are arbiters of trade, they have no context, linear ideas
to have the sense of control over price direction, elusive at best
as the smart money knows every-thing-trade, there is to know, they also know that snapping lines is great for trapping
wannabe chartists who are super keen to bid the never ending gift of personal stardom,
it's not about the money, it's about the infamy, all ideas are an equal playing field, yet if one group has more money, like whales
group together to corale tiny fish, they can use their skill to drive price up, everyone follows, whales reverse, fish keep coming

sell into strength, buy into weakness, sure, but how do you know the intent is to have the auction look bullish or bearish

btc is one of the few manias where we cannot see the mechanics of the mania - that's what makes a mania!

when you drive, you look at the car in front of the car you are behind
trendlines (arbitrary without context) or moving averages (that lag) all serve the same purpose, they fill roll of distraction from
price and intent

as soon as the 38k level was hit socmed lit up like a christmas tree, a top anecdotal sign the hook was in

Pearl and matic have been decent trades for me the last couple of days.
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