Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

So you do not have anything to offer me or to anybody else who is a member of this forum.

It appears that you only have cyncisms and personal character assination of another person that you do not agree with.* So much for freedom of speech! well I will say you can remain where you are.* OneDayWealth will succeed because the man behind it has character.* So what if the man goes on to become wealthy and successful.* I will say good luck on him.
Finally, I did not asked to be given "warning bells" or parental advice.* I am mature enough to make my own decisions. You guys who have posted here hundreds of time in the past - I will say this to you: that is not a qualification for anything. May be some of you should take a closer look at your past posts and see how much of them were negatives and how many actual helped other members and traders.

Goodluck on your journey.
Mod you can delete all links and can delete all my posts or even this whole stupid thread.

Jaxon, cutz and all your other gutless lurkers you are defaming me and calling me a liar and I take offence at your accusations. Every single word on my website is true. All trades are real and can be proven. You are small and useless people who will never amount to anything.

Prove it then!
Hi guys, I started my road in wealth creation 4 years with 21st century academy who use to be good but are now just a marketing machine.

I then did Nik Haliks Technical Analysis course which taught me alot about charting also read many books by Louise Bedford and Chris Tate which i found to be very good but it hasn't been until i met Bill Stacy that I actually found a system of how to put all of that together and actually place a trade.

After many years of being jaded about how to trade options i stumbled across Bill Stacy site OneDayWealth and remember hearing about him through 21st century(which he now has no association with since they sold out and became a marketing superhighway) and planet wealth. Late one night about 11.30 i decided to send Bill of an email to ask if i could arrange a time to have a chat with him, straight away i got an email back with his home phone number saying give him a call now. So I called him and we talked for nearly two hours about his course and life in general, I found him to be a very down to earth and sincere person.

Over the next few days i talked with my family and decided to do his course, I looked through his training options and decided if i was going to do this i wanted the best training possible to give me the best chance at succeeding, so i decided to do his 3 days personal training at 10k where he basically stays at the closest hotel to you for 3-5 days and trains you in his method. I called Bill up and after a discussing my options and my background he told me i had enough background in T.A. analysis that to buy his Put Spread dvd's and wait for his Day Trading dvd's to come out which he would include for free. At the time the Put Spread dvd's were only $1,700. Now he's taking a $8,300 loss to save me money to add to my trading bank, Now can any of you tell me of any other course around that talks you out of buying their most expensive course.... it's alright i think i know the answer..

I have now learn't Bill's method of Day Trading Options and am currently live paper trading his method Mon-Fri from 9am-4pm over the last 2 weeks of using his very simple method of trading breakouts off new highs or lows i have turned an 18k trading bank into 34k, not all trades have been winners but i get out of trades at my predetermined stoploss point or when i have either hit my 10% profit point or the rules show no need to exit and let my profit run untill my clear exit signal shows up. The private traders chatline that he runs is a godsend, being able to chat to other people who have done the course and be talking and watching the same stocks and not trading alone is worth the cost of the course in itself.

I will continue to paper trade untill i am confident enough that his system works, but it is so simple that it will not be far off.

Over the last 5 months of being a member of OneDayWealth member i have found Bill Stacy to be a very down to earth and sincere person. He has a real passion for helping people achieve financial freedom and for the first time in a very long time i can actually see my future looking positive. Bill is a person of integrity and someone i am proud to be associated with.

You know what?

I'm done with you guys. What a bunch of losers. Jackson you are a moron. I'm trying to help people here and all you can do is critisize and complain like a bunch of bitter old women. You wouldn't know a genuine opportunity if it came and smashed you in the face!

Paul, grow a brain.
I think this thread has run its course. Thread closed.
You know what?

I'm done with you guys. What a bunch of losers. Jackson you are a moron. I'm trying to help people here and all you can do is critisize and complain like a bunch of bitter old women. You wouldn't know a genuine opportunity if it came and smashed you in the face!

This's the attitude we recieved years ago!
& you guys saw it for yourselves!

Hi Guys,
My Husband and I being former 'victims' of planet wealth & Andrew Dimitri & Bill Stacey's "spruiking" "Retire tommorrow using our one size fits all strategy" , & we'll even help you mortgage your house/s to help facilitate this ,etc.. type of hype...Well, I just have throw my 'hat' in the ring.

I have been looking for a place to be heard unbiastly, & possibly reach-out to fellow victims or prospective 'newbies' at risk of losing their shirts also.

Fianally, I came across a google search revealing Bill Stacy's attempt at spreading his "false utopia" on your forum.
Although I'm approx. a year late in adding my two bob's worth [better late than never], I have to note I was a little bemused & found It refreshing to see your forum members slice right through his B.S. spin, probably saving some unsuspecting souls [newbs] from financial ruin.

My story?
Well I was one of many 'suckers' effectively stolen away from 21st century academy, to be conjoled into Andrew & Bill's first experiment at trying their hand at running their own wealth education site in 2004, [PLANET WEALTH]

where they spruiked the "Dimitri stategy" Which was really just the 'bull put credit spread'....Thats right, he put his own name on it, something he later flatly denied, when a few of us were seeking legal action.

He also denied writing an e-book describing what a viable 'retire now' strategy it was!
where they stated that the so called proffessionals were just PLAIN WRONG when they argued the big risks involved. [page 15]

When I offered to sit-down with respective reprsentatives & openly display & disscuss this material to refresh their memmories, the resounding answer was quote: "that's not going to happen!".....HMMMMM.?

Coming from people, fellow AUSSIES that said they didn't need to hide behind disclaimers & legal teams etc..Like some other shysters do!...Again HMMM.

It's like de-javu, when looking back in the early days of planet wealth, when the forum was FREE & almost anybody could give their unbiased opinion....

I look back & remember people not unlike yourselves, trying invane to warn the un-initiated, about the pitfalls of such a strategy!
People who were quickly chased-off, before the site became "paid-up" members only!

An environment which soon became one of vurtual idol-worship! [god sindrome] "I'm right, because I am" attitude!

we were "Harvested" suckers, who seemed to lose their right to objective debate, & soon the ability to privately communicate via e-mail or personal messages on the forum. [disabled]

A seemingly cultish environment, whereby any fair-minded objective discussion about risk was met with a hostile interjection by Andrew, which was almost always followed up with a commical & subject changing, long-winded, post by Bill! [the clown!] 'adjective'

How do I know this?..
Becuase I was one of the few who dared defy their spin routine, & start threads, one of which was centered on our true risks & planet wealths' "money pie" money managment philosophy!...Risking half of your bank on various put spreads at any one time!...

How much you risk all-up is up to you they said???...But at the same time encouraging & assisting people to mortgage their homes, where 50 to 100k was the usual, & appeared to set the pace! [something bill has openly addmitted after he left].

Well, the above mentioned thread, which quickly skated out of their control, went approx. 60 posts & was viewed around 3500 times in 6 weeks!!!
Not bad, considering the next 'most viewed' thread had 900 views over 1 year!

It wasn't long before people owned-up & faced-up to the public humiliation of their true losses [me included, two houses & approx. & 150,000 in cash!]
One by one, they would 'take a bow' & sign-off for good!

A month later, planet wealth shut down [december 2007] then re-invented itself,[early 2008] susposedly taking on-board the 'constructive' critisism, before spruiking more conservative strategies, also outlining the risk profiles of the more speculative strategies.
Something my solictor & myself politeley suggested!
Something Andrew & Bill would admonish me for saying, but went ahead & did it anyway!!!

I don't know a great deal about the "new" planet wealth, but one last heated debate between myself & Andrew Dimitri [64 minutes according to him] revealed all but one person had not been with him for more than a year, at that time [early 2008].

A seemingly typical M.O. for these so-called wealth educators, who appear to have no end of newbies being drawn into their spin advertising , never to be heard from again!

This one on one debate finally came about after Andrew & I think, Bill had me barred from the site..
All because I went about informing a complete newb' about the potential perils of their "volitility advantage" strategy, by showing him a recent post by a poor soul who had just blown 80k in one month!..
Using I believe, Andrew's American affiliate/trader who is also involved with OPTIONETICS.
Boy, Did Andrew get stuck into me for that!

So much for objectivety! & open unbiast disscussion?

My main point, [apart from getting some issues of my chest] is to EMPHASIZE the importance, of an open forum, where, any BULL@#$T will be exposed for what it is!
And hopefully save the inexperienced from repeating my/our mistakes!

Kind regards,
Vicki :)

p.s. why haven't I spoken-out ealier? solicitor advised against going to the media [today tonight etc.]
For risk of being mis-quoted & pos. facing a liable defamation suit...JEEZ.

p.p.s.If there are any former planet wealth subscribers out there [2004-2007] please feel free to contact me & disscuss our experiences.

I went to one of those talks in Bris a few years back with a mate who had limited share trading
Very very slick Presentation about hedge funds and how you could not possibly loose with There help with phone calls and training
I do recall they were from the USA with lots of white boards charts and markers very very impressive till it came to the HIT !!!
you had to buy a computer program for about $10,000 but tonight for you its only $7,500 But as we have a very good crowd is only $5000
if you buy now and tonight. People were lined up to buy this fail safe program
Me I had a coffee and walked out

as the man said :castles made of sand"
Wow, you certainly do have a vivid imagination but I'm afraid a shocking memory Vicki.

99% of people who have ever had anything to do with me will tell you that I only ever try/tried to help and educate people who asked me to and my support is impecable. I am always there for all my clients and members unlike anyone else in the financial education industry.

In fact you yourself were one of those people and I helped you many many times. You asked and I gave and gave and gave but how many do you think listened? It doesn't look like my message got through to you at all which is a shame and the results were predictable.

If you remember clearly, I was the one who was encouraging you all to do your own trades and learn and practise as much as possible before risking money. I even paid out $4,000 of my own money as a reward to anyone who could complete a simple paper trading exercise because I could see that people were taking the easy way out and giving ALL their money to someone else to trade on their behalf. That was never the intention and anyone with a brain will only ever place money on a high risk strategy that they could afford to lose anyway. If you are complaining that you lost too much and it's all my (or someone else's) fault then why oh why did you risk so much money if you could NOT afford to lose it? That's irresponsible and 100% your fault whether you like it or not.

I'm sorry that you lost money but I'm glad you made some as well which I know you did. The fact that you let your losses keep running and running without doing anything at all about it to the extreme (and quite horrifying) extent where you would lose two houses and $150,000 is stunning and I'm not really sure what to say apart "how could you let that happen?". Who was responsible for making your financial decisions? Who gave the measured authority to risk all that money? Whoever it was made some very big mistakes.

I am confident that true history will show that I did my best to try to educate all my members but the fact is that many wanted the easy way out. No study, no personal education or experience even attempted, and this acidic attitude that you are displaying right now is what got you into trouble - not a put spread.

Why did you not do your own trading? I was there almost every day answering and begging people to paper trade more and more (was I not?) but no, members wanted to do it less and less. If "being there" to support your people is what makes a forum seem "cultish" to you then I feel very sad for your inability to understand what real support looked like. That's what I was SUPPOSED to be doing! I can't speak for Andrew's responses but I always found them to be fair and very accurate.

I stand by every word I say and challenge you to provide one word of proof that I ever did anything wrong to you or anyone. I was (and still am) someone who is excited about offering possible paths to a better life through financial enrichment. I'm a capitalist not a communist and damn proud of it. I will always fight to present people with choices to help them make more money if that's what they are looking for...and let's face it...blaming someone else for trading losses that you had full control off is pretty childish.

If you are going to come onto a public forum and slander me in front of the world at least have the decency to tell the truth and take responsibility for your actions because obviously it was you who approached us for our information so I'm not sure how we or anyone could "harvest" you. We offer a product and you either buy it or your don't. If you do buy it you either follow the advice offered or your don't but in all cases you must accept responsibility for your own actions and grow up enough to realise that you made all your own mistakes. No one made them for you. If you are not suited to trading then how could we know that? If you were not capable of doing homework or following simple instructions, how are we supposed to know that?

We presume that we are dealing with grown adults who are capable of making their own decisions and accepting responsibility for them as well. No one forced you to do anything and for you to suggest that anyone did really says a little more about you than I think you realise. I'm always sorry when someone loses money but every good trader will have wins and losses all the time (especially when you chose to include attitudinal risk factors) if you don't know when to stop losing or don't care to learn the skill or craft to your maximum capacity then you really only have yourself to blame.

Also, I should add that a LOT of your seething anger should not even be directed at me as I was only (proudly) involved with Planet Wealth and Andrew Dimitri until December 2006. I then sold my shares and did my own thing. But really, no one put a gun to your head Vicki, No one forced you to risk even one cent. You asked us "how do you guys do what you do?" and we told you! The rest was up to you.

Why you are now choosing to blame all your investing decisions and losses on me is confusing, stunning, rude, inaccurate and untrue and therefore slanderous. You are clearly doing it so you can pass the blame for your losses onto someone else (in this case me). I hope people can see the real story here which is...

Educate yourself, by all means pay for it if you have to but as a grown adult you MUST take responsibility for all your risks.
I suggest all parties in this thread take a look at the 'Commercial Securities' thread also in order to see what possible outcomes there are for this thread...

Post wisely as we will not remove posts that do not break the site rules/T&C

Perhaps you can enlighten the forum as to what your "opportunity" entails. You don't have to get too specific, just what its all about and how someone like Vicki would have done better if she "listened".

Perhaps you can enlighten the forum as to what your "opportunity" entails. You don't have to get too specific, just what its all about and how someone like Vicki would have done better if she "listened".

At the time (2005-2006), I was involved in sharing with people who asked how Andrew Dimitri managed his Put Spread strategy. The main issue I saw was that no one did the paper trading exercises I laid out and prepared for all members. Andrew then started a "follow our trades" service (fully ASIC approved) and people just put all their money into that. The problem with that was that not everyone was at Andrew's risk tolerance. However the service was offered with many cautions to make sure you had the right amount of available capital.

My job (as I saw it) was to encourage people to learn the skill for themselves. I made software (a fancy spreadsheet) to help people monitor their trades and exit when the losses grew too large or uncomfortable. In fact I was the only guy strongly advising that people close their trades early and not leave them open for weeks on end. Most people ignored that and fell either in the "we'll let Andrew trade like himself for us" or the "she'll come back" camps.

That's why I offered thousands of my own money to get people to stop and think about what they were doing and to sit and run through my paper trading exercises. 4 people responded to the competition. 4.

I bet I could analyse every single trade that hurt Vicki and compare it against what I told her and many others to do (learn to manage her losses and trading herself) and I'm sure that if she had taken my suggestions and done her own homework and trading she would not be in this position now.

The only moral of this story is "If you pay for education - use it!"

If you are asking what I am doing now I will also answer that but I'm sure this is not the time and place for me to promote myself. I only want to answer these ludicrous and baseless allegations.
Thanks Bill.


At this point I ask that affiliates and trolls etc refrain from posting so we can keep this on track.... also pay heed to Prawn's wise council. Touchy legal territory here so all claims need to be able to substantiated if necessary.

Serve returned, ball in your court Vicki.
What if the original education is sub-par?

Good question. I suppose no education is ever totally complete. I tried to handle gaps in the education on a one by one basis because different people get confused on different things. That was my thing - to be there and available and responsive to questions.

The strategic premise was simple. Sell put spreads on rising stock. That requires interpretation from the trader so it would never be perfect (however it was always manageable). But this whole "educators are evil" vibe is silly and childish. I've known many educators in the last 6 years and I honestly believe that they all believe they are doing their best to provide all the information people need to get the results desired. I myself have bought dozens of thousands of dollars worth of courses and they have all helped but none ever had the answer to all trading questions so you build an education by applying your knowledge and exiting when you get it wrong.

I've never met one financial educator that intentionally set out to mislead or harm anyone. That's why threads like this irritate me. They do so much unnecessary harm to good people trying to help good people make good money. People are told to expect losses when they begin (doesn't every ebook or course start off by reminding people to be very careful?).
...but I've known many educators in the last 6 years and I honestly believe that they all believe they are doing their best to provide all the information people need to get the results desired.

Oh Bill, I can't believe you believe that.

Let's cut through the cr@p here. The prime motivation of any educator is to make a profit from selling courses/mentorship. Otherwise why not do it for free via a blog etc. Plenty do that and it is my observation that the quality of education via free resources such as Adam Warner's and Bill Luby's is generally a quantum leap higher than heavily marketed courses costing $000s.

There are some expensive courses that contain quality education, but IME these are a small minority, e.g. Cottle.

We all know the vast majority of vendors are pedalling rubbish and enriching themselves at the expense of naive punters.

I've never met one that intentionally set out to mislead or harm anyone.

I can think of several straight off the top of my head eg one pedalling a particularly irritating misnomer for covered calls. :rolleyes:
Oh Bill, I can't believe you believe that.

Let's cut through the cr@p here. The prime motivation of any educator is to make a profit from selling courses/mentorship. Otherwise why not do it for free via a blog etc. Plenty do that and it is my observation that the quality of education via free resources such as Adam Warner's and Bill Luby's is generally a quantum leap higher than heavily marketed courses costing $000s.

There are some expensive courses that contain quality education, but IME these are a small minority, e.g. Cottle.

We all know the vast majority of vendors are pedalling rubbish and enriching themselves at the expense of naive punters.

I can think of several straight off the top of my head eg one pedalling a particularly irritating misnomer for covered calls. :rolleyes:

Ok, fair call. There are probably a few out there who don't care as much as they should. I'll accept that. Not met any personally but you're probably right. The bad old days of the 80s and inflated Gold Coast apartment prices springs to mind. But stock market educators generally provide information and it's up to the individual to place that education in context. As for the misnomer, I know who you are talking about and he uses that term to help people get their heads around a previosuly difficult concept. I have no problem with analogies - I use them a lot.
As for the misnomer, I know who you are talking about and he uses that term to help people get their heads around a previosuly difficult concept. I have no problem with analogies - I use them a lot.

Analogies are Ok so long as there is a reasonable parallel. The misnomer, and the claimed returns, are nowhere near accurate.

As far as getting people to get their head around difficult concepts, and we are talking options here, there is no substitute for a through grounding in the basics, namely understanding pricing via the Greeks.

Said educator (and others), as far as I know actively discourages this, or at best does not do anywhere near an adequate job.
Analogies are Ok so long as there is a reasonable parallel. The misnomer, and the claimed returns, are nowhere near accurate.

As far as getting people to get their head around difficult concepts, and we are talking options here, there is no substitute for a through grounding in the basics, namely understanding pricing via the Greeks.

Said educator (and others), as far as I know actively discourages this, or at best does not do anywhere near an adequate job.

I agree. There is a danger in over simplifying things financial (though it's a great way to start). While the benefits clearly need to be marketed the risks and warnings must be sincere and clear.
Personally i dont see how anyone can charge for education unless they can provide broker statements showing a track record better than a given index :2twocents
Personally i dont see how anyone can charge for education unless they can provide broker statements showing a track record better than a given index :2twocents

Why would they even bother educating? It requires a lot of work to trade profitably.

Teaching a supposed profitable system to the masses, only reduces its likelihood of success in the future.

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