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BHP - BHP Group

Considering point #1 viz. consolidation;
Monopoly, duopoly etc bring lowered profitability, counter-intuitive, but there you go.

Therefore, consolidation far from being a positive, actually becomes a negative.

jog on
ducati916 said:
Considering point #1 viz. consolidation;
Monopoly, duopoly etc bring lowered profitability, counter-intuitive, but there you go.

Therefore, consolidation far from being a positive, actually becomes a negative.

jog on
the proverbial horse lead to water - and will die of thirst

Your proposal that BHP should be valued on a liquated basis is interesting, but so are train wrecks.

Hi kennas, I took the trade with BHP and wanted to try and pick the exit myself this time, based somewhat on what i've learned from his VSA theory.

I sold on the 21st because the i thought there was not enough demand for the stock. That day, there was less than average volume and quite a drop in price. I was away from the screen yesterday and it was this morning i noticed the high volume and close on the low, a sure sign of selling pressure. Later i logged onto Nick's site and noticed the advice.

There may be another opportunity yet to jump back in.

As far as the markets are concerned i'm nervous that the Shanghai composite is parabolic, the US is hot, and the XJO is getting hotter by the day. I'm concerned its like a perfect storm. I'm not holding as many specs now, and i have some bank stock atm, and some gold stocks. I really want to stay in as long as i can, but its getting difficult to control the urge to go into cash.

Fasten your seatbelt. The first day of years of pig in China sharemarket begins with a big bang on resources related stocks. Many of Energy, Copper, Gold, Nickel, Zinc, Aluminium, Iron and Steel stocks etc was suspended because it reach the daily limits +10%. That's right, +10%!!!

While the banks is on the downside, an clear indicator for sector switch. It might happen here locally. Let's see....
isn't chinese sharemarket fully priced? i mean their p/e's are much higher than ours!
One of the very few fundamentals I check is ex-div date -and I forgot to quit BHP friday
Instead of expected capital loss I get a dividend and a handy gain?
Halba said:
isn't chinese sharemarket fully priced? i mean their p/e's are much higher than ours!
Don't worry, here I am not ramping Chinese market. The average PE is 40+. Jim Rogers doesn't like. A one line contains "bubble" cause a minor correction. It is right back to its course, up, and up, to the record.

I try to point out a possible sea-change, the switch between resource and financial sector. It happened before in 1999? here, it might happen again soon.
hector said:
One of the very few fundamentals I check is ex-div date -and I forgot to quit BHP friday
Instead of expected capital loss I get a dividend and a handy gain?

I jumped out knowing i'd miss out on the dividend...but i didn't think it would come back so strong today.

My mistake.

It's funny, when I try to report a good news, the bad news follows right after. Chinese market crashed, big time. down more than 9%, I mean the whole -9%!!!

Almost 9 out of 10 stocks reached the daily down limit -10%! The only good news is damage to the energy and resources stock is not as serious as the others. Some of them hold a small gain over the first two trading days.

That explains why the Australian market down a lot in the after trading. I don't know what kind of implication to European and US market today.

We've been posting on the correction in the SPI thread, i think all of this is worth a thread, don't you? I posted a chart one of the Shanghai indexes over on the SPI thread. I got out this afternoon just before the market closed, sold everything, including BYR that just released a report! DOH! Even got rid of my other gold shares....this could be a blood bath for tomorrow!
Yes, if you want to start one.

Chinese market is totally overvalued, but still about half-way of what Japanese market in late 80s. People do remember what happen to Japanese market afterwards. So tend to get out early.

It caused by extremely money over supply. All retirement and investment fund can only buy Chinese A share. But there is only limited number of A shares you can buy in China.

The crash is not a news, but just when....

Check out the "next correction" thread Mmmmmm
BHP down 4% in London on Chinese market falling

What a great opportunity to buy heaps. I hope the seppos flog it even harder.

Chinese A Market is a joke and has completely seperated from any economic reality

Did the market rally based on this tin pot index booming ?

What a wonderful opportunity
CanOz said:
Check out the "next correction" thread Mmmmmm
canaaussieuck are you having trouble containing your excitement over the slightest possibility of a correction?
We might get to the Ducsters' valuation after all... I have a spot in my bottom drawer if so, until then just a piece of crap to buy and sell.
Well that piece off crap made me significant funds recently. Certainly wouldn't like to open a large position on any old piece of crap.......interesting viewpoint though.

ATM BHP is copping a further flogging on the FTSE.......might be another opportunity to buy some more crap just around the corner
constable said:
canaaussieuck are you having trouble containing your excitement over the slightest possibility of a correction?
Its this comment i now regret canaaussieuck !!!!!

Hard to establish whether it will be a buying opportunity, or a continued fall....

One things for sure, I will wait and bide my time until it looks just about right....

Next support level is at $26 and then we are back to $24 - but what a volatile ride of late!!!!!!

I am watching with anticipation!

Any other views of whether others are buying here???

Crap can be very profitable Everything I trade is a piece of crap.

"There's money in muck" as my father used to say.
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