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BHP - BHP Group

alternative question to myself IF i buy extra BHP do i buy in the other portfolio and participate in the DRP , ( since i resisted that temptation in the Commsec holding )

( a cash income v. asset growth question )
alternative question to myself IF i buy extra BHP do i buy in the other portfolio and participate in the DRP , ( since i resisted that temptation in the Commsec holding )

( a cash income v. asset growth question )
My thing about DRP, is whether when distributed it is the best time to add to that position, or if there is another place you might want to put it?
My thing about DRP, is whether when distributed it is the best time to add to that position, or if there is another place you might want to put it?
have recently noticed SOME companies only activate the DRP , when the current share price is above NTA ( and suspend it when lower ) which doesn't make certain DRPs all that attractive to me , after all companies already have the option of issuing extra shares or buying on-market to fill DRP needs

BTW i do not compulsively sign up to DRPs , now
ten years back when i was in 'the accumulation phase ' DRPs had their attractions , now that i am retired some DRPs hold less attraction and may be opted out of .

now BHP has brought in it's DRP rather late to be compelling to me ( at least for the current holding ) especially as the mid-term trend ( as i see it ) is lower ( both earnings and share price )

decisions, decisions ,can the ( div. ) cash be better deployed elsewhere sometimes yes , and sometimes the DRP is very attractive ( especially if offering a discount , as some do )

would i participate in the BHP DRP ( if i buy in the other portfolio ) hoping to 'average down ' as the share price trends lower , am still thinking on that

another factor is BHP is possibly going to pay 8% per year in divs. , that converted in extra shares is a tempting way to passively bulk up the holding ( in some other companies i wouldn't even think about that )
I am with you on DRP except the last 2 paragraphs. DRP n Compound Term Deposit Interests had their usefulness for me. As a retiree, I much prefer CASH n then buy more into it when Ex div share price fell. DRP will still be good when you are still young n have the time to accumulating wealth for retirement. This is my opinion.
Similarly to properties investments. After this last tax year, selling the last two is on my mind 100%. Too much money loss but no income to over ride it, much better to have it with us to enjoy Life.
alternative question to myself IF i buy extra BHP do i buy in the other portfolio and participate in the DRP , ( since i resisted that temptation in the Commsec holding )

( a cash income v. asset growth question )
It will depend on your own financial situation esp you are retired. We have a life pension to keep us happy. My portfolio is for play n able to sell if money is needed. No DRP for me. The grandkids have portfolio for them n the kids have the house.
Everyone financial state n lifestyle is different.
yes DRPs have their charms and time in the sun

they make a lot of sense for non-retired folks especially if the company pays franking credits ( to nibble away at your tax obligations )

but of course you still need to get into the weeds before opting in to DRPs not all DRPs will suit every investor
Forgot to include BHP's Financials as I see them... The Chart shown was done yesterday - the Chart in the above post is a bit more up-to-date...
View attachment 156119

Thank you Dr B for your precious time invested to provide me n the others for learning n awareness. Very much appreciated for your postings. I used to call out for Kazzy in Commsec n now it's you that I am shouting out for help. You guys are God Blessings to me.
i was planning to opt out of ( most ) in the DRPs i participated in at the start of 2020 , but health issues became apparent in 2017 , the pandemic in 2020 , and now the recent acquisition , may have shuffled around the goal posts
i might have to be more selective on the DRP cull ( and any new ones i join )

i will probably stick with the QBE plan it suits my strategy with that company some others are less compelling ( say WOW and BKL )

am still pondering a smallish holding of BHP , DRPed as an inflation resistor and let the larger holding still pay cash divs.
I chose not doing DRP couple of yrs back, it's due to health issue n age, don't want to leave mess behind for others to tidy up after I have to accept sooner than later. TLS is on DRP, this parcel started from the 1st tranche so there is a tidy sum there. Kept saying to myself, shift it out.
well BHP opened at sub $44 ( $43.91 ) for anyone interested

i bought a small parcel at open ( in the portfolio mentioned recently )

I still have outstanding for 42. Will leave it there n check later. Consensus is around 39.
my usual strategy is to nibble down in a down trend , but chances are i will not be rushing to add the next BHP parcel


the parcel i sold earlier in the month was @ $45.55 ( and more than twice the size ) , not exactly a windfall profit from a 'flip' but i was selling to fund a different venture

my cheapest parcel was $14.80 bought in January 2016 ( when it was full of 'fat ' ie still carrying S32 and the petroleum arm )

good luck
Bugger! Bugger! BHP at LOW this morning was 42 plus n I wanted a little lower. Would I get it today, I wonder.
OMG..shld I change my direction to MIN. What a drop!
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Further to my Sunday 23/4/823 11.42am post, it looks as though BHP will bounce off the Bottom Linear Regression Support Line (pages 139 to 142) tomorrow 27/4/23, Check out the CCI Indicator (pages 108 & 109), it should cross up through its WMA tomorra for a ST Uptrend, I will not enter now, Keeping my Powder Dry, I need to wait for a TA confirmation Signal tomorrow morning.....

Remember to DYOR....
Cheers.. DrB
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The following snapshot is BHP's Mkt Depth just after close 26/4/23 - will be interesting to see what the Stack is like @ 9.55am tomorrow..
View attachment 156254

Remember to DYO Bl@@dy Research...

Question I guess to consider with BHP, RIO & FMG is - with Iron ore currently dropping below US$100 how much further has it to fall ? will it drop to as low as US$80 ? knowing this we can extrapolate as to where BHP sp is headed near term imo
Question I guess to consider with BHP, RIO & FMG is - with Iron ore currently dropping below US$100 how much further has it to fall ? will it drop to as low as US$80 ? knowing this we can extrapolate as to where BHP sp is headed near term imo
well i would think down ( but i have a less than perfect strike rate ) , rising costs and slowing economy look like factors to me but might not slide as much as some other sectors ( of the slowing global economy .)

now iron ore price ... the question are we heading for a full-on trade war , or a major kinetic war ??
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