Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

.. Highlights the potential power of the people. It is the Song from Angry men Les Miserables.
bas, the other song there is about "empty chairs at empty tables" - after virtually all of em are killed at the barricade :eek: Not sure I'd recommend it lol.

But Les Mis is a ripper musical (sure many would agree). This song is similar - on the eve of the battle ... what takes em out to Intermission I think. :-

I think best example would be the People Power exercise in Philippines in 1986 against Marcos (who wanted to turn the tanks against the people). Once it reached "critical mass" (plus the backing of the Church) - there was no stopping it. :2twocents

China tried to replicate it (Tiananmen, 1989) but that wasn't so successful :eek:(
Re: Barack 2008!

Les Mis is a ripper musical (sure many would agree). This song is similar - on the eve of the battle ... what takes em out to Intermission I think. :- One Day More
Lol - I notice that the Obama campaign did a take on "One Day More" ;)
Les Misbarack

No prize for guessing who plays the Thenardiers ;)

PS I heard that the people in Bangkok Airport are prepared to fight to the death :eek: Gee whiz, - to unseat a democratically elected Govt ? - who would win another election if another was held now ?!! - weird.


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Re: Barack 2008!

PS I heard that the people in Bangkok Airport are prepared to fight to the death :eek: Gee whiz, - to unseat a democratically elected Govt ? - who would win another election if another was held now ?!! - weird.

At least they have passion and aren't scared to make a statement publically about it:). Not great for travel but it's a great way to get your message across. I remember sleeping in that new airport (the one on the news it is absolutely massive) on some rather uncomfortable plastic seats so sleeping on the floor with mats shows great dedication to the cause.

The reason they wear Yellow is their devotion to the King of Thailand. Complicated as to why he can't actually rein in the country as the people would do anything for him.

There is alot of corruption at government level. Democracy in a developing country is questionable as to the honesty of the democratic process.

Wouldn't it be a strange sight to see that passion en mass here!
Re: Barack 2008!

Hear hear!

If he'd listened to the words of the man who'd had three hours sleep a night for the previous few weeks - with his punishing schedule... and knew that there were 50 states - 'one to go' - he would have subtracted the two that Barack exempted and realized and respected his intention.

But when a mere male is as perfect as BHO :cool: it behoves a mere bully to find fault. :eek:

This is the see-saw syndrome:
The other person is up so you try to put him down hoping you will rise in stature.
Get a life. Find a slippery slide, of your own, to play with. ;)

Better still, look at Barack as a role model for his genius in having lived his life to be the man he is today. :)

You are too easy to stir up... My comment was tongue in cheek. Obama obviously has a huge job ahead of him, and I really wish him all the best...

No need to tell me to get a life, I have a great one and I'm very thankful for it :) Dont take everything you read on a forum so personally..
Re: Barack 2008!

At least they have passion and aren't scared to make a statement publically about it:).
Great. No worries about the thousands of people they are inconveniencing. Just so long as they make whatever their point is. This remains obscure to me.

The reason they wear Yellow is their devotion to the King of Thailand. Complicated as to why he can't actually rein in the country as the people would do anything for him.
Yes, we hear much about the Thais' devotion to the King. If the King looks with equal fondness on these, umm, crusaders, why doesn't he persuade them to settle their concerns in a way that doesn't stuff up the lives of thousands of tourists, and pretty much at the same time stuff the Thai economy for some time to come, dependent as it is on tourism?
A 'complicated' explanation is fine.

Why is any semblance of authority 'reluctant to intervene'? This is the phrase I heard on PM this evening. The reporter suggested neither the police nor the army were prepared to become involved. Why not?

There is alot of corruption at government level. Democracy in a developing country is questionable as to the honesty of the democratic process.
. It certainly seems so. Wasn't the last CEO of Thailand fired for corruption?

Wouldn't it be a strange sight to see that passion en mass here!
Hopefully it would never be tolerated, and thank heaven for that.
What exactly are they being passionate about?
Re: Barack 2008!

You are too easy to stir up... My comment was tongue in cheek. Obama obviously has a huge job ahead of him, and I really wish him all the best...

No need to tell me to get a life, I have a great one and I'm very thankful for it :) Dont take everything you read on a forum so personally..

lol... Gav, mine was tongue in cheek too! :eek:
I have always inferred Barack is perfect but NEVER blatantly stated this. He is human after all. ;)

No personal attack intended, I just felt in the mood for metaphors.
Guess I'm also into anti-bullying. It is illegal yet it still happens daily in all walks of life and politics especially.

I enjoyed the inspiration that came with the scenario of bullies on a see-saw in a playground.
And the POSITIVE visualization of a NEW game (of a new 'life') on a slippery slide:

We all could/should be climbing one in life with the double concept (conundrum) of:
* 'reaching the top', enjoying the view and the achievement and
* the choice or fate of enjoying the ride :D - or - as in this market climate -
* going for a downward slide! :eek:

... it's not the event (slippery slide outcome) that matters, but how we perceive it and then act.

Tomorrow is another day and offers new choices for us to try... Survival is essential.
Re: Barack 2008!

It is well known that anger and negative outlooks procreate the release of chemicals by the body's endocrine system causing detriment, such as cancer, whereas a positive attitude and a mind consumed with seeking and perpetuating happy thoughts, produce protective endorphins and happy feelings.
Positive adds. Negative takes away. (energy, health, happiness, amicability...)
Balance in all things is optimal GG! ;)

Barack Obama has given substantial shape to his top team, and every indication that he is a hard-headed realist, not a clueless liberal who will fumble while learning on the job about how a country can be run.

His economic team is experienced and impressive-though that does not mean its members have career records that are free of blemish.

Lawrence Summers, who will head the National Economic Council and be the next president's right-hand man for all economic issues, has held cabinet-level office before, is a respected economist and has the right instincts when it comes to marrying markets and public policy, though critics will remind him that it is his deregulation of financial markets in 2000 that has led to the current financial crisis.

Timothy Geithner, who has been named head of the Treasury, also has a strong career record, but he too will have critics who will want to ask him about his role in the decision to allow Lehman Brothers to go bankrupt in September, which made the financial crisis much worse than it was until then.

Paul Volcker as a former chairman of the Federal Reserve System is best known for having licked inflation in the 1980s, and he will bring his understanding of markets to Washington.
Mr Obama has also announced a budget director and given him the mandate to achieve efficiency in fiscal spending.

This is not a team of Obama groupies; some are a hangover from the Clinton administration, and Mr Volcker goes back even further. What the president-elect has shown is a willingness to seek out competence.

This is reflected most clearly in his decision to ask President Bush's defence secretary to continue in office for a year. Given that Mr Obama fought his election campaign on ending the Iraq war, which has not been Mr Gates' priority so far, it is clear that Mr Obama seeks to use accumulated experience to deal with a very difficult situation.

There is also a strong sense of realism in his choice of Rahm Emanuel as his chief of staff; Mr Emanuel is known for a "take-no-prisoners" kind of hard-ball style that is quite removed from the feel-good liberalism that marked the Obama campaign speeches.

Clearly, Americans have elected someone who can empathise with voters but also has the toughness to administer difficult policies.

But most of all, Mr Obama has shown statesmanship in choosing his Democratic rival for the nomination, Hillary Clinton, as his secretary of state.
Not only does this show an ability to reach out to people, it also shows confidence in himself that he can run foreign policy even with a strong secretary of state who is no one's puppet.

If the rest of his cabinet has as much competence as these key appointments, Mr Obama's initial moves have been the right ones. :cool:
Re: Barack 2008!

Sorry if I upset you Doris with an alternate view on Barack's cabinet.

It is well known that anger and negative outlooks procreate the release of chemicals by the body's endocrine system causing detriment, such as cancer, whereas a positive attitude and a mind consumed with seeking and perpetuating happy thoughts, produce protective endorphins and happy feelings.
Positive adds. Negative takes away. (energy, health, happiness, amicability...)

Balance in all things is optimal Doris.

Re: Barack 2008!

Sorry if I upset you Doris with an alternate view on Barack's cabinet.

It is well known that anger and negative outlooks procreate the release of chemicals by the body's endocrine system causing detriment, such as cancer, whereas a positive attitude and a mind consumed with seeking and perpetuating happy thoughts, produce protective endorphins and happy feelings.
Positive adds. Negative takes away. (energy, health, happiness, amicability...)

Balance in all things is optimal Doris.


I'm balanced firmly on both feet in the direction I've chosen by personal edification.
Never look back unless it's to learn OR you wish to go there.

However... You habitually do not proffer an alternative view, just a label for others to chew on.
Still, I accept this as it is you. Can't teach old dogs new tricks. ;)

Prove me wrong and let yourself feel those endorphins flow warmly through your whole being:
Open your soul and divulge evidence for your label conclusions.
Yes. You can! :D
Re: Barack 2008!

Open your soul and divulge evidence for your label conclusions.
Yes. You can! :D

Great posting Doris! Your committed energy level is insipring.

Barack Obama has given substantial shape to his top team, and every indication that he is a hard-headed realist, not a clueless liberal who will fumble while learning on the job about how a country can be run.

His economic team is experienced and impressive-though that does not mean its members have career records that are free of blemish.

Working with the best of the choices at the moment has been a continuing ability of Obama. He is probably The most Hard Headed Realist President they've had.
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama has two chances, over the next two weeks, to prevent a GOP filibuster in the Senate.

Obama's hit-the-ground-running, brook-no-opposition instincts demand a filibuster-free Senate.

The Republicans, on 40, need just one more seat.

Votes are still being re-counted in Minnesota - probably for a few more weeks.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Georgia will be re-run.
Why? The State law prescribes the winner must take 50 per cent plus one of the vote.
At the general election the Republican incumbent, Saxby Chambliss beat the Democrat Jim Martin by 49.75% to 46.83%.

Up for grabs are the 128,000 votes cast then for the eliminated third candidate, but as he was a Libertarian his supporters are likely to increase the Republican majority.

GG... if you're still awake... ;)
Sarah Palin flies in for Sunday night and a barnstorming tour of the state on Monday, eve of poll. Wow hey!

Polls favour the GOP 50 to 47. If this translates into votes will Palin take the credit? :rolleyes:

Do Georgians have faith in what they've seen Obama do as P-E? :confused:
Re: Barack 2008!

Obama has two chances, over the next two weeks, to prevent a GOP filibuster in the Senate.

Votes are still being re-counted in Minnesota - probably for a few more weeks.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Georgia will be re-run.

GG... if you're still awake... ;)
Sarah Palin flies in for Sunday night and a barnstorming tour of the state on Monday, eve of poll. Wow hey!

Polls favour the GOP 50 to 47. If this translates into votes will Palin take the credit? :rolleyes:

Do Georgians have faith in what they've seen Obama do as P-E? :confused:

Good timing or what?
Monday - the eve of the Georgia poll, Obama will start introducing his new national security team.

Barack Obama says he wants to lead an administration where strong-willed senior officials are ready to argue forcefully for differing points of view. It appears that in two months, he'll get his wish, and then some.

Clinton, Gates and Jones have worked smoothly, with the only visible clashes coming between Clinton and Gates' deputies over Iraq.

They have differed with each other -- and with the president-elect -- on the full menu of security issues, including Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, nuclear weapons and Arab-Israel conflict.

But Obama will have some clear choices among their views, which differ in nuance in some cases and more starkly in others. Obama appears to be determined to keep them in line; advisors say he believes the Pentagon has become too strong in the Bush years, and he wants to reassert White House control.,0,7160819.story

The crucial part of making a decision is having all the relevant information to consider.
Obama's style is listening to all sides then applying his informed intellect to a decision.

Republican senator John Warner said that Obama's national security team further strengthens what he calls "the growing respect" for Obama's courage and ability to exercise sound judgment in selecting the best and the brightest to implement the nation's security policies.

So... come Tuesday, will Georgians vote Democrat and prevent a GOP senate filibuster?
Re: Barack 2008!

National security announcement from Barack via David Plouffe

Barack and Joe have asked some of the country's most experienced leaders on national security, foreign policy, law enforcement, and military matters to come together to renew America's security and standing in the world.

Hillary Clinton, U.S. Senator from New York and former First Lady, will serve as Secretary of State.

Secretary Robert Gates, the current Secretary of Defense, will continue to serve in that role.

Eric Holder, former Deputy Attorney General and a former United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, will serve as Attorney General.[/B]

Janet Napolitano, Governor and former U.S. Attorney for Arizona, will serve as Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

Dr. Susan E. Rice, a Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to the Obama for America campaign, a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, will serve as Ambassador to the United Nations.

General Jim Jones, USMC (Ret), former Allied Commander, Europe, and Commander of the United States European Command, will serve as National Security Advisor.

Barack's national security team has been assembled to represent all elements of American power, diplomacy, and leadership that will be vital in overcoming the challenges of the 21st century.

Watch the video of today's press conference:

Re: Barack 2008!

Working with the best of the choices at the moment has been a continuing ability of Obama. He is probably The most Hard Headed Realist President they've had.
This may eventually be true, but don't think it's a tad premature to make such judgements? :cautious: He's not even in the White house yet. :banghead:

I'm happy Obama beat McCain, but I'm also very worried by his agenda.

First priority needs to be damage control, but not by the Keynesian path to certain depression and indebted generations.

Unfortunately the path leads to depression no matter the economic modus operandi, but the correct path will have the US, and subsequently the world growing unencumbered by excess debt, the poisonous malinvestment of this credit binge having been cleared away.

More unfortunately, Obama appears to have chosen this Keynesian path. This augers extreme long term deleterious economic and sociological consequences for the entire world; his conception of "change" in danger of necrosis before it is even born, as the world loses hope due to economic apocalypse.

I strongly believe there is definitely a time for Obama, but this could be exactly the wrong time. The expectations of the overjoyed left will be dashed and disappointed, and the opportunity for a positive memory of the first minority president may go wanting.

The circumstances he finds himself in are impossible, but we need a pragmatist right now.

President-elect Barack Obama proposes economic suicide for US
Re: Barack 2008!

Hasnt the US already theoretically committed economic suicide ? She has liabilities that at todays prices are impossible to fulfill.

Its all an illusion, I think everyone is to paralyzed with fear to want to see through the smoke and mirrors ?

Only cure now is also the cause, more and more debt, scary thought really, its like a starving hungry insatiable beast .

If more debt becomes unavailable it surely collapses in a smoldering heap.

Re: Barack 2008!

The Georgia run-off today ended in a Republican victory.

The Democrats have 58 of the 100 senate seats.
A majority of 60 would have allowed them to override Republican delaying tactics such as filibusters that could play havoc with Obama's ambitious legislative programme.

Instead, the Democrats will have to rely on moderate Republicans to see their bills through.

Minnesota is still being recounted but the Georgia defeat makes that outcome less important.

With 96% of the vote counted, Chambliss took 57% to Democratic candidate Jim Martin's 43%.
Martin benefited on November 4 from the big African-American turnout for Obama.
Turnout today, by contrast, was low.

So in fact, the African American community lost Obama the chance of a "super-majority" in the Senate. :(
Re: Barack 2008!

The Georgia run-off today ended in a Republican victory.

The Democrats have 58 of the 100 senate seats.
A majority of 60 would have allowed them to override Republican delaying tactics such as filibusters that could play havoc with Obama's ambitious legislative programme.

Instead, the Democrats will have to rely on moderate Republicans to see their bills through.

Minnesota is still being recounted but the Georgia defeat makes that outcome less important.

With 96% of the vote counted, Chambliss took 57% to Democratic candidate Jim Martin's 43%.
Martin benefited on November 4 from the big African-American turnout for Obama.
Turnout today, by contrast, was low.

So in fact, the African American community lost Obama the chance of a "super-majority" in the Senate. :(

Its called democracy Doris.

You will have to live with it.

The people have spoken.
