Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

Re: Barack 2008!

I must be tired from end of term marking and reporting! ...

His ritual of writing at night, (whilst his wife and the girls slept; he needs little sleep)
speaking of statesmen - I knew Winston Churchill required little ( or no ) sleep...
just researched google ( god I love google lol)
and I find that it's common amongst a lot of famous people ..
Edison, Churchill , John F. Kennedy , and Napolean Bonaparte .. etc. :2twocents

Sleep Habits of Famous People

Surrealist painter Salvador Dali created very dream-like works of art. According to legend, he claimed to be fully refreshed by a very odd, brief kind of nap. The story goes that he would put a metal pan on the floor, and doze off in his chair, holding a metal spoon above the pan. When he fell asleep, he would drop the spoon, and then wake up an instant later, when the spoon hit the pan with a clatter. Do you think such a short nap (scientists would call it a "micro-sleep") could possibly be refreshing? Try it!

..Rivals Thomas Alva Edison and Nikola Tesla both came up with many inventions. They both slept very little (although reports suggest that they took naps and/or fell into micro-sleeps fairly often.) Considering they both worked closely with electricity, they are lucky they were not hurt. Sleep deprivation can lead to dangerous accidents!

Busy world leaders (such as Winston Churchill , John F. Kennedy , and Napolean Bonaparte ) may get little sleep. (Considering the physical and mental effects of sleep deprivation and Jet Lag, what do you think might be the consequences for current world leaders?)

PS Doris, that bloke is almost as excited about the Obama speech as I was about the Rudd Sorry speech ;)
Re: Barack 2008!

doris said:
I wonder how Barack is taking the fall-out. I'd bet he feels the relief and satisfaction of finishing a marathon run
You'd have to guess he's first and foremost relieved - but gee you've got to admire his ability to calmly turn the near-disaster into arguably a positive - rave reviews about his speech, etc.

SURELY that speech has whet a near-dead American appetite for this level of oratory - can't see it doing him any harm that's for sure . :2twocents

George bush bloopers
Re: Barack 2008!

:topic You wonder if this song almost applies - to USA as well as to Sth Africa ?- albeit a few years back prior to "bussing" etc.
(and even AUS?)

And let's not forget that the Abs who came back from the war were not allowed to drink a "welcome home" drink in the pubs with their mates-in-arms.

Re: Barack 2008!

You'd have to guess he's first and foremost relieved - but gee you've got to admire his ability to calmly turn the near-disaster into arguably a positive - rave reviews about his speech, etc.

SURELY that speech has whet a near-dead American appetite for this level of oratory - can't see it doing him any harm that's for sure . :2twocents

George bush bloopers

Thanks for the laugh 2020!

GWB did it hey! "Fooled 'em twice!" lol... Shame on America! :D

This one worth a listen too Barack Obama Historic Speech On Race

2020 your youtube's bloggers were sure whetted. Wow!

The language and ignorance of some people on there! I noted the incendiary posts were not barracking for Obama. ;)

Now. Who were anti-Barack? Do they sound happy, intelligent/well read, articulate people you'd want in your gene pool?

1. WOW WOW WOW!!!! WOW!!!!...... Barack obama is black..... when the fudge did this happen!!!

2. This speech proves he is the best man for the job. This is the first time we have heard the TRUTH from a politician about race, and he put it so elegantly and perfectly that it inspires me and plenty of others to entertain serious discussions of race with whites, blacks etc. To look at not what is wrong, but how we can help, and to unite against those who oppress all Americans (namely corporations).

3. It is Obama's intricacy that makes him a great candidate, he can see shades of grey. I like it much more than the current administrations "Our way or the highway" approach, where things are either fully one way or the other. The real world doesn't work that way. There are plenty of people who dislike Obama and they will vent that on here. But it doesn't change the fact that the man is saying the things that America has needed to be told for a long time now.

4. A speech of complexity and nuance that nails the issues and articulates them beautifully. I hope we can rise to this occasion and really take in these words rather than twisting and pulling things from context. Obama didn't pander here or patronize. This is honest, and honesty is desperately needed in our politics and our race relations.

5. Abraham Lincoln was a young lawyer with little experience when he came to office. John F Kennedy was attacked because of his young age when he was up for election.

6. When he said they are stealing the future of our "black kids, white kids, latino kids". Why does he have to say black kids first. Is he racist? Why did he not say white kids first? Laugh, but that is how some of this arguments sound.

7. he will win because he is black. obviously we owe black people something. Even though he is extremely lacking in experience he will win because we owe the black man something. He is using his race. If he were white Hillary would have won the nomination already.

8. If Obama is so concerned about everybody, then why does he repress the right for the Michigan and Florida voters to vote. All he needs to do is say that he will support a primary like Senator Clinton. He is not genuine at all.

9. Hey, lots of pi$sed off people on this little page of comments. Stay mad guys, it'll help you keep you warm at night while you're dealing with cold reality of a black fella in the White House.

10. This guy needs to shut his mouth, along with all the other blacks that have have the blame it on whitey attitude. White America is getting sick of it, and is very close to a breaking point.

11. (epilogue) Anyone who thinks Wright is a anti-American, pro-black racist has to listen to his entire sermon called "Audacity of Hope." I did this and was convinced that Wright is a true Christian who's not filled with hate. These sound bites paint a false picture of him. I don't say his statements in the sound bites were right, I say judging a person based on only a few phrases is all wrong.
As usual, we're being manipulated by the media.
Ask yourself, who gains from this particular media manipulation?
Re: Barack 2008!

6. When he said they are stealing the future of our "black kids, white kids, latino kids". Why does he have to say black kids first. Is he racist? Why did he not say white kids first? Laugh, but that is how some of this arguments sound.

11. (epilogue) Anyone who thinks Wright is a anti-American, pro-black racist has to listen to his entire sermon called "Audacity of Hope." I did this and was convinced that Wright is a true Christian who's not filled with hate. These sound bites paint a false picture of him. I don't say his statements in the sound bites were right, I say judging a person based on only a few phrases is all wrong.
As usual, we're being manipulated by the media.
Ask yourself, who gains from this particular media manipulation?
some good posts and some looney ones lol.
I liked #6 above lol -

and #11 is so true it makes you want to stop watching the TV news - sheesh.

ignoring #1 who has been nibbling some magic fudge by the sound of it lol.
very very approx:-
70% (2,3,4,5,6,9,11) are typical of what I heard as well - "for"
30% (7,8,10) "against".
Sounds like he's still roughly on track ;)

PS It takes a lot more energy to make one of those videos and post it to youtube than it does to make some ugly remark against it. So if people who are pinning heaps of youtubes are predominantly pro-Obama, you'd think they'll probably even maybe come out to vote.

BTW, hard to see any stereotypes there - instead a broad cross-section of middle aged whites, young blacks, hispanics etc.

btw also ... Here's probably the next First Lady you reckon - not that you don't already know all of this :)
Michelle Obama speech Delaware part1 (of 7 sheesh - one will do lol)
Re: Barack 2008!

I like Richardson. He has good judgment and... he's a superdelegate! One more point! Yes! ... Every grain of sand makes a beach!

He praises Barack as did the many fans of 'The Speech'. All's well that ends well! :)

Hillary's main criticism has been Obama's lack of experience. She has never faulted his judgment so with yet another high profile experienced backer, Barack would indeed have a plethora of sound advisors from whom to gather intelligence to make 3am decisions. ;)

After all, listening to and being guided by a broad selection of voices defines a democracy. Like mainstream life today, success comes from judging what information is relevant. My initial impression of Obama was exactly what Richardson predicts: :cool:

VP 2B?

SANTA FE, N.M. -- New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, the nation's only Hispanic governor, is endorsing Sen. Barack Obama for president, calling him a "once-in-a- lifetime leader" who can unite the nation and restore America's international leadership.

Richardson, who dropped out of the Democratic race in January, is to appear with Obama on Friday at a campaign event in Portland, Ore., The Associated Press has learned.

Richardson has been relentlessly wooed by Obama and Clinton for his endorsement. As a Democratic superdelegate, the governor plays a part in the tight race for nominating votes and could bring other superdelegates to Obama's side. He also has been mentioned as a potential running mate for either candidate.

"As a presidential candidate, I know full well Sen. Obama's unique moral ability to inspire the American people to confront our urgent challenges at home and abroad in a spirit of bipartisanship and reconciliation."

Richardson's endorsement also could help Obama pick up support among Hispanics, who are the nation's largest and fastest-growing minority. Clinton has been the favorite of Hispanics in primaries and caucuses, according to exit polls. She won the New Mexico caucus in early February with a nearly 2-to-1 advantage among Hispanics.

Richardson backed Obama despite his ties to Clinton and her husband, the former president. He served as ambassador to the U.N. and as secretary of the Energy Department during the Clinton administration. Last month, Richardson and former President Clinton watched the Super Bowl together at the governor's residence in Santa Fe.

Richardson praised Hillary Clinton as a "distinguished leader with vast experience." But the governor said Obama "will be a historic and great president, who can bring us the change we so desperately need by bringing us together as a nation here at home and with our allies abroad."

"There is no doubt in my mind that Barack Obama has the judgment and courage we need in a commander in chief when our nation's security is on the line. He showed this judgment by opposing the Iraq war from the start, and he has shown it during this campaign by standing up for a new era in American leadership internationally," Richardson said.

Obama said he was "deeply honored" to have Richardson's support.
"Whether it's fighting to end the Iraq war or stop the genocide in Darfur or prevent nuclear weapons from falling into the hands of terrorists, Gov. Richardson has been a powerful voice on issues of global security, peace and justice, earning five Nobel Peace Prize nominations," Obama said in a statement.
Re: Barack 2008!

Michigan Ends Re-vote Bid

Collapse of Effort to Hold New Primary Is a Setback for Clinton

The effort to schedule a June re-vote for the Michigan Democratic primary collapsed yesterday, dealing a potentially serious blow to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's bid for the White House.

Without the Michigan and Florida delegates, Clinton's odds grow longer. Both states had defied the Democratic National Committee by moving their primary dates forward and were stripped of their delegates in January.

Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod said, "We are for a resolution that gives Florida and Michigan representation at the convention [and] is fair and reasonable," suggesting that seating the delegates from both states in an even split between the two candidates would be the most acceptable outcome.

His morning address, at the University of Charleston:

"We know what this war has cost us -- in blood and in treasure," Obama said. "But in the words of Robert Kennedy, 'past error is no excuse for its own perpetuation.' . . . John McCain is refusing to learn from the failures of the past. Instead of offering an exit strategy for Iraq , he's offering us a 100-year occupation. Instead of offering an economic plan that works for working Americans, he's supporting tax cuts for the wealthiest among us who don't need them and aren't asking for them."

"At a time when we're on the brink of recession -- when neighborhoods have 'For Sale' signs outside every home, and working families are struggling to keep up with rising costs -- ordinary Americans are paying a price for this war," he said. "When you're spending over $50 to fill up your car because the price of oil is four times what it was before Iraq, you're paying a price for this war. When Iraq is costing each household about $100 a month, you're paying a price for this war."

Meanwhile, in reports filed with the Federal Election Commission last night, the candidates stated how much money they had on hand as they headed into March.

McCain reported that he raised $11 million in February and had about $700,000 in cash to spend.
Obama had $38.8 million on hand after having raised $56.8 million in February.
Clinton finished the month with $33 million in cash on hand after raising $34.6 million.
Re: Barack 2008!

some good posts and some looney ones lol.
I liked #6 above lol -

and #11 is so true it makes you want to stop watching the TV news - sheesh.

ignoring #1 who has been nibbling some magic fudge by the sound of it lol.
very very approx:-
70% (2,3,4,5,6,9,11) are typical of what I heard as well - "for"
30% (7,8,10) "against".
Sounds like he's still roughly on track ;)

PS It takes a lot more energy to make one of those videos and post it to youtube than it does to make some ugly remark against it. So if people who are pinning heaps of youtubes are predominantly pro-Obama, you'd think they'll probably even maybe come out to vote.

BTW, hard to see any stereotypes there - instead a broad cross-section of middle aged whites, young blacks, hispanics etc.

btw also ... Here's probably the next First Lady you reckon -
Michelle Obama speech Delaware part1 (of 7 sheesh - one will do lol)

I thought #1 was a hoot! He'd got to know the man and race had NOT been an issue! Shock horror! He hadn't noticed!

#6 certainly depicts and ridicules superficial thinkers wanting to create waves for their ego's minute of fame. I call this a see-saw syndrome. Feel down... try to pull someone down and you'll feel better. Shaden Freude.

#9... Being politically incorrect and not caring as it's the tone of words that is correct. Affectionately politically incorrect to underscore the pride. Words flaunted at the Shaden Freude hunger to lose their power.

Young bloggers were adament they would be out there supporting Obama by voting as the duty in being part of "we and us".

Michelle Obama, interviews with Katie Couric

This shows a fresh, passionate, young wife who emanates humility and approachability.

Maternal, proud and grounded
Re: Barack 2008!

This shows a fresh, passionate, young wife who emanates humility and approachability.

.. proud and grounded
yep I don't think she need feel threatened by any competition from the White House interns. ;)

as you say she's grounded and proud to be so.
whereas with the Clintons - he was the one who was grounded - and not particularly proud of it, as I recall.
Re: Barack 2008!

Test your Barack Obama IQ

Now that inevitability has (again) left the Democratic race, voters will be taking a fresh look at Barack Obama. The best place to start: the definitive profile on his public and private record, the Tribune's "Making of a candidate series." The following quiz, derived from that series, will test your Obama IQ and rank your score from "Yes, we can" to "No, we shouldnt.",0,234858.triviaquiz
Re: Barack 2008!

Doris, just wondering how you're ultimately going to feel if either Hillary or McCain becomes President?
What will you do with your obsession then?
Re: Barack 2008!

Doris, just wondering how you're ultimately going to feel if either Hillary or McCain becomes President?
What will you do with your obsession then?

I won't worry about things that haven't yet happened. ;)

At least if he doesn't get the nomination I'll have an extra hour a day to work on a book I'm writing! The publisher wants it by October.
I'm taking three months LSL from July... just in case.

Just had a few hours chatting to my mate in OC. When I said Happy Easter she sounded confused (Friday night there). I'd forgotten their Easter is only the Sunday! No long weekend in the US! I asked her husband what he thought of Obama's speech and he said he hadn't heard it. What did he think of Wright's comments? He replied "Who's he?" They just don't care about politics. I don't normally.

PS I got 7/17 for the quiz.
... but 17/17 the second time! :cautious:
Re: Barack 2008!

Whenever I visit this thread it makes me think of Beatlemania.

I imagine Doris as a pimply faced teenage girl squealing hysterically at her pop idol Barak. :D

Re: Barack 2008!

Richardson did the honorable thing and told Hillary before he told Obama.
Honour in US politics! It's good to feel good about politicians.
I have to say Anna Bligh and KRUDD have pleasant sincere dispositions that I enjoy watching. The usual whinging and backstabbing nastiness is why most people turn off and don't care about who is up for election. Politics can be so interesting and entertaining.

First a Tense Talk With Clinton, Then Richardson Backs Obama

Published: March 22, 2008 NY time

PORTLAND, Ore. ”” “I talked to Senator Clinton last night,” Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico said on Friday, describing the tense telephone call in which he informed Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton that, despite two months of personal entreaties by her and her husband, he would be endorsing Senator Barack Obama for president.

“Let me tell you: we’ve had better conversations,” Mr. Richardson said.
“It was cordial, but a little heated.”

The decision by Mr. Richardson, who ended his own presidential campaign on Jan. 10, to support Mr. Obama was a belt of bad news for Mrs. Clinton. It was a stinging rejection of her candidacy by a man who had served in two senior positions in President Bill Clinton’s administration, and who is one of the nation’s most prominent elected Hispanics.

But potentially more troublesome for Mrs. Clinton was what Mr. Richardson said in announcing his decision. He criticized the tenor of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign. He praised Mr. Obama for the speech he gave in response to the furor over racially incendiary remarks delivered by Mr. Obama’s former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.

And he came close to doing what Mrs. Clinton’s advisers have increasingly feared some big-name Democrat would do as the battle for the nomination drags on: Urge Mrs. Clinton to step aside in the interest of party unity.

“I’m not going to advise any other candidate when to get in and out of the race,” Mr. Richardson said after appearing in Portland with Mr. Obama. “Senator Clinton has a right to stay in the race, but eventually we don’t want to go into the Democratic convention bloodied. This was another reason for my getting in and endorsing, the need to perhaps send a message that we need unity.”

“There’s something special about this guy,” Mr. Richardson said of Mr. Obama. “I’ve been trying to figure it out, but it’s very good.”

Senator Barack Obama addressed the issue of race with the eloquence and sincerity and decency and optimism we have come to expect of him,” he said. “He did not seek to evade tough issues or to soothe us with comforting half-truths. Rather, he inspired us by reminding us of the awesome potential residing in our own responsibility.”

He added: “Senator Obama could have given a safer speech. He is, after all, well ahead in the delegate count for our party’s nomination.”

I believe the campaign has gotten too negative,” Mr. Richardson said, speaking to reporters in Portland. “I want it to be positive. I think that’s what’s been very good about Senator Obama’s campaign ”” it’s a positive campaign about hope and opportunity.”

Mr. Richardson is the 62nd superdelegate to endorse Mr. Obama since Feb. 5, compared with fewer than five who have moved into Mrs. Clinton’s column since then.

Pledged: 1413
Superdelegates: 209
Total: 1622

Pledged: 1242
Superdelegates: 243
Total: 1485

* Superdelegates who are overseas only get half a vote.
... Only 2024 votes are needed now as two more have moved overseas. (4047 total delegates.)

* Barack is 171 ahead in pledged delegates who cannot change their minds.
... 137 ahead on total count... but...

* All superdelegates can change their pledge any time until the DNC in August.
Re: Barack 2008!

“Senator Barack Obama addressed the issue of race with the eloquence and sincerity and decency and optimism we have come to expect of him,” he said. “He did not seek to evade tough issues or to soothe us with comforting half-truths. Rather, he inspired us by reminding us of the awesome potential residing in our own responsibility.”

He added: “Senator Obama could have given a safer speech. He is, after all, well ahead in the delegate count for our party’s nomination.”
Stroke of genius that speech !!

PS here's one to listen to while you apply your acne cream ;)