Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Barack Obama!

^ this still makes me laugh. One of your best Mo.
You do realize that the graph was intended to show that the Dow was already strong before Trump.
Lets see where the chart was. The dow was strong before the gfc as well during bush.

Obama shored up the banks on a bush recommendation. Thats what stopped the US from oblivion.

Pretty sure Trump is in new territory. And the business tax cuts had a lot to do with it. Dems predicted the economy would blow up as soon as Trump got in.
Need to show more history to the left.

You don't really need to see more to the left to know what an a-hole Obama was from just that chart.

The bank bailout alone was around $3 Trillion. If we include the bail out through quantitative easing... it's in the $10Trillion figure.

Now, if you give any handful of idiots trillions for practically nothing, you can bet your azz their stocks will go higher.

Did he also bail out the 10M family whose home were under water? No, that'd be moral hazard.

Then he ramp up two wars in the Middle East to about 7 or 8. Droning everybody.

Basically, it got so bad for the average American that a lying, racist, incompetent, failing business reality TV star looks like a real deal.

How in the world does a guy consider himself successful when the country he "lead" for eight years voted for him, a black president in a country that didn't exactly have a clean race record... then switch to someone like Trump?
Obama did a great job of showing that any American, can aspire to be something, from memory he tried to do other things but I can't remember them.
Trump has stomped on everyone's toes, is hated and all the media and actors want him out, but he seems to be getting the ball rolling.
Obviously the money is tightening up as the economy picks up, the 'free' money is drying up and the mega rich who would be borrowing it i assume, are getting pizzed off it has been a 10 year gravy train for the rich.
0% interest to buy appreciating assett's, what a hoot, why wouldn't you want that to continue?
To me it just seems the fat cats, are annoyed Trump is derailing the gravy train. Maybe I'm wrong.
Obama did a great job of showing that any American, can aspire to be something, from memory he tried to do other things but I can't remember them.
Trump has stomped on everyone's toes, is hated and all the media and actors want him out, but he seems to be getting the ball rolling.
Obviously the money is tightening up as the economy picks up, the 'free' money is drying up and the mega rich who would be borrowing it i assume, are getting pizzed off it has been a 10 year gravy train for the rich.
0% interest to buy appreciating assett's, what a hoot, why wouldn't you want that to continue?
To me it just seems the fat cats, are annoyed Trump is derailing the gravy train. Maybe I'm wrong.

Trump added extra gravy, with sprinkles of truffles on top.

He even raided the soup kitchen, the pension fund, the welfare office for grannies; ending subsidies to those smarty pants PhD students who like to study and know stuff.

Hungry kids? Under paid teachers? Sick old grannies? Gotta learn the dignity of work; the freedom of choice between going to bed hungry or waking up hungry; buying stationary for your students from your own meagre paycheck or not give a damn.

Trump and his admin is quite a piece of work. It's just mind boggling.

Did you know that Trump's cabinet alone owns about 30% of the country's wealth? Yea, seriously, they're that rich.

His secretary of education owns 10, that's 1 and 0, yachts. No wonder she doesn't see anything wrong with gutting a few bucks from public education and sending it to "charter" schools where if your parents are rich and could afford private tutors, you too can get a leg up in life.
Did you know that Trump's cabinet alone owns about 30% of the country's wealth? Yea, seriously, they're that rich.

His secretary of education owns 10, that's 1 and 0, yachts. No wonder she doesn't see anything wrong with gutting a few bucks from public education and sending it to "charter" schools where if your parents are rich and could afford private tutors, you too can get a leg up in life.
Yes well just keep interest rates at 0% and let them own 100%?

How was Obama addressing the issue, did they only make their money in the last 2 years?
Yes well just keep interest rates at 0% and let them own 100%?

How was Obama addressing the issue, did they only make their money in the last 2 years?

They made money hand over fist under Obama. Trump just add "incentives" to it.

After the GFC, the fed lower interest rate down to practically zero. Bush Jr. gave the banks about $700B, then another few hundred billions more quietly as the initial bail out.

Then Obama took over. Called the bankers into his office and told them... this I heard from I think professor Bill Black in the US... anyway, Obama told the banks that he's the only man standing between the peasants and the bankers.

The plebs are really upset at these junk Wall St have been selling; the collapse in the market, i.e. the collapse in pension funds, life's savings; property investment etc.

So what's a great leader of the people to do? He bravely told them to go back to their office and wait for a few more trillions coming their way - for free. And oh, probably followed by "don't do it again". :xyxthumbs

The Feds have to print more cash to bail the bankers out. Part of it mean they need to borrow money through issuing bonds. Guess who now have the money to lend back to the gov't? Well, the freaking bankers of course. Would they lend it for free? No freaking way they'd lend it for free.

Then they pat themselves on the back for the great genius of getting free money and relending it to their lender. wtf?

On top of that, the feds and the US treasury also offload the toxic junk that's on the books of the bankers. They further made the US gov't guarantee any default from the selected banks - all the major ones.

The figure I heard, and I could be wrong because it sounds too ridiculous... is that the bailout to the banks alone comes to about $17 trillion dollars.

But who knows, maybe he also did a few good things. Small tiny things like a few bucks to provide health insurance for kids in poverty.
They made money hand over fist under Obama. Trump just add "incentives" to it.

After the GFC, the fed lower interest rate down to practically zero. Bush Jr. gave the banks about $700B, then another few hundred billions more quietly as the initial bail out.

Then Obama took over. Called the bankers into his office and told them... this I heard from I think professor Bill Black in the US... anyway, Obama told the banks that he's the only man standing between the peasants and the bankers.

The plebs are really upset at these junk Wall St have been selling; the collapse in the market, i.e. the collapse in pension funds, life's savings; property investment etc.

So what's a great leader of the people to do? He bravely told them to go back to their office and wait for a few more trillions coming their way - for free. And oh, probably followed by "don't do it again". :xyxthumbs

The Feds have to print more cash to bail the bankers out. Part of it mean they need to borrow money through issuing bonds. Guess who now have the money to lend back to the gov't? Well, the freaking bankers of course. Would they lend it for free? No freaking way they'd lend it for free.

Then they pat themselves on the back for the great genius of getting free money and relending it to their lender. wtf?

On top of that, the feds and the US treasury also offload the toxic junk that's on the books of the bankers. They further made the US gov't guarantee any default from the selected banks - all the major ones.

The figure I heard, and I could be wrong because it sounds too ridiculous... is that the bailout to the banks alone comes to about $17 trillion dollars.

But who knows, maybe he also did a few good things. Small tiny things like a few bucks to provide health insurance for kids in poverty.

So what is the answer, we all know the question, why do the rich get richer.
Just put back huge tax on wealth and give it to the poor?
Then when the poor, get poor again, take it all off the rich and give it to the poor.
Then when the poor get poor again, take it of the rich and give it to the poor again.
I don't know about you, but I have four kids, three are doing fine, one you could give a million dollars to every week and he would still be poor the next week.
Feeling sorry for the poor is fine, it is a great latte conversation for some, to others it is a fact of life and it will never change.
So what is the answer, we all know the question, why do the rich get richer.
Just put back huge tax on wealth and give it to the poor?
Then when the poor, get poor again, take it all off the rich and give it to the poor.
Then when the poor get poor again, take it of the rich and give it to the poor again.
I don't know about you, but I have four kids, three are doing fine, one you could give a million dollars to every week and he would still be poor the next week.
Feeling sorry for the poor is fine, it is a great latte conversation for some, to others it is a fact of life and it will never change.

Pretty much all the wealth in the world are not "created" by those who have it. I know, it's hard to believe.

So if we want a more equitable, richer society... we ought to stop taking from the poor and hand it over to the rich. Leave the rich alone for all I care. Just don't take money from the plebs and hand it over to the rich.

How are money taken from the poor? First is through labour. Then taxation from bottom up; tax-reduction at the top.

You can see this in how taxes are imposed. Where infrastructures, where subsidies are spent on.

Take income tax... it's taxed to the max. Every last dime. What about capital gains tax? How generous are they? Both are income aren't they? So why is one taxed less while the other taxed more?

Then there's consumption tax. GST, Value added tax in other places.

There's a flat tax on consumption. Assuming we all consume equally... that mean the poor are taxed a heck of a larger percentage of their asset/income than the richer folks. And if you're rich enough, travel frequent enough... duty free baby.

Then there's gov't policies regarding education and training; healthcare funding; wage rates; the ease or difficulties in onshoring or offshoring of labour; the ease in hiring and firing of workers.

So the idea that society is a level playing field where if you work hard you'll make it. If you fail you're just lazy... the statistics doesn't back that up.

It's not about feeling sorry for the poor or the working class. It's just trying to stop decay and violent revolution.

When you have too much dead wood, some prick will make good use of it and start something.


Don't know about your black sheep so can't comment. But maybe he have great ambition he have yet to channel it to?

Lao Tzu says, great talent blossom late. Great ships take the longest to be built. :xyxthumbs
Pretty much all the wealth in the world are not "created" by those who have it. I know, it's hard to believe.

So if we want a more equitable, richer society... we ought to stop taking from the poor and hand it over to the rich. Leave the rich alone for all I care. Just don't take money from the plebs and hand it over to the rich.

How are money taken from the poor? First is through labour. Then taxation from bottom up; tax-reduction at the top.

You can see this in how taxes are imposed. Where infrastructures, where subsidies are spent on.

Take income tax... it's taxed to the max. Every last dime. What about capital gains tax? How generous are they? Both are income aren't they? So why is one taxed less while the other taxed more?

Then there's consumption tax. GST, Value added tax in other places.

There's a flat tax on consumption. Assuming we all consume equally... that mean the poor are taxed a heck of a larger percentage of their asset/income than the richer folks. And if you're rich enough, travel frequent enough... duty free baby.

Then there's gov't policies regarding education and training; healthcare funding; wage rates; the ease or difficulties in onshoring or offshoring of labour; the ease in hiring and firing of workers.

So the idea that society is a level playing field where if you work hard you'll make it. If you fail you're just lazy... the statistics doesn't back that up.

It's not about feeling sorry for the poor or the working class. It's just trying to stop decay and violent revolution.

When you have too much dead wood, some prick will make good use of it and start something.


Don't know about your black sheep so can't comment. But maybe he have great ambition he have yet to channel it to?

Lao Tzu says, great talent blossom late. Great ships take the longest to be built. :xyxthumbs

Well in Australia, apparently you don't pay tax until about $50,000, below that you get more handouts than you pay.
Maybe best if everyone goes to SE Asia and lives the high life, that is what a lot of the retirees I know are doing.
So obviously there is options.
Yes and BS is easy to produce.:xyxthumbs

It's not that hard to get a job and be told what to do.

Most jobs nowadays most anyone could learn in two days.

So who knows, maybe that son of yours need time to figure out what the heck to do with his life. Doesn't look good but I reckon it beats rushing in head first to get a job and be miserable.

Just don't give him a million while he's doing it. :D
It's not that hard to get a job and be told what to do.

Most jobs nowadays most anyone could learn in two days.

So who knows, maybe that son of yours need time to figure out what the heck to do with his life. Doesn't look good but I reckon it beats rushing in head first to get a job and be miserable.

Just don't give him a million while he's doing it. :D

He's nearly 40, has a trade, just doesn't like working.
He's figured out what to do with his life, pull on your heartstrings.:roflmao:
He's nearly 40, has a trade, just doesn't like working.
He's figured out what to do with his life, pull on your heartstrings.:roflmao:

So he's an aspiring capitalist? :roflmao:

Find him a wife, or a husband depends... let the love of his life work it out on him.
So he's an aspiring capitalist? :roflmao:

Find him a wife, or a husband depends... let the love of his life work it out on him.

He gets the girls alright, it just ends up the same, they leave him when they figure out he is lazier than them. :roflmao:

As long as he leaves me alone and keeps pulling welfare, I'm okay with it, see I do like your attitude.
I'm just grateful your in there batting for him.:xyxthumbs
Obama hails John Lewis as founding father of ‘fuller, better’ US in eulogy

Former president called for Americans to fight Trump’s effort to undermine the right to vote in eulogy at congressman’s funeral

.... Obama was one of three former presidents, along with George Bush and Bill Clinton, to deliver remarks. Jimmy Carter, the former president and a Georgia native, who is now too frail to travel, sent a written tribute that was read from the pulpit.

Notably absent was Trump, who refused to attend the services or pay respects to Lewis’s casket as it lay in state in the US Capitol Rotunda earlier in the week. He had clashed with Lewis, once accusing the civil rights leader of being “all talk, talk, talk – no action”.
Found this you tube clip of President Obamas parting letter to Donald Trump.

Be interesting to see how Trump leaves the White House.
Obama is the reason Trump is in the white house. He roasted him during a dinner in front of everyone.

He has since whinged in typical democrat style.
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