Avoca defends merger
Barry FitzGerald
September 10, 2010
AVOCA Resources chief Rohan Williams has a job ahead of him in persuading the local market of the merits of the group's agreed $US2 billion ($A2.2 billion) merger with Canada's Turkey gold specialist, Anatolia Minerals.
The merger continues the theme of consolidation in the gold sector in response to near record prices for the metal but received a lukewarm response in the Australian market.....................
Argonaut Securities analyst Troy Irvin said the merger deal would ''battle to get off the ground in its current form''.
''With Avoca now in play, better value proposals may emerge. One potential player is
Eldorado Gold, the recently spurned suitor of Andean, which is active in Turkey and armed with arguably highly priced paper,'' Mr Irvin said......................
On the bid's merits, Mr Williams said it had to be realised that the Copler mine was probably going to make about $US120 million to $US130 million a year when in full production.
''It is going to be very profitable and I think it will become a lot bigger than it currently is, and Avoca shareholders are getting in on the ground floor,'' he said.
The combined group is expected to have total production next calendar year of 437,000 ounces at a cash cost of $US403 an ounce.
''Then in four years we are going to be an 800,000-a-year producer, making us a very significant mid-tier gold producer. And I think Avoca shareholders will benefit dramatically from that,'' Mr Williams said.