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Australian Politics General...

FWIW I can't remember anytime a first term opposition leader has won an election and I can't see Peter Dutton breaking that record. If the Libs want to win they'll need to change their leader at some point.

Plus they need to start preselecting candidates early, and with mainstream values, not extremists.

They also need to stop hating unions because most people really don't give a monkeys about them.
The Libs know what they have to do, but as the Libs in Victoria have found out its hard to change entrenched power.
I don't think they actually do know what to do, turning from classical liberalism to Tealism, isn't going to work.

Zac Kirkup showed that.
The Libs will adapt and change as always happens, society is always changing, Govt's change with it.

A bit like what happened today at my place, 7 years ago we put a second storey on the house, so the daughter could move in downstairs.
Back then a couple of mates gave me a hand to lift the fridge upstairs, the fridge died recently, two blokes arrive with the new one, look at the stairs and say we need three blokes, so the three blokes arrived this morning and got the fridge up the stairs.
But I said to the daughter I am going to have to put an elevator in, because in 5 years time blokes wont carry a fridge up the stairs, Oc health and safety wont allow it.

The World keeps changing, we all adapt, that is what humans are good at, well that and killing each other.
"Back in the day", bags of grain were 3 bushels. We in the horsey world used whole oats and that equated to about 55 kg. No probs, sling that sucker over the shoulder and off you go... For the 50 odd bags you were getting delivered.

As I understand it, a 3 bushel bag of wheat is quite a bit heavier, yet those old-time farmers were slinging bags on and off trucks and stacking them.

These days bags are feed are about 20 kg and the youngsters start bitching after carrying two or three.

Back when I started farriery nearly 40 years ago, I have vivid memories of the intense agony I went through... Back, thighs, knees etc.

I had persistent bruises on the inside of my thighs just above the knees for weeks.

I've had ribs broken three times and popped intercostals several times, and have worked through the agony of it.

I've done ACLs and lateral collateral ligaments... All lovely stuff when you have a horse's leg between your knees and it's shifting around on you.

Did I stop working? Nope.

At 61, I am in still in pretty good order really, but it's my elbows. I can no longer straighten them and they keep me awake at night.

Do I stop working? Nope (actually I'm considering chucking it in but not because of my body but because of dealing with psycho horsey chicks {actually the guys are even worse}).

Just a convoluted way, @sptrawler , of agreeing with you. We are breeding a generation of weaklings and pansies.
Just nod and charge the "woke" fee.
Best to just smile and wave.

The only thing clearing these first world problems is a deep recession.
I don't think they actually do know what to do, turning from classical liberalism to Tealism, isn't going to work.

Zac Kirkup showed that.
Get women on side. That means offering some good ones, why give the teals a free ride.

Try to get back the Chinese immigrant vote and on a related note use your brains before aggressively slamming China. It also loses you votes in companies that trade with China such as lobster, wine.

Get off loser Newscorp themes, Australia is not going to elect a religious right Republican party look alike and also stop arguing dumb stuff like electric cars, gay marriage. Time has moved on.

Get more diverse. If you only go for the middle aged white guy vote, then that's all you will get.

Provide a clear alternative related to running the economy. Provide plans.

Stress good management, which was frankly lacking in the most recent government.

Don't argue to keep corruption in Government by weakening laws.

Don't look after the big end of town in preference to small business just to get a few election funds. The foreign owned gas companies are not our friends.

Appear on all networks with the whole front bench, not just Sky News, to engender trust and argue alternative views that make sense.

Finally stop picking nobs and boofheads as the leader.

(You can tell I am on holidays )
So basically be the Labor right?

Nup, notwithstanding a couple of good coins there, that would not win me or anybody I know back to the party... ESPECIALLY the women.
So basically be the Labor right?

Nup, notwithstanding a couple of good coins there, that would not win me or anybody I know back to the party... ESPECIALLY the women.

95% of my clients are women, and because of a demographic, very few labor or Greens voters

I go very carefully with my opinions, because not my place, I'm there to do a job get paid and @#$& off. Basically I let them rant, nod, and p$ss in their pocket.

I've noticed over the last couple of years, especially since the ridiculous responses to the beer bug, they, especially the women are moving further right and getting further and further disenchanted with the direction of the liberal party and their pandering to the left.

Yes it's a function of the demographic, very few inner city, head in the damned clouds trendies with no idea where anything that they rely on to survive comes from.

They want a move back to the centre right.
There are very few Greenie types, you know, the ones that will feed seaweed to their two cows to cut down on methane emissions, but drive a V8 LandCruiser, float their horses all over the countryside and knocked down a perfectly good house to build a Mcmansion, and thrash their water licence to keep the lousy kikuyu on their 5 acres nice and green.
Shhh! Don't tell greens voters they should live a green lifestyle! We're supposed to live the green lifestyle, so they don't need to.
So basically be the Labor right?

Nup, notwithstanding a couple of good coins there, that would not win me or anybody I know back to the party... ESPECIALLY THE WOMEN.
Which bit do you oppose?
Or what would you add?
Genuinely interested.
Which bit do you oppose?
Or what would you add?
Genuinely interested.
I oppose everything that are leftist talking points.

The liberal party will never catch the pompous and hypocritical women who drive Range Rovers and live in a 50 square centrally heated house while virtue signalling their useless green tokenism.

They'll never get the parents of spoilt brats gluing themselves to the road and throwing tomato soup on priceless artworks, or indeed their blue haired children.

I'll never get anyone while they are practising corporate cronyism. Only the Labor Party can do that because they know how to lie better.

They have to represent middle Australia better and weather the lunacy of the pseudo socialist, identirarian fringe.

They have to identify and succinctly highlight the lunacy I've leftist thought, they have to somehow shift the Overton window back to the centre and have proper debate there.
Those women used to vote Liberal. Not all women are green voters or will even vote Labor.
You can't win the election without getting them back. Politics is about winning.

Getting successful business women as potential MPs is a winning strategy in my view.

Libs will get the Liberal Democrat vote by preferences no matter what policies they have.
Like I said above, if my circle of acquaintances is anything to go by, they ain't getting them back by being teals.

Agree about getting some smart women in, but it won't work until that Overton window shifts to the middle. That's not going to happen while Liberals are pretend greens.
As I said, Libs always get your votes by preferences coz you aren't going to vote teals, greens or Labor ahead of the Libs no matter what their policies.
Yes it's a function of the demographic, very few inner city, head in the damned clouds trendies with no idea where anything that they rely on to survive comes from.
Perhaps just reflecting my social circle but most seem to have concluded that all political parties at this point have lost the plot completely.

Pick any of them and contemplate who do they actually represent?

One side's gone down the track of religion while the other seems hell bent on coercive control and reducing the lives of ordinary people to not much more than existence. Both have become miserable parodies of what they once represented.

What thinking person wants to vote for any of that?
Well that's the problem, not enough thinking people. $0.02
Honest Government Ads. Indeed.

Some ASF posters may have seen the work done by Juice Media with their "Honest Government ads" . Biting humour. Very free with the
xhit xuchery. Very well researched with their information. When you finish seeing one of their ads you have learnt something new. And I usually start spitting some fresh chips.

I just received their Christmas message and outtakes for the year. Thought it would be worth sharing and encouraging some posters to check out their views.


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