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Australian Politics General...

Speaking of Justice a wonder when John "Pork Barrell" Barilaro gets due recognition for his special skills. Creating a special $500k a year trade commissioner position which he then makes sure he gets even after a highly suitable applicant is awarded the job is downright criminal.

The testimony given in the current investigation is damning. And of course there are more than a few people in teh firing line.

‘A present for someone’: Jenny West gives explosive testimony at inquiry into John Barilaro’s NY trade job

Former senior public servant says she had been sent a brief signed by Gladys Berejiklian confirming her in the New York role

Barilaro inquiry: Jenny West told NY trade job would be 'a present for someone’ – video

Michael McGowan

Mon 11 Jul 2022 03.54 BSTLast modified on Mon 11 Jul 2022 08.30 BST

The woman first offered the New York trade commissioner job that eventually went to former New South Wales deputy premier John Barilaro has told a parliamentary probe into the appointment that she was told the position would instead be “a present for someone”.

On Monday the former senior public servant and businesswoman Jenny West told an upper house inquiry into Barilaro’s appointment she received a brief signed by former premier Gladys Berejiklian noting her appointment to the $500,000-a-year posting on 12 August last year.

She received the brief in a text message from the chief executive of Investment NSW, Amy Brown, who told her: “This is one to frame.” The message contained emojis of a champagne bottle and the Statue of Liberty.
But despite receiving both the brief and a verbal offer from Brown, the offer was later rescinded, West said.

John Barilaro withdraws from New York trade role due to ‘media attention’
Read more
On Monday, the former Investment NSW deputy secretary told an inquiry examining Barilaro’s appointment that on the same day Brown informed her the New York job was no longer hers because of a ministerial decision to instead make it a “political appointment”, she was also told she would be made redundant.

“In the space of four weeks I went from having been appointed to the role of [trade commissioner] to the Americas to potentially not having a job,” West told the upper house inquiry.

Sounds like a job for ICAC.
Sounds as though Labors script, hasn't changed much from Duttons.

Defence Minister Richard Marles has called for closer cooperation between Australia and the United States to avoid what he describes as "a catastrophic failure of deterrence" in the Indo-Pacific.

Key points:​

  • Defence Minister Richard Marles used an address in Washington DC to argue China was engaging in the biggest military build-up since WWII
  • He said the US-Australia alliance could not afford to "stand still"
  • Mr Marles will use his US visit to finalise the AUKUS deal to replace Australia's ageing fleet of Collins class submarines

Mr Marles used an address in Washington DC to argue China was engaging in the biggest military build-up since the end of Word War II.

"It is massive. It is completely changing the strategic circumstances of the Indo-Pacific and I think, beyond that, the world," he told the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

He warned the alliance between Australia and the US could not afford to "stand still", adding that it would be operating in a much more challenging strategic environment in the years ahead.

"It will need to contribute to a more effective balance of military power, aimed at avoiding a catastrophic failure of deterrence," he said.

"Events in Europe underline the risk we face when one country's determined military build-up convinced its leader that the potential benefit of conflict was worth the risk."

Mr Marles did not specifically reference Taiwan in his speech but said Russia's invasion of Ukraine could not be allowed to succeed.

"Only by ensuring such tactics fail can we deter their future employment, in Europe, the Indo-Pacific or elsewhere," he said.
Sounds like a job for ICAC.
Hope it does better than this one, sounds as though you just tell them what you want.?
I certainly hope if they are going to form these groups, they give them some teeth, otherwise they just become a false front for scamming IMO. A bit like building certification and the value of them, when you read about tower blocks ready to fall over.

Ex-Labor candidate admits he lied to cover up rort​

A former Labor candidate admits he lied to the state’s corruption watchdog to cover up a scandal that saw taxpayer-funded resources used in his preselection campaign.

Hot on the heels of all the other VICPol payouts comes another one.
From The Murdoch Press

From And I forgot to mention This one from the Age
There are still other cases before the courts that may well bring the reputation of VICPol even lower than what it is now.
They have a real problem.
At the risk of being accused of an anti labour Bias, it pains me to point out that once again, city based governments seem to think their state responsibilites don't extend beyond the inner city capital boundaries.
From ABC News
I sent a copy of this report to our local State member, who constantly promotes the fact that as an independent, she is not beholden to any party.
That may well be true, but it seems to be of absolutely no use to us.
I await her response with bated breath.
It is going to be interesting to see how the Government balances the environmental collapse and crisis with the requirement to install wind/solar farms and dams, talk about mixed messages.


First lesson of politics, you can never please everyone all the time.
Extremely disappointed to see Josh Frydenberg has decimated whatever levels of ethics and governance he may have had and joined those lying thieving criminals at Goldmans as an Advisor.
FromThe evil murdoch press
I guess in the end, its all about the money.

I suppose he has to do something.

If you were offered a nice cushy job in his position wouldn't you take it ?
Has nothing to do with Josh. Has everything to do with sending a message to the current treasurer and future treasurers and politicians.

As long as politicians let the big boys do what they want, the big boys will look after politicians post politics.
Back in the early days of the Covid pandamec, there was movement at the station to get quarantine facilities built.
Although quarantine is a FED issue, at least three states *(QLD, Vic and WA) went ahead and built their own facilities.
The change in Covid has meant that they are largely empty now.
The QLD one built at Wellcamp, is in addition to the Federal one built near the airport at Pinkemba.
After a lot of bluster, the Queensland Govt has finally released some of the costings for the Wellcamp site.
From The Evil Murdoch press
This is of course, over and above what the Qld Government agreed to pay Wellcamp Inc to actually build and run the camp, that is also commercial in confidence.
Commercial in Confidence, what a misnomer.
Very little thats commercial in it, and it provides very little confidence in the technocrats who hide behind the moniker.

Jacinta's maiden speech. It was a cracker ?

There is a Lady with her head screwed on, telling it as it is, not as the self serving media and virtue signaling elites would explain it, good on her.
You never know, maybe Australia will get a wake up call soon, that makes people think there are more important things in life than self indulgence.

The US said China's "aggressive and irresponsible behaviour" means it is only a matter of time before a major incident or accident.

The South China Morning Post reported that China's People Liberation Army has bolstered deployment in the region and expanded an airbase in Fujian, a region in southeast China directly opposite Taiwan.

A US aircraft carrier has reportedly begun to head towards Taiwan.

The USS Ronald Reagan, a carrier which is based in Yokosuka, Japan, pulled into Singapore last week — the first visit since 2019.

The South China Sea Strategic Situation's Probing Initiative said on Twitter the carrier made its way back to the South China Sea on July 26.
We seemed to have been posting in the wrong thread.
So lets see what happens in Queensland, the Wellcamp covid quarantine facility smelt of corruption, as the Feds wanted to build a facility next to the International airport.
So Queensland has a CCC, lets see what transpires, to me these corruption committees just seem like a token rubber stamp for corruption.
Like I said give it to the police to run and give them the laws and the resources to enforce it, then it is independent.
I said when the Wellcamp facility was announced, it will probably end up a taxpayer funded fifo camp for the Wagner group and their South Pacific Island workers.
Time will tell, but don't try and tell me that a Government run Corruption watchdog is anything other than jobs for the boys IMO, because I wont believe it.
Queensland has a Crime and Corruption watchdog, doesn't it? How come there isn't an investigation into this? I live in W.A and I could see it smelt bad, even blind Freddy could see it.

Queensland taxpayers have forked out more than $200m for the Wellcamp quarantine facility that will be mothballed within days.
The state’s deputy premier, Steven Miles, has revealed the total capital and leasing costs for the complex near Toowoomba, which the Wagner Group now owns, will be $198.5m.
Another $9m has been spent on catering, cleaning and security services.
About 730 guests have stayed at Wellcamp since it opened in February.
“It supported individuals with isolation accommodation in a range of circumstances, particularly those most vulnerable in the community,” Miles said.
“This includes guests who have tested positive to Covid-19 but do not have a suitable place to safely isolate such as homeless persons, refugees and victims of domestic violence.”

From August a year ago:

The Queensland government is pushing ahead with its own regional dedicated COVID-19 quarantine facility.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced on Thursday that Cabinet has approved the project on vacant land owned by Wagner Corporation, just outside Toowoomba, west of Brisbane.

The announcement came as the state recorded two new cases of COVID-19, both in hotel quarantine.
Construction started at the site near Wellcamp Airport on Thursday, with 500 beds to be available by the end of the year and a total capacity of 1,000 by March next year.

Construction firm Wagners first submitted the plan to use its Wellcamp Airport as the landing point for some of the Australians stranded overseas in January.

The financial arrangement between the state government and the Wagner family will be commercial-in-confidence, but the state government has signed a one-year lease, with the option of extending to two or three years.

In June, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the site did not meet the criteria for a Commonwealth-funded quarantine compound because it was not within easy access of a passenger airport terminal or tertiary hospital.
He knocked back the plan and instead proposed a facility at the Damascus Barracks, about 5 minutes' drive from Brisbane Airport.
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