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Australian Politics General...

It also shows that women can be bad a$$ed bullies as well.
It also shows that women can be bad a$$ed bullies as well.
I think the bullying in politics would be unbelievable, it takes a certain type of person to become politician, I've known a few guys that ran for office they were definitely not my type of people. They all had similar traits, which related to mouth size and head size. ?
Just trawling for a bite
Got one on cue
As you know, I think it is an important issue, it basically negates the tax free status of the first $18,000 of earnings and the tax free status of your super in the pension phase.
As you know and I said at the time, either do away franking credits completely, or do away with the tax free status of super and the first $18,000 of earnings. What silly Billy was suggesting was dumb then and is just as dumb now also the reason it was dropped.
Is it worth dropping the franking credits outright for raising the $18k earnings to say.. $25k ?

The issue was raised because it was blowing the budget exponentially.
Hah! Such suggestions for taxation reform opens a whole 'nuther can of worms, especially now that MMT has been extensively mooted in various quarters.

We could streamline the whole deal by eliminating this whole subterfuge I've giving with one hand and taking away with the other... Not to mention the elimination of a massive tranch of bureaucratic expense.

... and, if we brought back some manufacturing capacity to Australia we could give all those freshly redundant bureaucrats a taste of real life and what it means to have a real job.
Is it worth dropping the franking credits outright for raising the $18k earnings to say.. $25k ?

The issue was raised because it was blowing the budget exponentially.
Exactly, but just targeting a small number fixes nothing.
With super, it is already capped how much you can have in pension phase anyway and the rest is taxed.
Im with you, just drop the franking credits all together, just taking it off the bottom end is dopey.
The issue was raised, to force smsf into industry funds, just Billy paying back favours IMO.
Much has been about the Independence or lack thereof of the candidates in the upcoming Federal Election.
At this link is a list of all of the independent candidates "approved" by climate 200.
What is interesting about this list of 20 Independents is the extreme lack of diversity
(1) The supported ones consist of 3 White Males and 17 white females. Not an Asian, African, middle eastern or aboriginal among the lot of them
(2). of the 20, three are standing for the senate, two are already Independent members of electorates, and every one of the other 15 new candidate independents are standing in Coalition held seats. Not one standing in one of the 68 Labour held seats, not one standing in the a green held seat, they are not even approving of an independent candidate standing against pauline Hanson, UAP or Centre Aliance.
(3). The majority are tertiary educated and work in the public arena, only two have any experience in the private arena. Not a single Tradie amongst them, no engineers, no IT techies, no truck drivers.
(4) None claim to have a disability or claim to belong/represent a gender diverse/sexual fluid minority as defined by the LGBTIQ alphabet.
But, hey, they represent all of us.
Surely after the huge problems caused by the High Court ruling on citizenship eligibilty to stand for election in OZ, that every single person, either in parliament or considering standing for parliament, should have had water tight proof of their eligibility?
But no, a Liberal Senator who was parachuted into the senate has had to resign from the senate because of potential New Zealand Citizenship.
From the dreaded Murdoch press
The laws that applied at his birth are immaterial.
What is important is the law that applied at the time of his accepting the nomination.
Another Liberal machine cockup.
There is some talk of Albo having automatic Italian citizenship, because of his father...

That would be entertaining if true.
Matt Kean et Al appear to be in the wrong party, whose inane ravings have become indiscernible from Adam Bandt.
There is some talk of Albo having automatic Italian citizenship, because of his father...

That would be entertaining if true.
Like most things potentially entertaining, iwould appear to be incorrect.
According to the ALP via the dreaded murdoch press , Albo has no father named on his Birth certificate, so there can be no descendancy from an Italian Father.
Since then, his mother has admitted that his father is Italian, who she met on an overseas trip.
But because there is no LEGAL documents that tie Albo to an Italian father, its got no legal basis.
iIf there was, you can garauntee that someone would have challenged it along with all the others in the High Court.
Matt Kean et Al appear to be in the wrong party, whose inane ravings have become indiscernible from Adam Bandt.
Yea, I never understood why the "boy minister" Kean didn't just join the greens and be done with it.
A lot of the NSW libs blame him for the leaks about glad texting unpleasant things about Scomo.
Now that the election is over, and we appear to have a clear winner, the spin goes into full supoer cycle mode.
Michael Maccormack , in a fairly obvious tilt at the LNP leadership again, reckons the coalition would have done a lot better under his leadership. ( see ABC News ).
He does not explain how his demise from the leadership caused the Liberal Decimation, nor does he explain how having him still in the role instead of Joyce would have stopped everyone in those blue ribbon seats from supporting the teal women.
Another weird claim was that the Liberals had moved to far to the right, and were punished because of it.
From Channel 7
So come they went after the moderates of the liberal party almost exclusively?
The teals have effectively driven the party to the right.
Peter Dutton, one of the more righter than right coalition members, is likely to be anointed as the next leader
There were some good outcomes.
1. Kristina Keneally getting dumped in favour of a local candidate.
2. Clive Palmer wasted huge amounts of money for a nil return.
3. Pauline Hanson did not gain any traction.
The party thought if they put the moderates in the City seats that would stop the backlash of moving to the right.
They weren't that moderate. Look at Barnaby standing up in comparison, they were mute. And if the Liberal Party are dumb enough to listen to Murdoch media and move to the right further they may as well commit Hari Kari now.
This is how Menzies started the Liberal party and wiped out the too right wing United Australia party.
He worked with the women in Australian society and dissociated the new Liberals from their Country party Allies (who are now the Nationals).
Don't think history cannot repeat. If a sizable section of the Libs and their base broke away and became the new centre right party the Libs would be gone.

I think people are more engaged at present than ever before and everyone is fed up with being managed by political insiders who are mostly lawyers.

Now we know that we can take out a member we will. It will cut both ways for Labor also. Social media makes it easier. Watch out!
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Must be something to do with the Macs.
Mark Macgowan has chimed in.
From ABC News
I like that comment about not appealing to mainstream Australia, whatever that is.
If you look at the real votes, as distinct from the two party preferred,

Macgowans party got less than a third of the vote, hardly a ringing endorsement.
Looking at it another way, one might say that two thirds of the mainstream Australians that this Macca is talking about, didn't want his party.
Mere technicalities.
It's not a question simply of left or right Knobby. There is the spectrum of liberty vs authoritarianism also.

In my opinion Dutton would be a mistake as he is far too authoritarian, but moving further towards labor-lite will be an even worse mistake.

IMO what Liberal voters want is a move to to the libertarian right, AKA classical liberalism in the English sense...

Why would voters go for Labor Lite when there is a perfectly good Labor Party if you want that shyte.

Classical liberalism can be progressive socially, without sacrificing the tenets small government and fiscal responsibility. The recently deposed liberal government was anything but that... Authoritarian, socially conservative, fiscally profligate.

That is why they failed, not because they went postmodernists.
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