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Australian Politics General...

Spot on. Albo does own 3-4 houses as far as I can remember. Carmel Tebutt, his wife/partner for 30 years was a high level bureaucrat and NSW politician. There is no doubt that on their combined wages they were able to invest in property from 1990 onwards . Check out the Url

So yes he could easily have $10m in assets ( although we don't know how much he owes). The slag that he has never had "a real job" is just another piece of xhite.
If one was looking for a down to earth, fiercely honest politician who was truly committed to helping the underdog then Jacqui Lambie would be high on the list.

I do agree that long term politicians who have become very comfortably well off with their positions are not going to be as passionate about the plight of the poor. Excellent article in The Monthly on her history and effectiveness.

Thats interesting, they should be able to find consensus and get some controversial change through, it will be exciting to see what it is.
Realistically, the only controversial change might be the GST but I don't think the appetite for widespread tax reform is there at present.

Unfortunately in 2008 the wheels started falling off a few ALP state Govts and the consensus never appeared. But then again, Rudd was never known for his consensual attributes was he ? LOL
Charming Bas, but don't let them call you a misogynist.
Talking about misogynists, lucky Penny Wong is female and isn't called Scomo, Albo, or any other male name, they wouldn't get away with saying "oh I appologised to Kimberly Kitchener, for saying 'if you had children you might understand why there's a climate emergency', but insisted it wasn't a 'personal attack'.
I'm sure it wouldn't be swept under the carpet if a male politician said it, but hey I guess only women can say nasty things and not be held accountable.
As I've said and the rusted on laborites gave me $hit for it, Billy was selling the working class down the toilet, blind Freddy could see that.

The article just shows workers have long memories, just in case silly Billy wants to put the knife in Albos back, like he did with Rudd/Gillard.
No the working class pay tax so not threatened by the loss of franking credits unlike some
No the working class pay tax so not threatened by the loss of franking credits unlike some
I hope they try that one again, all the blue collar guys who buy shares in their wives name were pizzed as well, but as you say twiggy and the boys were laughing. ? .
One thing for sure, if your representative of Labor thinking, they wont be in for very long, yet again.
Good to see you back.
No the working class pay tax so not threatened by the loss of franking credits unlike some
Was that a typo?
if the working class pay tax, then the franking credits will help them reduce Tax.
Are you perhaps thinking of the SMSF luckies who actually get a refund rather than just a reduction in tax??
Was that a typo?
if the working class pay tax, then the franking credits will help them reduce Tax.
Are you perhaps thinking of the SMSF luckies who actually get a refund rather than just a reduction in tax??
Yes Humid is a great believer, in the self funded and low income earners not getting the franking credit, yet those who are in industry funds get to keep theirs. So like myself who fund my own retirement, if I had kept running my SMSF I would lose the franking credit, but if I transferred the money into an industry fund I kept it.
The other issue was a lot of guys buy shares in their wives name, as they are stay at home mums for FIFO's etc so on lower tax rates most intelligent blue collar workers do it, the wives would have lost the franking credits.
Yet billionaires, reduce the tax they pay by hundreds of millions of dollars, they get to keep them.
Some people couldn't get their head around the fact that the franking credit is tax paid to the ATO on your behalf, whether that tax goes back to a self funded retiree, or a billionaire pays less tax, the net result is the same, the ATO doesn't get that tax.
So I suggested stop franking credits completely, or else they have to be applied the way they are, it is just Humid was upset Labor blew their feet off.
With regard a self funded retiree in pension phase, as it is decreed to be tax free earnings, either they get the franking credit back, or the dividend they receive should be higher as it is reduced because tax was paid on the dividend. It has to be one ore the other or else the earnings in the super fund supporting the pension aren't tax free.
It would be like taking concessions of pensioners, why should they get concessions.
We had a big debate over it at the last election, typical rusted on though, just love seeing their mates cop it.
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Was that a typo?
if the working class pay tax, then the franking credits will help them reduce Tax.
Are you perhaps thinking of the SMSF luckies who actually get a refund rather than just a reduction in tax??
Just trawling for a bite
Got one on cue
You get used to your wife earning more than you
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