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Australian Politics General...

Yeah! Labor are completely honest and even handed. They haven't pork barreled, ever! Never even branch stacked or anything remotely like that.... Nope, just not the Labor style
Labor would never bully a woman or have a mean girl culture.

Albo would never say anything like "Smash her" during question time.

Labor always investigates allegations of alleged rape by ex opposition leaders.

Labor is the epitome of saintly virtue

The real issue IMO is, Labor have to win, if they don't well it doesn't bear thinking about.
Really the rails have been greased endlessly, every issue whether State or Federal has been blamed on Scott from marketing, the coalition look exhausted they really should have been out last election.
Then you have the virus and the endless problems associated with that, even Barnaby looks worn out, but he still seem to be able to perform where it counts.
So Labor should have won the last one, Albo is playing the small target plan, if this doesn't work where to from there.
Not that I think Labor wont win.
I still think it's London to a brick and Mombasa to a melon that labour wins this, despite their best efforts to blow it.
For a while there I thought it was going to be a landslide but now I think it'll be a lot closer.

But could labour blow it altogether yet again?

The thing is either result is the worst possible result for Australia.

Quoting a Liberal shrill who is quoting a Liberal shrill......
No I think Labor has to get in, the coalition absolutely needs to be benched, they are just throwing money to try and stop a tide they can't stop.
But having said that, it is good to see the rusted on Laborites are wad punching their undies. ?
No I think Labor has to get in, the coalition absolutely needs to be benched, they are just throwing money to try and stop a tide they can't stop.
But having said that, it is good to see the rusted on Laborites are wad punching their undies. ?

Mean while back at the rusted on Morrison fan club...

Actually if Labor get up it will be the biggest hospital handpass ever a, Trill$ in debt, world wide recession to hit and it will be all Labor's fault.

Liberals talking about further unfunded tax cuts farrrrrrk
OMG the excuses are already getting rolled out. ?
Like I said earlier, I'm apolitical I just think it is time we need a change and Labor are the only ones who can bring in the pain needed to fix things.
A huge amount of money has been handed out in the last two years and everyone is so used to it, that they are popping up left right and center looking for Government handouts from Scomo and when he gives it they say it wasn't fast enough, or why did they get and we didn't.
Time for a complete change of direction, bring on Labor, magic.
I've been around long enough, to have been through about five of these cycles, this will just be another one. ?

By the way, my best mate retires on Friday, 67 years old and made it, thanks Kev for the help. ?

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Propaganda. What is the source for that data ?

Why do you keep posting un-verified cr@p from people with a vested interest in denigrating the other side ?
It's not just Albo mate.. it's politicians in general. And in case you haven't noticed I'm not on the other side. As I have said several times on this forum I will probably never vote LNP ever again. I am against both major parties.

Also in case you haven't noticed, "your side" does an aweful lot of propaganda to sh¹t can the other side.

So please spare me the faux outrage.
So Albo is worth $10 million ? Peanuts , Dutton is worth $220 million. What's your point ?
So Albo is worth $10 million ? Peanuts , Dutton is worth $220 million. What's your point ?
That *IS the point, Horace.

To quote myself - ”It seems politics is a pretty lucrative business.”

We pretty much know they all take advantage of inside information to enrich themselves. You'd do it, I'd do too.

However, the deeper point is that Albo claims to be a socialist and cans the rich for political points with the battlers.

Yet by pretty much any measure you would care to use, Albo is one of the rich. It's the disingenuity(sic) and the double standard.

Let me tell you what is going to happen when Albo becomes prime minister... The poor and the rich game to be handed to and looked after, while the sitting ducks in Australian society, the middle class, is going to get cornholed.

So if you're middle class you have two options, get lubed up, or very quickly figure out how to protect yourself.
Spot on, the teams change, but the players are all the same, to think otherwise is just brainwashing IMO.

Anyone who owns a house in Sydney these days is a millionaire. I don't know if Albo used 'inside information'. He's been in a well paid job for years, a Cabinet Minister for some of those, has no dependents now I believe, so maybe he saved his money.

A lot of Public servants would get paid more than he does.
Hey, guess what ?

Scott Morrison has a net worth of $19 million and he's a Christian.

You , know the people who tell others to give to the poor but get rich themselves.

What a hypocrite, he should have given his fortune to the homeless.
Hey, guess what ?

Scott Morrison has a net worth of $19 million and he's a Christian.

You , know the people who tell others to give to the poor but get rich themselves.

What a hypocrite, he should have given his fortune to the homeless.
Judas made the same point, but I think Jesus put him back in his box on that issue.
Mark McGowan showing a bit of class, despite the media trying to goad him, it's a shame others in politics can't carry themselves in the same manner.
If they did, they would gain a lot more of the publics respect, rather than joining in with the media to become pack animals.
Politicians can dislike each other, there is no need to become media puppets to display it IMO.


McGowan is probably the most professional leader in the country right now.
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