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Australian Politics General...

Don't think it's a matter of political parties finding **** is more a case of **** people finding political parties
No singing and dancing now for the good folk of NSW....what next no flying kites. The guy just has no clue. It's time Dom Boy renamed the NSW liberal party to the Taliban.

The problem is too many lawyers and social workers in Parliament, not enough scientists and engineers.
In the USA, politicians are colloquially referred to as "law makers". I'd suggest that is reason/excuse for the absence of certain trades in parliament.

Scientists and engineers are objective solutions people, lawyers are conflictory who are more about emotional problem creation and the win.

Couldn't have said it better.

The main problem is I think that people of real quality see politics as beneath them and not worthy of scientific problem solving , because they know that muck will be thrown by the other side purely on a political basis and they don't want to expose themselves or their families to personal attacks.

The only way out that I can see is abolition of the Party system and selection by achievement in previous professions, a meritocracy if you like.

But that is probably decades if not centuries down the track.
IMO it is a bit like local government, they get bloated with self serving people who run for election to further their own ends, then when the inevitable corruption evolves they are thrown out and an administrator is appointed to sort it out.
When this is achieved, the administrator is removed, elections are called and the process starts again, wash rinse repeat.
Yes corruption starts at the roots and spreads upwards through the tree.
It would seem that the Hated Murdoch Press may be abandoning the conservatives ready for the next election.
Have not read it in the Guardian or ABC news yet.
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Murdoch will go with whoever public opinion is with, you sell more papers and get better ratings, if you target the majority.
That's why he is still in business, where a lot of other media is getting flipped from owner to owner.
One of the Liberal backbenchers has right royally pissed off his colleagues by falling asleep in his office and missed a crucial vote
Todays OZ
Mere workers get sacked for sleeping on the job.
Murdoch will go with whoever public opinion is with, you sell more papers and get better ratings, if you target the majority.
That's why he is still in business, where a lot of other media is getting flipped from owner to owner.

Sort of.

He will fight hard for the Conservatives until it's obvious that they are going to lose, then he'll switch sides and pretend he's the people's friend.
Sort of.

He will fight hard for the Conservatives until it's obvious that they are going to lose, then he'll switch sides and pretend he's the people's friend.
Yea, but at least he recognises and acts when he realises he's picked the losing side.
The ABC, the Guardian, getup, crikey , Fairfax/Nine, all predicted and championed a Labor win in the last election and ended up still being on the losing side.
Murdoch is a globalist, he doesn't give a crap about conservatives.

Courage of convictions vs hypocrisy.
Courage of Convictions, or just plain bias??
The Guardian has no beef either way I would have thought , it's not government funded.

The ABC has turned into a minorities first broadcaster, the mainstream is in the background. They have been taken over by feminists and SJWs and are losing credibility imo.
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