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Australian Politics General...

Nah he'll have one of them white pharmacist shirts on behind the counter
Asking you if you would like a free prostate check, with that free antigen test, while holding you by the shoulders. ?
I don't vote Labor as a matter of course,
Of course not, you only wrote policy for them for years, so I can understand that you wouldn't vote for them.

Hopefully they can get back to their roots this time around and things get back to normal, where the blue collar vote for them and the rich vote for the Libs, like it used to be.
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I wrote policies for both Labor and the Coalition.
Both Labor and the Coalition match each other in mundane policies and cannot see the future nowadays, or at least don't understand what's necessary to get us into it.
Don't know where you have been hiding but the concept of a plausible blue collar vote died over 25 years ago. In case you didn't know way back in 1997 most blue-collar workers (63%) earned between $15,000 and $50,000 per annum while only 37% of employers, managers and professionals received incomes of the same range.
I think that once more sensible people get into green politics the 2 party system will fall apart.
Bring back Gough I say.
Failing that, Twiggy for President of the Republic!
You every think of starting your own political party?
Watching our politics on covid is as funny as a South Park episode.

I think that goes for pretty much anything technical.

Using the word "technical" in a broad sense to mean medical, engineering and indeed anything which comes down to the practical application of science. Politics seems to blunder through at best, drastically fail at worst.

Pandemic. Energy. Water management. Transport infrastructure. Etc. Politics struggles to apply science in all cases, probably because doing so would give everyone from One Nation to the Greens an identical position with nothing to argue about - the best argument I've ever seen for keeping politicians away from technical things.
That smurf is why I get disappointed when it is suggested politicians need to get involved, in what is essentially a technical issue, all they do is throw taxpayers money at the aspect which will have the best political outcome not the best technical or financially efficient outcome.
The problem is too many lawyers and social workers in Parliament, not enough scientists and engineers.
Very true, but one must equally guard against a technocracy.
Agreed although I'll argue that the track record of technocrats is they stuff up far less often than politicians.

Imperfect but if it's one or the other then they tend to get it right far more often than politicians who seem unable to stick to facts.

The trouble with politicians being that they like to leave their mark on things such that, even if something is perfect, they want to change it.
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Except if the technocracy is a technical autocracy, such as now... CHO effectively has become a single issue dictatorship, without regard for other technical disciplines, or even other disciplines within their own purview.

In ten years, this time will be viewed with utter disbelief, IMNTBCHO.
A lot of outright lying going on in the twittersphere. The politicisation of Omicron is in full swing. Some giant media turds really outdoing themselves.
A lot of outright lying going on in the twittersphere. The politicisation of Omicron is in full swing. Some giant media turds really outdoing themselves.
Learnt it from Scott Moricron

How did a political party find so many $hit people?
Recruit slightly above Labor standards
When does that rape trial start for Renolds's staffer Mox??
You know the one: Happened a couple of doors down from 3monkey's Morrisons office. Rumor is there's a bit of a history of behaviour...
Terrible to see that playing out in an election campaign; people might get the right idea...
Furniture Sales Kelly's chief of staff; In disscusion with his lawyers... Bit slow to get the deep cleaners in on that one.
Where's Doc Smith of old...'the stains the stains'
When does the rape trial from a previous Labor leader start?

You rusted ons are all the same. I'd burn em all down, happily. The moment a political party starts moving to totalitarian measures is the moment they are dead to me.
Labor has been "me too" all the way through some of the most invasive bills to pass. They are in no way shape or form a credible alternative.
So you will vote Scummo again and the other local god botherer Domicron
So you will vote Scummo again and the other local god botherer Domicron
Na I won't vote that shtbag in (haven't voted for them in a while). But in the end it's going to be a wasted vote anyway. We had independent in before and it was a mess of government.

I'm not seeing any disruptive options that would blow the whole thing up either. Just multiple levels of bland wankerss, all hoping to put their nose in the trough
Nsw state I don't want Labor in ever again. I could care less about that one.
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