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Australian Politics General...

I'm hearing it from everyone.
I'm hearing it from everyone.

The Super Dooper spreader event is NYE parties all over.

Locked down for a lot of the year, no night clubs or parties, they will rage all night long..................

By the end of January in the cities will be 50% herd immunity, they will all have had O

Not sure if that is good or bad but my neighbour works as security in clubs, I ain't going anywhere near him for a while
One of the huge problems for me during this whole ordeal has been the messaging. Especially the health advice. It's been way to mixed and politicised.

A lot of young people just don't care and are going out anyway.
Like other scientific matters, the whole thing's become so politicised that many have simply stopped caring.
Ignorance anyone

Well you could make everyone happy by going to the UK to pick up your free test pack.
Actually if you return via central Africa, they are providing free masks, you could pick up some for yourself.
All you need then is the free toilet paper and your good to go.

What a dick. Lol $250k a year and still hunting free stuff.
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Well you could make everyone happy by going to the UK to pick up your free test pack.
Besides the point.
POCT/LFT/RAT have been available since 2020 and could have been used instead of windscreen stickers at border crossings, immediately at airports instead of having PCR tests 3 days beforehand (seriously!), and for all essential workers on a daily basis. In bulk they can be purchased for less than 50cents each (I'm talking tens of millions). Good quality RAT tests are 99% accurate for picking up infectious cases, which is exactly what PCR tests should be used for instead of determining someone had it a month ago and is no longer infectious but still has to isolate!
And now, all of a sudden, there is a rush for RAT tests, but availability is causing chaos.
Watching Scomo fight with States for almost 2 years shows how pathetic his lack of leadership has been on covid. Even the last National Cabinet didn't get consensus. A donkey could not have done a worse job.
But here's the totally stupidity of it all. Instead of Medicare picking up all the PCR testing costs (presently in excess of $4B) it could instead have spent a small fraction of that, tested a lot more people a lot faster, and most likely have had fewer instances of covid border jumping.
So putting aside politics, from a medical and economic perspective RAT would have picked up most infectious cases on the spot, thereby preventing disruptions to commerce and facilitating the immediate isolation of positive cases, which would have further reduced spread potential.
Instead we have had political grandstanding on rollouts, case/test/hospital counts and strong borders. And that's aside from absolute inconsistencies on definitions, restriction levels. quarantining and isolation arrangements.
Watching our politics on covid is as funny as a South Park episode. Covid killed Kenny - now we know.
Rob loyal to the end, hope you have a win this time round, its been a long time between drinks. ?
I don't think poking your tonque out at Scomo and blowing raspberries is going to cut it for Labor though..

Rob loyal to the end, hope you have a win this time round, its been a long time between drinks. ?
I don't think poking your tonque out at Scomo and blowing raspberries is going to cut it for Labor though..
I don't vote Labor as a matter of course, but am pointing out it's hard to find a cheer squad for the federal effort on covid.
I do find it galling that billions have been spent on PCR testing which is both costly and inefficient while instead playing politics.
Having a brain dead control freak as a leader has put us behind on so many fronts it's embarrassing.

We will never know if Labor would have done any better, but taking the restrictions off so suddenly when there was virus still around has stuffed everything up and nullified any good work that they may have done in the past.

Listening too much to their owners (business) and not enough to the medicos is a sure sign of vested interests overriding public good.
well you said it couldnt be done and it turns out the $hithole you come from is doing it
Probably easier for you to return 10 lb pom lol
I think a lot of it is a case of playing with the hand your dealt, in W.A there really isn't an issue and we could probably stay isolated for ever, I don't think that is the case over East financially they can only do it for so long.
It sounds as though they are going on feedback from Europe, where the omicron is much further advanced than here, it appears that the rate of hospitalisation is far less than with earlier strains of the virus.
I would presume they are working on modelling and have some idea as to the mortality and sickness outcomes expected, when I was in RPH recently they are preparing the old burns wards for covid, they are negative pressure rooms to reduce infection transfer.
well you said it couldnt be done and it turns out the $hithole you come from is doing it
Probably easier for you to return 10 lb pom lol
Don't be a dick, I didn't say it couldn't be done, I posted that the pharmacutical guild recommended it shouldn't be done.
I will post the article again, maybe get someone to help you read it. ?

By the way, have you had the toilet roll attached to you chin yet, to wipe your mouth with?
From the article:

The nation’s Pharmacy Guild opposed completely free access to COVID-19 rapid antigen tests, lobbying the federal government to subsidise the cost for low-income households but make others pay to stop chemists being overrun.
Seems to work in the UK
Do you think they just leave them on the counter and you help yourself
Tell me your hoarding theory
Seems to work in the UK
Do you think they just leave them on the counter and you help yourself
Tell me your hoarding theory
Ring the pharmacy guild and ask them.

Woolies and Coles had a lot of trouble controlling toilet paper hoarding.
If FIFO require a compulsory test and they are free, it wouldn't take the boys long to have a donga full. ?
If i was cynical I would think they will magically become free just prior to an election and the Guild will be cheering it on
If i was cynical I would think they will magically become free just prior to an election and the Guild will be cheering it on
With a picture of Scomo giving the thumbs up on the packaging, nothing like a bit of creative pork barreling.
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