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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Spot on Julia, the sunset clause has been thrown in by Wilkie, to try and coerce the greens into voting for it. Thereby trying to give some credibility to a completly motly government, trying to justify absolutely atrocious policy making.
What an unholy mess the Government have got themselves into and it all could have been avoided.

They are now like a dog trying to catch it's own tail. They just keep going around in circles and frustrating the whole system.

There will be no winners and no losers says Julia. Wishful thinking dear Julia. You have lost big time.
A ship carrying survivors is expected to go to Christmas Island. It will take about 12 hours to make the journey.

Why the hell is it going to Christmas island and not back to Indonesia? The boat was scuttled in the Indonesian Rescue Zone. Who makes these decisions?
The government and the opposition could vote together in the Senate which would have the welcome effect of making the Greens irrelevant. Hard to imagine this happening, at least at this stage.
There is no way the Opposition will support this bill in the senate as it is, and neither they should.

It's better to force the Greens to openly show their true colours if they want to hold on to the power they currently enjoy.
It's better to force the Greens to openly show their true colours if they want to hold on to the power they currently enjoy.

I think the Greens have shown their colours - in the interviews I have seen them I have concluded that a vote for the Greens is a vote for someone that lives in Fairy Land.
Watched and listened to the debate yesterday for hours, it is very clear Gillard knows whats acceptable to the Libs and squirms to appear to compromise but doesn't.

All the Libs want is for people to be sent to countries that have signed the UN convention on Asylum seekers, no Australian would object to that but Gillard sidles up to that useless creep Oakeshott to offer a "compromise" which doesn't protect people any more than her original position.

It's clear -

Gillard doesn't care about protecting women and children asylum seekers.
Gillard puts her own political agenda first.
Gillard knows the deal on the table will not get through the Senate.
Gillard will then try to blame the Libs for there being no deal in place.

All the talk about we must fix this is a show but she's not a very good actor, she only cares about winning.

Gillard is a contemptible, manipulating, calculating failure and a nasty piece of work to boot.
Gillard is a contemptible, manipulating, calculating failure and a nasty piece of work to boot.

I don't understand why everyone questions Gina,s character and integrity. I would trust her over Gillard any day.
Do illegal immigrants get Australian Citizenship or Permanent Residency?

Wouldn't keeping someone on permanent residency status (opposed to Citizenship) with mandatory deportation clauses if they are found to be involved in serious crime/criminal activities, drugs trade and acts of terrorism also act a back-up?
How dumb is Bowen, sugesting turning back the boats is the same as sending people to Malaysia.
Really just how dumb is he, the refugees were willingly in Indonesea to use it as a springboard to Australia. Turning them back there discourages them from going there in the first place.
How the hell he can compare that to, taking the people onto Australian soil, feeding and clothing them and shipping them off to a third country that has a poor track record on human rights, is beyond comprehension.
The guy is just looking like a goose and making a fool of himself by trying to blame Tony yet again.
I actually had a bit of time for Bowen, but it looks as though Gillard has slapped him into submission and he is rolling out her crazy diatribe. What a bunch of losers.
Watched a bit of the debate in the Senate this morning. They panned out at one stage and there were only about 5 senators in the chamber listening. Same happened yesterday in the Lower House.

What are we paying these politicians for?
What a sight. Sarah Hanson-Young cries crocodile tears in the senate.
They were probably as genuine as those Joe Hockey choked back when expressing his outrage about 13 year olds being sent to Malaysia. Plenty of cant and hypocrisy to go round, it seems.

Much to do with politics and little to do with policy imo.
Just heard Hanson-Young blubbering in the Senate. Is anyone else getting fed up with all this crying that goes on these days? It seems to me just a cynical tactic to get people onside. Anyone on any side of the debate can cherry pick sob stories to support their case, what we need now is some strong policy and strong leadership to sort out the problem, we need our leaders to step away from individual stories and look at what is in the best interests for everybody as a whole.

Edited to add: I see from the previous posts others feel the same way.
They were probably as genuine as those Joe Hockey choked back when expressing his outrage about 13 year olds being sent to Malaysia. Plenty of cant and hypocrisy to go round, it seems.

Much to do with politics and little to do with policy imo.

The dregs of Parliament conspire. Moylan , Hanson-Young, Brandt, Wilkie, Washer, Albanese.

Calliope - Bolt has the same picture on his blog this morning with these comments:
How dumb is Bowen,

I think most people would endorse the possibility that Bowen could determine who is as follows:

1 Are they an refugee?
2 Are they an illegal immigrant?
3 Are they an asylum seeker?

If a Muslim escapes from "where ever" because of religious or political persecution, and enters Indonesia
legally they are refugees living in Indonesia.
Now considering that Indonesia practice their faith they should be home.
But no, they want to destroy their papers, pay big money to jump on a boat and come to Australia where
we practice Christian beliefs they do not want to have a bar of.

So in my mind they are "illegal immigrants" and should be treated accordingly.
It is not about (1, 2 or 3) in the minds of some of these people, it is about how they are rewarded financially
in Australia, that is the draw card for them to come.
Gee 30 years ago I had a tee- shirt with "When the last Kiwi leaves NZ, will somebody turn off the lights."
printed across the front.

The problem started with Kevin Rudd and continues to this day.
Chris Bowen is more intelligent than he is allowed to be by Julia Gillard.
Therefore he needs to be in a party where he can apply his beliefs to government.
If he cannot, or does not, then I agree with SP that he is "dumb" on more than one account.

Nick Xenaphon, the most respected parlimentary member in my opinion, said from his hospital bed that we can't have a perfect world and a compromise should be reached.
He pointedly mentioned the Greens in particular and I agree.
Since when have lives rated above philosophy, particuarly since they will not have power next election.

...and I am sick of all these Parlimentarianms bursting into tears and yet towing the hard line.

Julia and I predicted this earlier in the thread ... and so it has come to pass.
Politics just keeps hitting new lows in this country.
Gee 30 years ago I had a tee- shirt with "When the last Kiwi leaves NZ, will somebody turn off the lights."
printed across the front.
What on earth does that silly slogan have to do with the present situation?

I'm beyond irritated with all the bogus tears. If they genuinely wanted a solution they could agree on it in an hour of sensible discussion.
All the weeping is as stupid and unproductive as the incessant bloody hugging that occurs every few minutes in the various reality TV programs.
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