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Asylum immigrants - Green Light

Why is it the same crowd that feign concern for the refugees that perished at sea when they dont give a f*ck anyway and would be the first to volunteer to maintain the borders with guns drawn. Bloody hypocrites.
As we have seen, death at sea is an inevitable consequence of policies that allow people to seek asylum in Australia by boat.

Your name-calling characterisation above isn't going to change that.
Why is it the same crowd that feign concern for the refugees that perished at sea when they dont give a f*ck anyway and would be the first to volunteer to maintain the borders with guns drawn. Bloody hypocrites.

If kids that were kidnapped, tortured and raped by the neighbour managed to escape and ran across the street for help. We all know the thing to do is to ask if the kids got permission from the adults at home to leave the house; then ask why they jaywalk when there's a perfectly good crossing somewhere nearby; then tell them that it's your lawn so get the hell off of it.
Indonesia wasn't safe huh?
Or any of the other countries they passed through to get here?
This was a loophole that was successfully closed.
Sucks to be those guys, but the flood of people that were coming by boat was ridiculous.

We are still taking refugees that are stuck in camps.

The thing about refugees and people smugglers is their ability to hire consultants to exploit loopholes.

I bet the Goldman Sachs of the world is diversifying their tax minimisation division into advising "refugees" how to fake war, famine, persecution... act desperate, get on a leaky boat and head south.

But thank goodness the smarter people among us aren't falling for that boohoohoo our countries are being bombed like there's goodness and civilisation is raining upon high; our village being razed to the ground to clear the land by people who look almost like ourselves.
Indonesia wasn't safe huh?
Or any of the other countries they passed through to get here?
A lot of them did their dough and are obviously not happy. Australia isn't the soft touch it used to be.
Head a long way south.... Through numerous other safe countries and into one with welfare.
Majority are from Iran.
Australia was next door to Ireland during the Potato Famine was it?

Was Australia close to Europe after WWII as well?

There are countries in Asia that are not known for their signature on the UN refugee paper, and they tend not to see themselves as the light of the world either.

And last I heard, Iran is one of the Axis of Evil. Those who claim to be persecuted or fear for their lives in Iran shouldn't be listened to to get the facts straight?

And no body is saying that all those who claim asylum are genuine refugees. Maybe the thing to do is ask for proof. Or turn on the news and watch current event.
There are countries in Asia that are not known for their signature on the UN refugee paper, and they tend not to see themselves as the light of the world either.
If they're OK to transit, they're OK to stay.

You seem to be confusing real refugees with economic "refugees" who have the funds, contacts and ability to pick and choose what country they want to leech off.

To reduce your apparent confusion the link below may help as it shows what real refugees look like.
You wont see the ABC cameras there nor will you hear any stupid comments from Sea Patrol Sarah because she wouldn't have a bloody clue where the place is !
It's a shame SJWs never support their own, only all else against their own.

Hence, you are the enemy of our culture.
If they're OK to transit, they're OK to stay.

So if they say passing near Australia's water is their transit to NZ, they can stay in Australia? We'd welcome them with open arms too?

And those richer migrants who can afford a ticket, afford the connection to get a better job than ones they could back in the UK, US, NZ... those aren't here for economic reason? Are here to help Australia make itself great again, for free?

Where's the outrage when multinationals and the uber rich get our tax dollars but pay diddly back? That's free enterprise I supposed.
It's a shame SJWs never support their own, only all else against their own.

Hence, you are the enemy of our culture.

What's SJW?

What's "our own"?

I'm not that young so it might now carry some weight when I say that I've never met an a-hole who's nasty to other people but are nice to their friends, family or strangers of the same citizenship or skin tone. Have you?

Often it's the reversed. That a nasty piece of work to "strangers" soon enough turn completely against those that are kind to them, helped them, give them everything but became of no use or of less use.

Don't know about you but I certainly do not want to rely on people who stomp on the poor and the weak to have my back and be loyal to me.

If the asylum seeker are found to be non-genuine, then send them back or imprison them for false pretences or whatever.

To do that, and do it fairly, you'd have to allow them the opportunity to prove their claims.

And judging them by the branded handbag they carry, the destination or method or places they claim asylum from... or just lock them up and not hear about their "bs"... That's not only immoral, it's breaking our own international treaty and obligation.

And under that UN convention on refugee, of which Australia is a signatory to, seeking asylum is not an offence.


Why do you think the Rohingya, recently, and the Syrian refugees for a brief period some two years ago... get the special status of being considered "genuine" refugees?

It's not because they suffer more, or their countries got destroyed more and there are "obvious" evidence of persecution and genocide. And I'm not saying that the Rohingya and the Syrian are not suffering, far from it.

But our politicians and our press barons permit us to care more, or to not give a shiet, about selected groups of refugees based on geopolitical master plan.

There are worthy victims and then there are "migrants" and economic "refugees".

Those that are victims of our enemies are the worthy ones. Those we or our ally directly or indirectly cause... They're just leeches and evil savages flocking to our shore for our welfare systems.

Do we even have a welfare system btw?
Seems to be a crossing of definitions regarding "refugee" and "asylum seeker" seeking refugee status. The Government has made it clear if they pay a peole smuggler to get them to Australia they are neither. Consider them "assessed". The correct path is to file a claim for asylum and await assessment. I suppose their country would have to be war torn or under dictatorship as a few obvious reasons.

Seems the accepted definition of a refugee is some poor bastard staying where they are, or where we're not, wait until we find it convenient to drop by to see what's going on.
Seems the accepted definition of a refugee is some poor bastard staying where they are, or where we're not, wait until we find it convenient to drop by to see what's going on.
What do you do to save the millions of people suffering in the world? Throw them some money to ease their suffering or play compassionate one on forums. You could be on the ground in Burma doing something practical.
What do you do to save the millions of people suffering in the world? Throw them some money to ease their suffering or play compassionate one on forums. You could be on the ground in Burma doing something practical.

We can't all be Jesus or Buddha man. Though that doesn't mean we have to be totally ignorant pricks about the suffering of others.

That and I'm definitely sure the refugees don't need my money - there isn't much of it to go around.

I don't mean to play this or that character. I'm trying to be a capitalist if that's any hint of the kind of guy I am.

Anyway, merely pointing out misconceptions people might have about this and that group of people. Sharing knowledge, if you will.
Why is it the same crowd that feign concern for the refugees that perished at sea when they dont give a f*ck anyway and would be the first to volunteer to maintain the borders with guns drawn. Bloody hypocrites.

Yeeesss. Hearing the concern from Senator Brandis and co about saving refugees from drowning while destroying them by inches with unlimited detention is a real mind xuck.
What do you do to save the millions of people suffering in the world? Throw them some money to ease their suffering or play compassionate one on forums. You could be on the ground in Burma doing something practical.
Don't question my comrade luutzu unless you can provide a fully audited statement of your charitable work. Donations to the Shane Warne Foundation do not qualify.
Don't question my comrade luutzu unless you can provide a fully audited statement of your charitable work. Donations to the Shane Warne Foundation do not qualify.
I get regular charity mail and telephone calls and if I leave the front door open, door knocks. Having been a collector I know what it is like to be rejected as I so often do nowadays due to the volume of requests..
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