Thanks for the encouragement rub
- and really appreciate the fact that you broke the 11 post sequence. Btw - the incoming private post #44 was a forgery I think - and if I find out who did it, I'll report him to Joe immediately.
And thanks for not spitting the dummy and really telling me what you thought of my poetry. lol.
Judd, youre right - classic "twist in the tale" .
I reckon the ABC comment was similar in a way - Don't want to labour the point, but I mean .... "ABC:- Unemployment unrealistically optimistic, GDP growth unrealistically pessimistic, very confused signals coming out of Canberra, IF YOU'RE NOT CONFUSED THEN YOU DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT's GOING ON."
Hek - there's no way you can labour over what makes a joke a joke, or prose prose, or poem poem , or wit wit, or half half, or full full, or half wit, or ...ahhh SHUDDUP!!! "A Prose by any other name would smell as sw.." ahhh SHUDDUP!!!
mmm, Sorry I seem to be having this problem with my alter-ego here.
- better change tacs.
I'm a technocrat btw, just happen to like the english language and poems and jokes and stuff - I mean not sure you could have a thread like this in pigeon english for instance lol. In German? maybe - but then the German sense of humour differs from ours -
You know the one about the Hare and the Tortoise? well in German it goes something like:-
"Ein Hare bin outswellen mit der chesten mit grossen braggin unt boastin, etc etc ", anyway the tortoise accepts the challenge - and obviously the hare thrashes the tortoise - germans prefer their fables to end logically
- and concludes "der turtler ist ein dumkopf ja?"
(since we're not supposed to speak other than english thats "the turtle is an idiot yes?" Well I gues it illustrates that you shouldnt assume that a joke in English will translate into german for instance.
PS If any Germans reading this - no offense meant - I'm sure that German jokes dont always translate very well into English either lol.
thanks for the chat folks. As for the string of posts, well Noirua has 150 bludy snakes someone out there - and I personally prefer poems and jokes to bludy snakes lol.
mmm here goes .."lik lik big-pela-ears-he-run-long- ground, he talkim lik lik pela-he-carry-bucket-on-head, he say - you me hav bet , me beat you runhim that pela hill oba dare. etc etc ... woops Im way way outa my depth here lol." ahhh SHUDDUP!!!