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Apple iPad

Just published by PC World

Five reasons not to get an iPad too soon

Before you pitch your tent outside of the local Apple Store and camp out for days to be first in line when the iPad becomes available, consider some of the reasons that it may be wiser to wait a while. Here are five reasons you might want to hold out for the second-generation iPad:

1. Don't be a Guinea Pig. Bugs happen. Flaws are found. It is almost inevitable that there will be a slew of complaints once the first wave of iPads hits the streets. Some complaints are more trivial than others, but better to let other users play Guinea pig for you. If it works as described -- awesome! Get one the second month, or even the second week after the dust settles.

2. iPhone OS 4.0. Remember the lack of 3G wireless, Exchange messaging support, or the ability to copy and paste text from the original iPhone? The iPhone has improved steadily with each release of the OS and rumors suggest that version 4.0 will have a number of improvements you will want for your iPad. Of course, even if you're first in line for the iPad you will still be able to update the device to the latest OS.

3. Improved E-Reader. Apple seems intent on presenting the iPad as a revolutionary device that shifts paradigms and creates its own niche, while also recognizing the fact that it is, in many ways, similar to the array of e-reader devices like the Kindle and Nook. The iPad has some innovative advantages over traditional e-readers, but it also lacks some of the annotating, bookmarking, and cross-platform syncing found on competing e-readers. Apple is bound to tweak and improve the e-reader functionality over time.

4. Price cuts. The entry level price of $US499 seems quite reasonable, but things change and prices drop. Perhaps Apple will find that nobody is willing to pay extra for 3G connectivity, phase out the Wi-Fi only models and offer the Wi-Fi plus 3G iPads for the same low price. Or maybe after the initial euphoria wears off Apple will cut prices to jumpstart sales as it did with the iPhone. It could happen.

5. Missing Features. The iPad was expected by many to include a camera. Not so much so you can hold your 10-inch iPad up and snap a photo of your goldfish, but to provide a webcam and video conferencing capability for the device. It also seems reasonable to think that a device like the iPad should include a slot for expanding the memory. The next generation iPad is almost guaranteed to include features that didn't make the cut for the initial iPad, and new functionality based on user feedback from early adopters.
New ad was not received well. Japanese are really pi5sed about it.
Obvious metaphor apple was going for was cramming everything into a wafer thin unit.

But others are mixed on the destruction of creative tools and harken back to their 1980s ad in which Apple is now the dystopian skills.

Looking at kids these days it's really a metaphor of destroying all your creative real world activities and replace it with an ipad.

Interesting the outrage occurred though.
Marxist times.
