I started with approx $2k, bought a few $500 parcels and signed up for their dividend reinvestment plans. For me it was a matter of needing something on the table in order to care enough to learn. Have I made money on these? Yes, but not much because they were quite safe blue chips. Just recently I've started dabbling a bit in smaller players and making much more in the way of profits.
I myself have never done a course, but then I am holding a long term view rather than actively trading. I bought a couple of good books, subscribed to magazines like Smart Investor, and read websites like The Bull and this one every day. There are plenty of free resources available, and you can learn so much by simply reading this site - I know I have
By starting out small you learn how the share market works, how you react to it (don't panic!) and, most importantly in my view, patience!
And, no, I cannot quit my day job
I myself have never done a course, but then I am holding a long term view rather than actively trading. I bought a couple of good books, subscribed to magazines like Smart Investor, and read websites like The Bull and this one every day. There are plenty of free resources available, and you can learn so much by simply reading this site - I know I have
By starting out small you learn how the share market works, how you react to it (don't panic!) and, most importantly in my view, patience!
And, no, I cannot quit my day job