He has a lot of followers, but I don't like his stuff. His message is seemingly positive and constuctive, but contains many more hidden negatives.
He, and the likes of him are responsible for much of the status anxiety we see in the world today IMO.
I like Tony's stuff, but I can see where wayne is coming from. Tony teaches that to motivate someone (including yourself), you need to use both the "carrot and the stick", also known as pain and pleasure. He also says that of the two, pain and/or fear of pain is the most powerful at getting someone to act or change their behaviours. Therefore, if a person has a fear of not being good enough or not measuring up, these feelings of inadequacy can be used to fuel them to "succeed" (or most likely drive them to achieve outer status symbols while still feeling inadequate inside). However, I've found that if you change what you link pain and pleasure to, and remove ego from the equation, the material is really quite effective.. and is definitely an accurate model in explaining human behaviour. Know yourself and use with caution.