Simple question - complex answer.
"Yesterday" is an issue when it comes to weekends and public holidays, and you might not necessarily want to exclude a stock that didn't trade because it had a trading halt.
Using volume isn't precise, because there are also situations where a company was halted but had some pre-market trading. That will result in volume but no price movement.
Traded = V > 0;
TradedInLastTenDays = Sum(Traded,10) > 0;
If your data provider provides bars on every trading date (aka date padding) a crude way of doing it is to look for the number of times V>0. If you use Norgate Data, you could use NorgatePaddingStatusTimeSeries() , and turn on Market Days padding, which provides a "1" if it padded (untraded during regular trading hours) or "0" if not, and use Amibroker's Sum function to see how often it has been padded in the last X days.