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Adolf Hitler got things done

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Very true.

Hitler is a crazy mass murderer and all round a hole, that we all agree. But to erase him and his crimes as though it never exists is not helpful.

Want to stop history from repeating itself, learn from it.

Without Hitler, I think the world will only see crazy murderous dictators are only ever found in third world countries with "uneducated" peasants.

It might help to know that given the right social conditions, the most advanced of societies can put all those advances to devastating use.

Trouble is that the title of the thread seems to indicate justification for his actions, and of course there isn't any.
Trouble is that the title of the thread seems to indicate justification for his actions, and of course there isn't any.
Yeap went back to the first few posts..not convinced what was the motive.Title probably wrong, debate not;
hard call for a moderator in my opinion.
But when history plays again and a twisted summary of the same history is used to hide current problems;
The brown plague has turn green and no, i am not talking tree huggers
What is history worth if it is not known in its full truth?
Let's remind people where this all led, and that was with only a few millions nazis..
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