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Adolf Hitler got things done

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20 December 2008
Some might dispute his methods, but if it were not for him and WW2 would the world be as advanced as it is today?
Some might dispute his methods, but if it were not for him and WW2 would the world be as advanced as it is today?

Technology wise we would prob be about 10 years behind where we are today, i doubt that
the 40 odd million that died in WW2 would think that was a good deal or fair exchange.

There are so many "what ifs" with history.
It's no secret that many of our advances were based in war, so maybe not. We can't be certain though, as we don't know what path history would have taken, and whether or not it would have advanced us further. It could be argued that we aren't any more advanced at all, as you didn't specify technological advancement.
is this a ... um ... joke??? Are you a closet white supremacist?

not to mention all of his "humanitarian" contributions to society ... is Hitler the reason why we're all sh***ing our pants every time some lunatic with power gets a hold of a nuclear weapon?
The odds of annihalating this planet to smithereans has increased dramatically. There's no turning back now ... pandora's box has been opened. It's all about prevention and harm minimization now.
If there are people who ... can get on planes ... fly them into sky scrapers ... to kill others ... AND to kill themselves in the process as part of one glorious act ... throw in a couple of nuclear weapons and atomic bombs and I'd say we're in trouble.
Some crazy meglo-maniacs in this world unfortunately.
Technology wise we would prob be about 10 years behind where we are today, i doubt that
the 40 odd million that died in WW2 would think that was a good deal or fair exchange.

There are so many "what ifs" with history.

Effective birth control wouldn't you say?
what technological advancements would not exist if not for WWII?? nuclear energy, nuclear weaponary?

if it wasnt for the race for nuclear weapons between germany and USA, there probably wouldnt be any nuclear weapons by now... are they really an advancement of modern technology that benefits society in any way?

A little negative i would say.

Jet aircraft, advances in medicine the list is endless.

Not to mention the fact that Europe and the world is now more multiculttral than ever.

So the joker who says am I a white supremist is a typical un thought of response.

that's like saying ... you need to murder michael jackson to make people miss him and realize how special he is ... (or was) ... i.e. it takes one bad thing to produce a good thing ... i.e. we need to try to exterminate a society to make us feel a sense of loss in order to get people to integrate and get along ...
is Hitler the reason why we're all sh***ing our pants every time some lunatic with power gets a hold of a nuclear weapon?

Are you suggesting that Hitler is responsible for the nuclear world? If so, I strongly disagree, as that advance may very well have been made anyway, and I would guess it was probable.

what technological advancements would not exist if not for WWII?? nuclear energy, nuclear weaponary?

You're assuming that they could not have been developed independently of WW2, and that a world war would have not taken place if Hitler had not taken power. I don't think it is a reasonable assumption.
I think this thread is knockers response to the anti-pope thread.

So its ok to slang off the head of a christian church but when it comes to muslim or other religions it is dealt with severely. What a joke.

no way would we be worse off without WW2.

Think of all the manpower going into

- weapons, soldiers, equipment, future war equipment,

-all that $$$$ diverted to other areas of society,
---it would be like diverting the entire US military budget into Technology or Healthcare.

Not to meantion the synergies wasted by not sharing development due to war.

like a cavemen inventing the wheel twice.

-Destruction of structures, human lives (workforce), land contamination/degradation

- trade barriers

only positive i can see,

+ war rivalry increased production, - space race.

yeah we certainly owe war alot,
Some might dispute his methods, but if it were not for him and WW2 would the world be as advanced as it is today?
Wasn't Ratzinger a card carrying member of the Hitler Youth?

This is obviously a wind up, but if 'some' are disputing his methods, who is supporting them? You?
Beerwm, consider that the Soviets may have rolled across Europe at some point. Germany wasn't able to hold back the Soviets after a surprise offensive against an unprepared Soviet army, what do you think would happen without a militaristic Germany to lend a hand?

It's arguable that the greatest outcome of WW2 was to maintain a balance of power favourable to the West. With all of the extra manpower and resources available to the Soviets, perhaps it would have been the US that exhausted itself economically. What about Japan and her ambitions? Everything changes.
Some might dispute his methods,

You serious?

This fascists actions caused the murder of millions of people.

WW2 caused an acceleration in technology? Yeah, maybe it did. Thank goodness accelerations in technologies today are largely a result of the market and economic incentive, not to fight off mass murdering, genocidal thugs.
This thread title should be changed from:

"Adolf Hitler got things done"


"Adolf Hitler got things wrong"

... really? you think so? ... yeaaaahh

fair point

i was just getting the vibe that the thread was saying technological advancements wouldnt of happened due to war.

economic advantages of no war > economic advantages of war

but throwing in social structures, politics, regimes changes all that, :

great thread knocker
Yep, got to say yes.

Adolf got things done. He ended the Great Depression.

Yep, got to say yes.

Adolf got things done. He ended his life.

Period. Really.
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