remember porosity.. the deeper the tighter.. what you want is good numbers..
6TCF is the max sugarloaf can hold,, best numbers
800BCF is what they did their projections on for the Australian and UK figures,,
so when you hear $6.50 around the place then your seeing rock bottom 5% porosity figures.. and half of what is possible to extract gas from, 800BCF, remember that 5% is the lowest that the sands should be to be commercial,, so basically they are saying if half the hosston plays are productive then 800BCF is what they expect at 5% porosity.. and you get the magic $6.50 number..
give me that anyday!!!
The independent research in the US put the P50 at 1.5 TCF which would be about $12 staring point for the hosston sands.. upside is 6TCF WOW!!!!!!!!!
Lets get down to size..
USA imports 1/4 of its gas needs per annum.. 4.4TCF is shipped and piped in per year for the local domestic market..
Hosston sands could have 1.5 years of what the USA import needs per annum are...
So the research figues in the us were halved for the sake of the conservative approach by the likes of ADI.. why?? because thats the way they work,, conservative and with a level head.. if you look at EKA and see how the AUT directors feathered their nests and got into sugarloaf big time by taking over a floundering and possibly dead in the water share that EKA was,, it had nothing on the go and no prospects in the near term.. AUT guys have given themselves heaps of shares and options in both AUT and EKA.. and have been workin this sugarloaf deal every which way to make some mega dollars on the hosston sands.. these guys obviously know something dont they??
I still like ADI for the fact they have a longer term plan,, so besides the massive fortune at stake on the sugarloaf well,, the future is even better with new tiaiton and yemen to add value..
so if the hosston sands are real tight,, and at the bottom end of the scale then you can expect $6.50... per share... sounds beautiful doesnt it?
then you look at what they know so far,, they know porosity in sligo and austin were way above expectations,, pressures were nuts in austin chalks,, cased off,, then sligo became a problem and also cased away.. dont discount edwards,, it was tight but that doesnt mean it wont be productive elsewhere on the acerage.. we dont know have access to the 2d's so we dont know where the plays are tight..
so who is prepared to say that these guys didnt know exactly what to expect??? and who can show me that they have not already got way higher numbers than anticipated in the austin chalks?? based on couchy, we have to assume he saw the logs, and we have to assume the porosity was what he said it was,, he has never retracted from the statement,,only responses i have seen is him saying he cant speak about anything anymore..
Austin chalks have to be worth at least $1.30 above the price today.. cant wait for the announcements after the well is completed.. hey, believe it or not,, I am happy with $1.30 - $2... but hang on,, i gotta say that the hosston sands are looking good.. even if they turn out being tight,,
today ADI is worth about $2, thats my calculations on austin and sligo.. and factoring in some value for the punt on hosston.. there is new tiaton which is about to spud in the coming month or so..
remember base price for hosston sands are $6.50,, US research values it rock bottom at $12.. on 1.5 TCF
I have never seen anything like this before,, couchys saying they have researched the siesmics and calculated porosity to a very small margin of error,, and then after drilling finding they have way understimated the porosity.. so if they are right about the hosston sands then our current value of $1.30 on top of todays price, can have $6.50 to $12 added to it..
liking the sound of that??
for me i can sleep knowing i have already multiplied my investment 6 fold, just have to wait a few weeks for the final results,,,
i my opinion i still say anyone buying today is absolutely getting the best values share on the boards..
and if your in ARQ,, $6.50 to ADi is about $1 ish to ARQ