this little historic shows what the advent of a series of very positive announcements have..
i agree the $5 mill in the bank for adi is a real positive, and not having any obligations of big spends on extra acreages has its advantages jetblack
adi said this in their last annual report.. imho it still is relevant to investors to consider how world events impacted on the shale plays and the oil prices, along with currency imbalances..
Dear Shareholder,
Around the time of our last AGM in November 2008,
the outlook for Adelphi, in common with most junior oil
exploration companies, was problematic. The oil price
had plummeted, Sugarloaf well results were inconclusive,
Wisteria -1 was a dry hole, our farm-in partners for
our newly acquired Indonesian exploration block had
defaulted on their commitments, and our cash reserves
had been decimated by the plunge in the Aussie dollar
and cost overruns. It was not a good time to be a junior
oil explorer in the midst of a global financial crisis!
As a result, your Board immediately put in place a
strategy for financial security; which initially involved
cutting off discretionary expenditure, secondly by
raising $1.6 million in new equity, and thirdly by selling
and farming out assets to reduce our forward exploration
These initiatives were successful and I am pleased to
report that Adelphi is now in a financially secure position
with approximately $6 million in cash, modest exploration
commitments and an active work program at Sugarloaf
with exciting upside potential.
50% of Adelphi’s interest in the Sugarloaf AMI has
been farmed out to Hilcorp – a significant US based
exploration and production company. In return,
Adelphi will be free carried through a work program
comprising up to three recompletions and/or
multi-stage fracture stimulations of existing wells, and
up to three new horizontal wells.
Adelphi’s 8.5% working interest in Yemen Block 7 has
been sold for a consideration of US$4 million.
Adelphi’s 8.5% working interest in Yemen Block 74 is
in the process of being sold. Discussions with several
companies are advanced