This is a defense issue. The govt isn't trying to hide sht. Papers were leaked and it needs to be investigated.The reason we had a Royal Commission into banking was due to the detailed knowledge of insiders breaching their employment contracts to expose corrupt conduct. And of course it was our "free" press which never let go of the bones they were offered by whistleblowers.
Should we need to live in a country where it is ok for our government to act in a manner which actively discourages matters of public interest to be reported?
Maybe you do not want to know that we are possibly hiding war crimes, or that we are going to be "spied on" through means which will never be be publicised. Or that any number of other acts of government agencies affect our liberties but will remain hidden.
What we are seeing is a government keen to shoot the messenger. And somehow the government is claiming it is not sanctioning this!
........ lost for words.