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ABC is Political

True that in democracies like ours, the people do have a lot of power. The people can peacefully organised and choose and make demands of the gov't. True that protests are permitted; that critics of gov't won't have their doors kicked in and taken in the night. True that if enough people marches and protests, the gov't will listen.

Take Lyndon Johnson. A Southerner... he passes his great societies law, ended segregation etc. etc.

Richard Nixon signed the Clean Air Act, created the Environmental Protection Agency.

So yes, gov't will listen if the masses organised and "choose" to do something about it.


But those in government, those in power all know this. They know it as much as the masses does.
Problem for the masses is, Organised Power got more resources, all their time - their job - is to make sure people know their place.

When the people are organised, those in power call it a "crisis of democracy". That the masses are considered ill-informed, ill-educated, does not know what is good for them and so should not "meddle" in affairs of state and must let "the few responsible men" and their grand strategies shape the world - for the common good of course.

[btw, all the stuff I'm saying are observations by many other much brighter people, I'm just repeating here (with one or two minor observation)]///

So... how to deal with this crisis of democracy where people demand things like clean air, peace, more investment in infrastructure and social welfare, free education so the poor can lift themselves up and out of poverty...

In totalitarian societies, you just knock heads and break legs... in democracies, you got to be smarter and more sophisticated. Hence the appearance of "choice" and option and people power.

First, you buy off the intellectuals. Give them tenure, give them consultation and speaking fees. They will then spread the gospel.

Second. You get the "fifth estate" on your side. Want to legally merge and gain monopolies? Say something nice. Want to not be sue for defamation and just general hell? Print what we say - it's cheaper, it's more official and legitimate, it doesn't require expenditure for investigative journalism, and you don't get sue! Shareholders will be happy, and you can keep your job.

Third. Make policies that give the people instability, insecurity; put them into great financial debt where the burden will be too much for them to ask questions or attend rallies.

I heard from, probably Chris Hedges, where during the Occupied Wall Street crackdown... the gov't know who the ring leaders were, knew exactly what they have been saying, what they have been planning and go directly to them and bring them in.

They are then charged with certain crimes, but... but the charges are not pursue at this point in time. These guys were told that if they are caught breaking it again, they will be sue and the old charges will come back.

That is, there will be criminal records, there will be court dates costing in the tens of thousands and months of unemployment.

With metadata, the gov't will know everything about their target. With that information, blackmail, hints of public disclosure etc. etc. They will know what button to push.

So who's going to lead any organised movement and protests? Not when you're in a lot of debt from tuition fees, not when you could be fired, not when you may get a criminal record and the costs of legal counsel etc. etc.


So for the general public who, and it's only natural, got bills to pay, got life to live and family to take care of... the general public will leave the affair of states to their representative. Who just read the papers and believe in the independent and free press.

For those young and those directly affected by policies of the day, for the informed and outraged... you have other means of coercion and enticement. If that all fail, you got the militarised police.

Divide and conquer.

I totally agree, luutzu;
History repeats - especially if precedents are conveniently forgotten.
That's why I draw parallels between historic and present Jesuit scholars in Power.

The tenor of the propaganda may differ slightly, but the principles are exactly the same:
  • Control Media.
  • Legislate AGAINST dissent.
  • Suppress and personally vilify Opposition.
  • Paint a scary picture to justify your power grab.

Did you know that legislation will be introduced giving governments the right to GAOL whistleblowers working in detention centres, so the public will never have our consciences bruised by knowing what goes on there.
Did you know that legislation will be introduced giving governments the right to GAOL whistleblowers working in detention centres, so the public will never have our consciences bruised by knowing what goes on there.

That too has a precedent at another time and place ...

I think when the Allied marched into Berlin and after picking up the Nazi scientists and engineers, dropped by Goebbels' office and pick up his play book. Then put it to use soon after the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam and the hippies scared them into doing the right thing by the people.

It's incredible how "clean" the war on terror is. I mean, watching some news clip on the Vietnam War and you see balls of fire, napalm and dead villagers and all the carnage of war. Now the only carnage are those done by the terrorists and ours are just some distant, grainy black and white "puff".

Then there's the TPP trade agreement that seem to affect everything and everyone all around the world, and there's hardly any investigative report from the mainstream media into it.

Anyway, as Churchill said, the only difference between Democracy and other form of gov't is it can force changes in government without the bloodshed. Maybe he said that observing the two Roosevelts and so was optimistic about the future.
Did you know that legislation will be introduced giving governments the right to GAOL whistleblowers working in detention centres, so the public will never have our consciences bruised by knowing what goes on there.

Saw the trailer for Oliver Stone's "Snowden". Joined the army at 20, recruited by the CIA at 22, consultant to NSA at 26, at 29 blew the whistle on the state's illegal spying on American citizens... but was smart enough to get out first.

So do the right thing then have to leave his family, his gf, his cushy $200K a year job, his home in Hawaii...

The guy is a true patriot and yet he have to run to Moscow and will live in exile for the rest of life.

And the masters of the universe who brought the world to economic collapse got bailed out and millions in bonuses.

Rewards and punishments are quite important incentives.

I don't know why you're always against the left noco.

If you're on the age pension, or you visit the GP for free, or have a concession card for public transport... Where do you think those ideas came from? Capitalists? The likes of Bolt?

Haven't you read or watch any Charles Dickens stories? Not much of a paradise for the masses in those stories.

I have read and researched plenty about the Fabian Society...You should do the same and then perhaps you might understand what their ideology is all about. The Green/Labor socialist call it Democratic Socialism.......central control......I wish to hell they would use the right terminology as in communism....But most of us know that would never happen because many know what a disaster communism is....The first thing they achieve is control of the media (the ABC) and that allows them to criticize and discredit a conservative government and their leader.....Control of the media makes it so much easier to control the public especially young people......The Fabians have infiltrated into schools through the training of teachers to brain wash kids on climate change.

Labor Party Treachery
Australia’s school education contaminated by Leftist propaganda
July 27, 2014

Since the wreak-havoc Greens-Labor’s Corrosion Era of 2007-2013, Rudd and Gillard may as well still be in power across Australia.

Left Labor’s radical socialist worldview permeates Australia’s national education curricula. It continues to contaminate young Australian minds. Australian school students are being force fed socialist agenda such as:

Political Correctness
Climate Alarmism
British Invasion Theory
Fabian Marxism
Multicultural Prejudice against Traditional Australians
Indebted Welfarism
Mainstreaming Sodomy
and the full suite of Greens Party Policies.

Greens Leftist politics continues to pervade Australia’s school curricula. Like Gillard-installed Mark Scott still ruling the agenda of our national broadcaster the ABC, the Leftist propaganda pervades Australian society as though Rudd-Gillard were still in power.

Chairman Rudd’s Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians in 2007 was characteristic of Communist Russia and Maoist China. It enforced Rudd’s central blueprint for his cultural-Left curricula. It was not Rudd’s idea but simply copy-pasted from that which Tony Blair (a Fabian) had already forced upon British schools – Climate Alarmism, Globalism, Fabian Marxism, Afro-Arab Multiculturalism and Laptop-driven Childhood Obesity.

From my post #148...Communism : It is not dead and buried.

There's only one ABC, it's under-funded, and there's Channel 7, 9, 10 and a bunch of Murdoch papers. So i'm pretty sure the odds are stacked against the "leftist lynch mob".

What's with this Communism stuff? Not even the Communist Party in China or VN are communists - not in the Socialist way you're referring to, well maybe in the way you describe and fear.

British invasion theory? What's that? The idea that Britain invade other countries instead of finding all of them uninhabited and take up the burden?

There's another "unusual" cyclone near QLD forming; QLD is having its hottest month since 1910? There's the two recent heat wave in India and Pakistan that kills around 2000 people together... Not enough to worry about if there might be a trend going on?

Globalism? Globalisation? I thought that's a capitalist thing.

Asianisation... oi! dam Chinese, coming over to Australia bringing cash and money buying inflated Australian assets they can't take home with them!

Indebted Welfarism: I thought it's the right thing to help out those in need, help those who worked, paid their taxes and now are sick or old or need some assistant from their fellow countryman. How about corporate welfare? When corporations are bailed out, when tax rate are lowered and loophole wide open; when public assets are "sold" for next to nothing and "rights" given for nix?

Mainstreaming Sodomy: Refers to the "gay agenda"?

The ABC has like 12 or 15% market share of the electronic media need to keep taking your medication, ignore the voices and just keep taking it.
The ABC has like 12 or 15% market share of the electronic media need to keep taking your medication, ignore the voices and just keep taking it.

This a free country with free speech and I will continue to place emphasis on the ideology of the Fabian Society and their close ties with the Green/Labor socialist coalition.....There are plenty who view opinions on this forum and I am sure many take good note.

If you think you can push me off the ASF with your snide remarks and character assassination, think again.....It is typical of your type, if you don't like what is expressed by me and others on this forum, you resort to tactics of bullying....That will get you no where and it is time you sat up and took notice.

I am anti socialism (COMMUNISM) so suck it up sun shine.
I was disgusted with Anne Aly the Counter Terrorism expert on last weeks panel. She came across as a very immature individual . She constantly interrupted , made na na na noises , ya ya ya ya noises threw her hands about and basically carried on like an eight year old. Even more frightening was that she said she felt for Zaky and he was just misunderstood , mixed up and she was reaching out to him now and on previous occasions.
At times I was left thinking , anti terrorism expert ? Who's side is she on ? Again another plant by the ABC to disrupt any attempts to have a balanced discussion and someone the ABC could use to justify the previous weeks show.
Meanwhile back at ABC News 24 lefty headquarters today , head stories lead with Climate Change heavy news.
The Barrier Reef still under danger despite being the all clear and Frilly Neck Lizards changing sex because of climate change . And of course the usual make me feel bad stories about starving children and the gap between rich and poor nations.

Whenever I hear the expression "whose side are you on" I go back to GeorgeDubbya's old saying "you are either for us or against us" saying ie, "accept everything I say, or you are on the terrorist side" .

That is so patently bigoted, arrogant and conceited it's just laughable for anyone with any degree of intelligence.

Good post Ijustnewit.

A valid question to ask Aly. Not that it matters, considering her conduct on QandA. Who would take her seriously?
I'm on team Australia , if choose otherwise that's your choice
Anne Aly's criticism of Zaky early in the show was at best guarded.

By the end, she was fully excusing his behaviour.

To be fair Noco's hatred of political correctness is something many of us agree with, although it does tend to be non aligned with any one particular Australian political party. It is Marxism on the social side of things, with rules made to suit the collective rather than giving over to individual freedom of mouthing off.

Given that just everyone hates the PC foisted on us except the public service (which apparently has a majority of LNP tragics) it could be assumed the hate is a litmus test of how much socialism actually isn't embraced here.

Yes, you have got that right.....Socialism actually isn't embraced here by many in the community, it is only embraced by the Green/Labor coalition.
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