Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ABC - Addicted to Money

25 July 2008
Has anyone else been watching this over the last few weeks?

I've personally found it fascinating and even somewhat scary!
sensationalised, with a clear bias

- i think it must have been made awhile ago, because some of the post-GFC predictions have been wrong
It was a hairy, scary program. Short story is that, according to the presenter and the people he interviews, the world faces imminent long term collapses in energy, food resources, water resources the whole box and dice.

Chief problem will be the permanent decline in oil and and gas supplies which underpin our current industrial society. The recent comments by ex staff at the International Energy Agency that published figures of reserves were not accurate has strengthened concern that the problem may be a lot closer tha we think.

I have attached a fairly good overview of the issue.

Oil Production is Reaching its Limit: The Basics of What This Means
by Gail Tverberg

We live in a finite world. It is clear that at some point, we will eventually start hitting limits””we won’t be able to extract as much oil, or we won’t be able to mine as much silver or platinum, or fresh-water aquifers that have built up over millions of years will run dry.

We are reaching limits in several areas, but the one I would like to talk about here is oil production. Oil is essential, because nearly all transportation depends on oil, and because a huge number of goods use oil in their manufacture (including textiles, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, asphalt, plastics, lubricating oils, and computers). Oil is also essential for our current agricultural system--growing food and transporting it to market.
hmmm Qatar has gas reserve that can feed world demand for the next 250 years

Where there is oil there is Gas and Australia Gas Reserve can feed Australia for the next 800 years :D

We use a lot of oil we haven't use much gas, go back to those oil field you can find plenty of gas

Lot of alarmist and doom and gloom people when crisis hit :)
what happen to peak oil a few years ago? it's going to go to $200 a barrel remember
you can buy plenty now for $70 - $80 a Barrel

I have a frame of mind human will always find something else when we run out of resource.

In 1800 Britain think the world is coming to an end and industrial as we know it is no more... because we are running out of Coal ...then we discover oil :) and we still have lot of coal left to feed us a few more hundred years