Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Abbott's Nanny State

9 March 2012
Tony Abbott is at it again with unfunded socialist policy, now he wants taxpayers to pay for nannies:

How much further does he want to dig into our pockets ?

Abbott considers subsidising nannies

Updated March 25, 2012 20:47:12
Tony Abbott speaks at the National Press Club Photo: Mr Abbott says there needs to be greater flexibility in childcare to enable women to participate more fully in the workforce. (Andrew Taylor, file photo: Reuters)
Related Story: Robb casts doubt on parental leave plans
Map: Australia

Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has promised the Coalition will look into extending its childcare rebate to nannies if it wins government.

Mr Abbott says there needs to be greater flexibility in childcare to enable women to participate more fully in the workforce.

He has told Sky News the Coalition would ask the Productivity Commission to examine if it could be done within the existing level of funding.

"If it is possible to do it in an economically responsible way the productivity commission is the way to make that happen," he said.

"We have seen very good productivity commission reports on the national disability insurance scheme and on aged care.

"Let's see if the Productivity Commission can come up with an innovative way forward on childcare as well."

Mr Abbott has previously announced a generous paid parental leave scheme that offers all new mothers to their full wage for six months, with the benefit capped at $75,000.

But Federal Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten has dismissed the Opposition's plan as an unfunded "thought bubble".

"Tony Abbott is a thought bubble in search of an idea, he's come up with the idea of nannies in every house, again before I get to the merits of the idea, how does he pay for these things?" he said.

"He invents ideas but then he never stands still long enough in one place to backfill the logic."
The Liberal party cheer squad are non exactly rallying to support their leader on this one


It's stupid that's why. He seems to want to be everything to everyone. He needs a slap or something, just when I think I can tolerate voting for him he decides to own stupid at an advanced level. Some members on the lib front bench that shouldn't be there either.
The Liberal party cheer squad are non exactly rallying to support their leader on this one


It's pretty funny isn't it? They're all too happy to blab on about Labor, but are nowhere to be seen when it's revealed as I always say, that all parties are identical :rolleyes:

And you know where this is going don't you? In the states they are talking about universal childcare - can you believe that? I'm sure that's what LNP is going to do in the future, especially if Abbott is allowed to lead.

Taking massive amounts of taxpayer money, and making the economy even more unproductive with it (if that was possible).

Think about manufacturing. $75, how many Chinese workers can you employ for $75,000 for those 6 months? A hundred? More?

This Abbott guy has seriously gone off the deep end, and he's dragging his party to the bottom of the ocean with him.
The Liberal party cheer squad are non exactly rallying to support their leader on this one )
Of course not.
Now, I understand that most of you ALP fans will support your party regardless of what they say or do, but try hard to get hold of the peculiar notion that many of us who despise the current government simply want as an alternative some decent policy.

As long as the Libs look more likely to provide this than the government then most of us swinging voters will support them. That does not translate into either unqualified support for any/all members of their team, or any/all of their policies.

Get it? Not so hard, really, just a different approach from that of the rusted on Labor Luvvies.

It's pretty funny isn't it? They're all too happy to blab on about Labor, but are nowhere to be seen when it's revealed as I always say, that all parties are identical :rolleyes:
What rubbish. Several of us have been entirely clear about our dislike for various personnel and policies from the Libs. See above, and stop generalising.
Get it? Not so hard, really, just a different approach from that of the rusted on Labor Luvvies.

Fine. So what is your opinion on Abbott's proposal to subsidise nannies ?
What rubbish. Several of us have been entirely clear about our dislike for various personnel and policies from the Libs. See above, and stop generalising.

It's ironic that the vast majority of Starcraftmazter's attacks are towards LNP, yet he claims that ALP and LNP are the same. Don't feed the troll Julia.
It's ironic that the vast majority of Starcraftmazter's attacks are towards LNP, yet he claims that ALP and LNP are the same. Don't feed the troll Julia.
You're quite right, gav. Thanks for the reminder.
The following is draft of a letter I'm intending to send to Tony Abbott.
Would any other members like to add their nics for the sign-off and/or suggest additions or alterations?
Dear Mr Abbott

You will be feeling very gratified about the result of the Queensland election. It clearly shows that the ALP have well and truly outstayed their time in this State.

You're probably feeling confident that the Federal Coalition will be a shoo-in when the election is eventually held.

But perhaps not. If you seriously believe that your astonishingly generous maternity leave scheme is going to go down well with families struggling to pay a mortgage and bring up kids on a single income of not much more than $50,000, you need to go and talk to these people.

Ditto your latest suggested piece of middle class welfare - subsidising nannies.

What?? Why on earth should the struggling blue collar worker be happy about his taxes contributing to people who are disposed to despatch the care of their children to a nanny? Even just having a nanny is something inconceivable to much of the electorate, and you would insult their efforts to survive and do their best by their families by subsidising affluent families to employ a nanny?

Truly, Mr Abbott, I wonder where (to use the current idiom) your head is at!

Most of Australia are bitterly angry at Federal Labor. They badly want good reasons to vote for the Coalition at the next election. But you are giving them more than enough reason why they should not do this just on the above policies which seem to so obviously favour the affluent. Why would you leave yourself to wide open to the accusation from the ALP that you are there to look after the rich?

And then there's your claim that the Coalition knows how to govern, that you are proven performers, that you've done it all before.
It sounds reassuring, doesn't it, but it's actually not true.
Certainly you were Minister for Health and as far as I can recall you did a pretty good job.

But the rest of that successful team, John Howard, Alexander Downer, Peter Costello, Phillip Ruddock et al have all gone their own ways, so you can hardly claim to be offering the country an 'experienced front bench'. Our concern on this front is exacerbated by the apparently dysfunctional relationship between your Shadow Treasurer and the Finance spokesperson. Their most distinguishing feature seems to be their capacity to contradict each other. Less than reassuring, isn't it?

I wonder how much notice you've taken of how the electorate in Queensland has been so utterly turned off by the negativity from the ALP in such a personal sense toward Campbell Newman?

Contrast this with Mr Newman's determination to largely ignore this, not return it in kind, but rather to persist with offering his policies to the people.
We all know which strategy worked best.

So, Mr Abbott, I really want to vote for you come the Federal election, but I'm going to need a few more reasons to do so and a few less reasons not to.

With best wishes.
My bet the response will be along the lines of ..... this will indeed help working families by helping with the costs of childcare, and others by allowing both parents to work and bring in more income.

So you should address both of these points in the letter first.
If you want to get a handle on Tony Abbott, IMHO, you would do well to look at the thinking of the most articulate "Christian democrat" of Australian political history, Bob Santamaria. I'm not saying that Tony Abbott's political philosophy is the same as Santamaria's but Santamaria was an inspiration to Abbott and understanding the roots of the conservative, anti-communist, Catholic movement ("The Movement") in Australia in the mid-twentieth century helps in understanding Tony Abbott and the differences in his conservative political philosophy contrasted with say John Howard or Nick Minchin of the "new right" movement.

It is also interesting to note how many Jesuit educated members of parliament there are on the Lib/Nat coalition "shadow cabinet"; Tony Abbott, Joe Hockey, Chris Pyne, Barnaby Joyce. Are there any others in the parliament?
It's ironic that the vast majority of Starcraftmazter's attacks are towards LNP, yet he claims that ALP and LNP are the same. Don't feed the troll Julia.
Hi Gav, I see the rarified quadrant of Wayne's compass is fully mobilized.

Julia, that letter is on the right - no pun intended -track.

Tinhat - a Jesuit education. I reckon they can all spell and do sums. Not brainwashed with global warming day after day.