Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

A white perspective of Racism and White Privilege in the US


There probably was such a thing as white privilege once upon a time, at least in majority white, or white controlled societies. But was not generally known is that brown skins also took white slaves. There was no white privilege in their societies, quite the opposite.

But these protests have shown that there is actually the reverse, a black/brown privilege.

White fella would never be able to get away with what these criminals are doing, and most certainly the narrative would be entirely different.

There is no longer white privilege, it's a myth, it's the opposite.
You mean that you have no evidence for what you say, so cannot defend your comments.
Your earlier remarks seemed to want to "blame" a person who was pepper sprayed for no apparent reason, other than being there. Worse, in your eyes she should not have even been there because she was on crutches.
If you venture baseless opinions, expect them to be called out.
As with your previous nonsense arguments, if the police did something wrong, the girl can seek compensation, I tend to er on the side of the police as they do a thankless job in difficult situations. The jails are full of innocent people, who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and did nothing wrong.
You have this unwavering belief in your own opinion, that is never shaken, even though it is proven wrong on most occassions.
Folau, you said argued that R.A had every right to sack him and ban him from ever playing rugby, well you were wrong on that as history proves. He received an out of court settlement and board members were jettisoned.
The corona virus, you argued black and blue that an investigation wasn't required and wouldn't be initiated, well that's two from two.
You are going in ever decreasing circles with Ducati, over the interpretation of the law and still relying on your opinion as the basis for all things correct.
Some people may enjoy the nonsense you play, I personally have grown tired of it, so don't don't wish to partake in it.
So like I said, I said my bit, you've said your bit, as per usual we disagree so we can agree to that.
It seems a much better outcome, than name calling and disparaging remarks, that just lowers the tone of the forum.
The jails are full of innocent people, who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and did nothing wrong.
Another claim without evidence.
You have this unwavering belief in your own opinion, that is never shaken, even though it is proven wrong on most occassions.
I seldom offer my "opinions" and let the evidence speak for itself. That's opposite to what you do.
Folau, you said argued that R.A had every right to sack him and ban him from ever playing rugby,
Not quite as I said I would not have sacked him, but his breach of contract made it lawful. And I definitely never said he should be banned.
The corona virus, you argued black and blue that an investigation wasn't required and wouldn't be initiated
Wrong again. I said it is a matter for science to settle, and that is exactly what was agreed by the unanimous resolution.
You are going in ever decreasing circles with Ducati, over the interpretation of the law and still relying on your opinion as the basis for all things correct.
Wrong yet again. The police department Professional Standards Unit determined that not only were the officer's actions not reasonable, they were not based on law. I never offered any opinion on the matter.

If you are going to run a tab on me, try to get the facts straight.
Admittedly 2013 statistics but 2020 would not be much different.

Admittedly 2013 statistics but 2020 would not be much different.
The issue relates to blacks killed by police.

On a level playing field, if you are unarmed, you should not expect to be killed by the police and, at worst, no more often than whites would be. If we look at shooting deaths of unarmed people, about the same number of whites and blacks are killed, which means there is a significant disparity as blacks are around 13% percent of the population.
The death of Floyd is obviously an offence by the policemen concerned, but why are so many people protesting this death when the vast majority of blacks are killed by other black people. Blacks who represent just 13% of the US population are FOUR times more likely to commit murder than whites.

The protesters should be protesting against the every day violence inherent in the black community, not the extremely rare killing of a black person by the police or even a white person.

Of course they are more likely to be accidentally killed by police. They far are more likely to be involved in violent crime.
The death of Floyd is obviously an offence by the policemen concerned, but why are so many people protesting this death when the vast majority of blacks are killed by other black people. Blacks who represent just 13% of the US population are FOUR times more likely to commit murder than whites.

The protesters should be protesting against the every day violence inherent in the black community, not the extremely rare killing of a black person by the police or even a white person.

and at least the number of cops killed by blacks.

Any one here have an understanding of Spike Lee's 1989 'Do The Right Thing' ???
Spoiler alert ...a chock hold death of a black man climax's the film. Who would of thought?

Quite a few of above seem not to have been paying much attention; for the bulk of their lives, to what's important.

and while we're here, 'hat's off ' to the young Rosie Perez(opening credits) great got to 'Fight the Power'
She just so happens to turn up in the Netflix psychedelic doco 'Have a good trip'... some hope there.

Oh and macca 27 % plus of the prison population; and and they make what percentage of the Australian population? ... I'll make it a easy for you..3% son. Someone clever would have realised they were stepping 'big sloppy one' there, before they hit the 'post reply' .
Maybe you need to think a little on those percetages. not that your thoughts appear to be worth that much.
Hi Orr,

I know these people are not the sharpest tools in the shed but why are they protesting about black deaths in custody ? The figures show that they are actually looked after better than everyone else.

If they want to protest about black people getting arrested more than others then do That, if they want to protest about the fact that black people commit more crimes then do That.

Don't protest about something that is not happening, it destroys their credibility

White privilege macca/... I knew my great grand mother(Maternal line) for the first ten years of my life, she was born in the 1880's. Her mother, a Mrs Bostock , my great great grand mother administered salts to the Prince of Wales after he was shot by a Fenian at Balmoral... I personally have got a long handle on 'white privilege' the very privileged end....not lucky enough to attend 'Kings' though.

So... I've talked to people who have lived a period of Australian history, who whilst alive their government sent weapons for the destruction of indigenous peoples. See the actions of the governor of S.A 1890's, Alexander Downers Grand Father. White privilege writ large.
Aboriginal australians have an oral history that goes back thousands of years. They know their treatment of the very recent past.

Had have a Royal Commission 30 years ago not addressed Deaths in custody but, instead the systemic ingrained racism of Australian history and it's consequences, your above question as to 'credibility' would have no meaning. But the Royal commission 'deaths in custody' it did not. Too hard back then. Way to Hard. Looking back is way to hard. Knowing history is even harder it appears. Howard loved to demean and marginalise, holding tight to his bosom Blainies 'Black Arm Band'... a lot of votes in the 'white trash'.
Deaths in custody RC has given a firm foot hold on a slippery slope. MABO another. Remember too the detestable Howards commitment to 'Buck loads of extinguishment'.

Aboriginal Australians are over represented ten fold in prisons. That is known as an order of magnitude.
To not see that as an issue is a willfull, septic, cancerous ignorance.
It suits the prejudice of to many to know little to nothing. And remember even less. You see that in that in comments of some in this thread.

Do you know the work of Jack Davis? serious question ...
1890's, .
I guess you could say I am ethnically English.

My people were invaded and subjugated by Romans, Angles, Jutes, Saxons, Normans, and Vikings... Plus probably a few others I can't think of right now.

Want to talk atrocities? How much bandwidth do you have bro?
I guess you could say I am ethnically English.

My people were invaded and subjugated by Romans, Angles, Jutes, Saxons, Normans, and Vikings... Plus probably a few others I can't think of right now.

Want to talk atrocities? How much bandwidth do you have bro?
Know the work of Jack Davis? seroius question.
Know the work of Jack Davis? seroius question.
Unfortunately not (I will investigate), but I grew up with Nyoongahs and counted many as good friends when I was a young man.

There were people on both sides who could not get past their racism, but for most of us, we evaluated each other as humans and got on very well, even as young hoodlums.

Found this picture quite powerful.
For me it sums up the current position you whites have found yourself in 2020.
Minority police were found to kill just as many blacks if not more in a study.

One of the problems with African American society is their reverence of thug culture. Don't worship pimps and dealers.
Historical perspective on Black White relations in US.
Muhammad Ali was the US heavy weight boxing champion in the 60's and 70's and very articulate on race issues.

ASF posters in their late sixties and seventies will remember him from their youth. This interview is around 50 years ago. :eek: Interesting to see what was going down then.

Back in the early part of the 20th Century the white US community faced an unimaginable calamity.
A proud, powerful, highly skilled black boxer, Jack Johnson, was thrashing everyone in his path and finally became the heavyweight boxing champion of the US.

The challenge to White Supremacy had its backlash at a time when the Ku Klux Klan was in full revival and blacks were meant to stay well and truly under the foot of their natural masters.

To put this perspective if you were a young guy in 1972 watching Muhammad Ali there is every chance your grandfather (60 years older) would have been aware of Jack Johnson. In fact Jack won his world title fighting Tommy Burns in Sydney in 1908. His success didn't go down well in Oz either because we were pretty much wedded to white supremacy as well.

Powerful story. Give it 10 minutes to get the picture
Historical perspective on Black White relations in US.
Muhammad Ali was the US heavy weight boxing champion in the 60's and 70's and very articulate on race issues.

ASF posters in their late sixties and seventies will remember him from their youth. This interview is around 50 years ago. :eek: Interesting to see what was going down then.

He trash talked joe Frasier with some of the worst things you can say to a black man. There's a reason Joe almost killed him in the ring. He never forgave him after what he said.
Rage at everything. So long as twitter tells you to.
The original meaning of the word meme, as proposed by Dawkins, was an infection of ideas, vis a vis a mind virus.

I think these people supply ample empirical evidence of this principle, indeed has been shown throughout history. Need we any better example than pre world war 2 Germany and the rise of Nazism and population-wide meme of a nation so infected?