Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

A lesson in economics

Thanks for the link, ill have to put aside a couple of hours a night to go through all the parts.

cheers :)
Makes for good watching while I wait for Amibroker to do some time consuming optimisations...I love enconomics...only wish it was actually useful for something other than entertainment :p:
Makes for good watching while I wait for Amibroker to do some time consuming optimisations...I love enconomics...only wish it was actually useful for something other than entertainment :p:

HAHAHAHA.... Completely agree ASX.G about the usefulness of economics......... You've made me laugh this morning and considering I have basically lived at a computer doing annual reports for the last 1.5 months, thats a very good thing! Completely off topic I know, but thanks to you never the less!!!

Makes for good watching while I wait for Amibroker to do some time consuming optimisations...I love enconomics...only wish it was actually useful for something other than entertainment :p:

I think that is a healthy attitude to have with respect to economics. At best it is an area of speculative investigation however it has been elevated to the level of a science and our societies reorganized around it as though it were an inevitable truth.

There is something childishly naive about embracing a concept as a cure-all for every problem.

Actually I would disagree, I would say that economics, both micro & macro, are extremely useful. Understanding the application is the key.

jog on
That's the distinction duc, economics is by nature utilitarian, applicable and useful for specific situations. As a way to structure our societies it is woefully inadequate.
Actually I would disagree, I would say that economics, both micro & macro, are extremely useful. Understanding the application is the key.

Haha, I thought you might :) I actually disagree too. Admittedly a quite flippant comment.I take a lot away from his presentations actually (and I accidentally back-arrowed the one on inflation when it was started to get really juicy).

Top of mind at the moment would be the liquidation part of a boom/bust cycle ie. be cashed up when the liquidation comes. I have my eye on a nice timber boat for summer on the Öresund, a well kept Porsche 911 from the 70's or 80's, a summer cottage in the forest beside a lake somewhere etc. etc. you get the picture...all currently being taken care of by some unsuspecting over-leveraged Sven and Inga.

Unfortunately i can't watch it from Google as its not available from China...any other options for this folks?

He has his own site, but it's pretty hard reading. :p:

Инфлация и Кредит – Анализ и Прогнози



Инфлацията е един от основните макроикономически показатели. Предлагаме поредица от 5 части, която анализира инфлацията и кредита на основата на строг икономически анализ.

Част първа от поредицата изучава основите на инфлацията. Част втора анализира и прогнозира развитието на инфлацията в САЩ. Част трета анализира и прогнозира развитието на инфлацията в България. Част четвърта изследва ролята на кредита в инфлационния процес. Част пета обосновава необходимостта от крути мерки за ограничаване на банковия ни кредит, както и пагубните последствията от главоломния му растеж.

Що се отнася до инфлацията, литературата изобилства от теории предлагащи множество класификации. Учудващо е обаче, че дори монетаристите нямат добре обоснована система за анализ на инфлацията, а се ограничават единствено в областта на монетарната политика. Единствено Австрийската Школа дава теоретично обоснована теория, чиято достоверност се потвърждава от историята. Затова и в изложението си се придържаме към нея, като цитираме нейните класици, Лудвиг фон-Мизес и Мъри Ротбард.

etc etc
He has his own site, but it's pretty hard reading. :p:

You could ask Kev 07 to get one of the girls from Scores to translate it for us, he seems pretty good at foreign languages and has connections.

Seriously though, do you have a link that I can click on to download overnight as I am one of those poor rural bastards relying on a crap Telstra connection.

So wayne as a bear what kind of bust do you think we are we in for - deflationary, inflationary/stagflationary or hyperinflationary? I vote (b) or (c) - most likely (c) - with the corresponding currency crisis, and given that its the reserve currency that will be in crisis, its gold, oil (or food, weapons or drugs?) that will be the survivor's (and/or the yen?).