This is a fantastic thread!! Please everyone, have a read.
We all know the US housing market was going to crash anyway, but does anyone think that $140 oil was the catalyst that pushed it over the edge?? (it would have happened evenually anyway...)
$140 oil showed us a few things.
1. Demand is VERY in-elastic. When the price goes up, use only drops a few %.
2. I think that the world oil production peaked in 2005. Despite record prices, no-one could produce more oil. Not even Saudi Arabia.
3. $140 oil happened when demand outstripped supply by only a few hundred thousand barrels. the resultant small reduction in demand was enough for the price to collapse again.
But what is happening now??
Well, supply peaked at about 89 million barrels a day. Demand was then, we assume around 89 million barrels a day.
Demand has now fallen to around 83 million barrels a day. This is during a period when world trade basically stopped for 3 months. Now we have a buildup of supplies (380 million barrels in the US, normally this is around 350 million. So a buildup of 30 million barrels so far as a buffer)
Supply - well, OPEC has reduced by around 4 million. You could guesstimate the rest of the world has slowed by maybe 1million. That leaves supply today at 84 million barrels a day.
No worries.
Problem?? NOBODY IS LOOKING FOR MORE OIL AT THE MOMENT!! To keep that supply of 84 million barrels a day constant, we need to have new fields coming online to produce around 4-5 million barrels a day. This is due to the decline of the fields already in production.
I would say this decline will begin to hit right about...........NOW. No-body has financed a new oil project for a fair while now.
SO... If supply is at 84 million barrels a day, this can drop by maybe 4 million in the next 12 months. but then add in the OPEC spare capacity. Supply still equals demand in 12 months time.
BUT... Demand will be higher than 83 Million barrels in 12 months time. It will probably be more like, 85 million barrels.
CONCLUSION.... In 12 months time, supply will probably be equal to or higher than demand. This will cause a draw on the surplus stock built up in the past 12 months or so. Price will rise quickly, and people will scramble to look for more oil. But this takes at least 2-3 years to find and bring on stream....
3-4 years from now...... Supply down to more like 80 million barrels a day. Demand?? At least 83 Million barrels. More if the economy has recovered. Result?? Very high oil price, a second GFC, western governments are out of cash... Who is going to pay to convert our addiction from oil to something else??