Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

The problem was that as soon as Abbott or Rudd opened his mouth, the worm would swing to the 70:30 or 30:70 position. And it happened every single time. There was no deliberation on the part of the audience as they considered the message being delivered, it would just happen predictably and automatically. Channel 9 in one direction, channel 7 in the other. It's just the big wigs' version of putting tape on the cricket bat.

Couldn't agree more! i noticed this when watching some of the highlights yesterday and today.

Regardless of the worm I think Abbott won. He spoke without notes and actually sound truthful, although I must add when it came to the budget financing he lost
It's a lose situation for both parties. Any changes will cost the aged, so neither party is willing to do what's necessary for fear of alienating a very powerful, and increasing in size, voting block.

I cannot understand how people with million dollar properties complain about the cost of aged care, AND how they expect the rest of us to pay for them.
Can you tell us what proportion of the population actually live in million dollar properties and yet receive a government pension?

How can a policy be developed which treats all PPORs equally when someone living in inner city Sydney may have a barely livable home for $1M compared to someone in a regional area who could own a mansion for the same amount?
It's a lose situation for both parties. Any changes will cost the aged, so neither party is willing to do what's necessary for fear of alienating a very powerful, and increasing in size, voting block.

I cannot understand how people with million dollar properties complain about the cost of aged care, AND how they expect the rest of us to pay for them.

I can see what you are getting at OK.The family home is sacrosanct in our society,and what maybe required is some additional form of inheritance tax to make the system more equitable.
Many make windfall gains,others do not.But as you say,we are dealing with a powerful lobby that seems to have governments at their mercy.
A member of my family deals with assets etc when people go into nursing homes,and it is mainly the relatives or inheritors that are worried about the financial outcomes-not those that are going into care.
......I would like to see Abbott scrap his "DIRECT ACTION PLAN" on green house emmissions and defer his paid parental scheme until the economy picks up. In the meantime Abbott should utilize the existing paid parental scheme put in place by Labor.
Good thinking Noco.
....The family home is sacrosanct in our society............

Unless the boffins at Treasury get this up as floated by Ken Henry:

Ken Henry's dangerous fallacy of taxing "imputed rent"

Gerard Jackson
Monday 26 April 2010

As evidence that bad ideas never die Treasury boss Ken Henry floated the idea of taxing "imputed rent" on those who bought their homes instead of renting them. Sinclair Davidson (Professor in the School of Economics, Finance and Marketing at RMIT, and a fellow of the Institute of Public Affairs) thought this a silly proposal. Unfortunately Davidson got it completely wrong. What he failed to grasp is that it is based on a fallacy. (To be fair to Davidson, this fact has scarcely been noted by "professional" economists.)

Now our brilliant Mr Henry based his suggestion on the obvious fact that if homeowners had not bought their homes they would have had to pay rent. From this the likes of Dr Henry conclude that homeowners are receiving tax-exempt income in the form of 'imputed rent' which by rights should be treated as forgone income: the income or rent that homeowners sacrifice by not renting out their property. We are clearly dealing with a frame of mind that thinks that by buying their houses homeowners are somehow enjoying an unearned tax advantage over their less fortunate rent-paying neighbours. They have in fact managed to reap where they have not sown.

That proves beyond doubt that Ken Henry hasn't a clue.

To be fair to Dr Henry, I had heard rumours of this concept being bandied about in Government during the early 2000's. Not much surprises me now in this regard. Some 25 to 30 years ago when a GST was first mooted, the pundits said it would never happen. And now?

Apologies for polluting a thread on politics with tax issues. I'll cease this instant.
The more I see of Rudd the worse he looks.

Considering he will be up front more often now Labors vote will only decline between now and Sept 7
On matters of the election, it would seem that The Coalition has decided to do what it can to simply shut down Kevin Rudd's GST scare campaign.

Scare campaigns are about all poor old Rudd has left in his election campaign.

He talks about a ‘new way’. He talks about forging necessary links with business to make Australia successful.
All of which is pretty damned laughable to anyone who stops and thinks about it for just a few seconds.
Rudd’s ‘new way’ apparently includes continuing to let the boast people keep coming, simply diverting them to our close neighbor PNG from where they’ll just hop across the few km of Torres Strait into Queensland or any other Australian destination of their choosing.
That isn’t a ‘new way’, Kev – it’s just more of the same, packaged up to look a little different, another example of policy on the run that keeps costing us piles of money and fails to address the problem.

Rudd’s new way of ‘forging necessary links with business’ include keeping business-stifling imposts such as the carbon tax and the mining tax. In his typically tricky style, he’s stated his intention to get rid of the carbon tax and replace it with an ETS. But it will still be a business-stifling tax, no matter what name he gives it.
That’s not a ‘new way’, Kevvie, it’s just more of the same dumb old policy that will continue to choke the geese that lay the golden eggs. It’s hardly the sort of thing that will inspire business investment, and hence job creation.

When Julia Gillard took over from Rudd, she described the government as ‘A good government that’s lost its way’.
Well Gillard was certainly correct about the government having ‘lost its way’. But if it was a good government, as Gillard claimed, then it wouldn’t have lost its way in the first place, and secondly, she would have quickly made the changes necessary to steer the government back on track. But she didn’t, and Rudd is showing no sign of doing so either now that he’s back in the top job.

Rudd will quite likely lose the election because enough voters have woken up to him to realize that his ‘new way’ is pretty much just more of the same old debacle we’ve had for the last six years of Labor.
Except for his plans to raid our bank accounts – maybe that’s the ‘new way’ he was referring to!
Friend Kevvie appears to have run out of ideas – scare campaigns are about the only election strategy he’s got left to fall back on. I doubt if it will be enough to get him over the line in September.

Crikey, won’t the drinks will be flowing at my place if the bastard gets kicked out!
Abbott wants to debate Rudd on Sky News at the Brisbane Broncos Leagues Club and let the people ask the questions.

Rudd has refused. Why is he so scared to face the people?

Because he's weak and worthless..........but the best Labor has to offer:rolleyes:
Scrap the carbon tax says our Kevvie. We will go to an ETS a year earlier at $6.00 a tonne but what is he does not reveal is the ETS price will rise to $18 in three years and $38 per tonne in 6 years.

Another con job by Labor.
Which of course would suit Rudd down to the ground, as his tax on carbon was always just a pure money grab to try and claw back some cash to compensate for all his crazy spending. It never had anything to do with his supposedly noble reasons for introducing it, such as saving the planet from climate change.

Abbott wants to debate Rudd on Sky News at the Brisbane Broncos Leagues Club and let the people ask the questions.

Rudd has refused. Why is he so scared to face the people?
And just a week or two ago the old Kevvie was running around beating his chest as he loudly proclaimed that Abbot wasn' t game to debate him! LOL
Here’s some more info on the looming problem of illegal immigration through Torres Strait to Australia that will potentially result from Rudd’s policy of mass diversion to PNG of boat people seeking asylum in Australia.

The Torres Straight region is comprised of some 270 islands surrounded by fifty thousand square km of ocean. We currently have just two customs boats, two helicopters and thirteen staff to patrol this vast area.

Home Affairs minister, Jason Clare, in typical Labor style attempted to gloss over the potential problem by stating that there were only ten illegal crossings of Torres Strait last year, and ten so far this year.
This is the sort of ‘head in the sand’ attitude we’d expect from Labor, and it highlights the inability of your average Labor politician to look past the end of his or her nose to see and plan ahead for problems that could arise as a result of their short-sighted policies.

ABC’s 7.30 program tonight will feature Labor’s immigration minister Tony Burke taking on shadow immigration minister Scott Morrison over the asylum seeker issue – it should be worth watching.
This sex appeal "gaffe" as they call it is a prime example of media gone mad.
That was a harmless remark but everyone with an agenda has tried to turn it into something including the ABC

It wasn't a gaffe, it wasn't sexist, all this carry on in BS.
This sex appeal "gaffe" as they call it is a prime example of media gone mad.
That was a harmless remark but everyone with an agenda has tried to turn it into something including the ABC

It wasn't a gaffe, it wasn't sexist, all this carry on in BS.

Absolutely right there Burnsie. What a crock.

If that's the best the media and Labor can concentrate on then they have lost the plot (again).

Wong has been on TV and radio saying how Abbott is a sexist, yadda yadda yadda.

Most women wake up every day, and spend some of the day, trying to improve and display, their "sex appeal".

Most women would take it as a huge compliment if a man said they had "sex appeal".

The media itself see's the advantage in having female presenters who have "sex appeal".

What a joke beating this up.
Absolutely right there Burnsie. What a crock.

If that's the best the media and Labor can concentrate on then they have lost the plot (again).

Wong has been on TV and radio saying how Abbott is a sexist, yadda yadda yadda.

Most women wake up every day, and spend some of the day, trying to improve and display, their "sex appeal".

Most women would take it as a huge compliment if a man said they had "sex appeal".

The media itself see's the advantage in having female presenters who have "sex appeal".

What a joke beating this up.

You can tell them what you think on here dutchie -
What do you think would have been the reaction if Julia Gillard had said that a male candidate had sex appeal?
A very minor event by TA but the media will make something of it.