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2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

Yes, we have had quite a few in Victoria from Labor having their say, calling it a toxic soap opera.

With the state election due next year, they are concerned.
While there is nothing to stop you doing this, and all 10 votes would be counted, you would be fined (more than the $20 fine for not voting) once the big books were all collated.

Stewiejp, it seems nothing is done about it. I wonder how many voted more than once in some of the marginal seats this election. Something should be done to prevent people voting more than once and stop people stealing the votes of dead people. And I heard on a current affairs program some time back that fake addresses have been used. Surely something as important as our democracy should have much tighter identity checks and a system that at least makes fraud much more difficult.

Read more from AEC admits it can't establish who is flouting electoral laws
While there is nothing to stop you doing this, and all 10 votes would be counted, you would be fined (more than the $20 fine for not voting) once the big books were all collated.

This voting at 10 different polling booths has been done before and has been challenged by the AEC only to find they could find no proof of the illicit act of the person/persons involved.

Some of these so called smart people also follow who has recently deceased and use the deceased name to cast their vote, not once but multiple times.

So it is quite easy to avoid the fines.

This why I aggree with Clive Palmer.... The system needs a very big shake up.
+1 Doc....she never impressed me either.

Tony Windsor hated her too.
There's a fairly simple solution to people voting more than once -
1. make people produce ID at the polling stations, and if they don't have ID, or enough ID - ask a few questions to validate their identity (DOB, Address, Mothers maiden name, previous address should do the trick - something like that)

2. make the electoral role a "live" electrical document (computer spreadsheet) rather than printing off countless thousands of books each year - that way when the person attempts to vote for the second time you can "nab him" then and there.

The dumping of Bracks is telling of the school yard mentality of the Coalition, no one behaves with arogance like a Liberal and or its supporters.
The dumping of Bracks is telling of the school yard mentality of the Coalition, no one behaves with arogance like a Liberal and or its supporters.

IF. you clearly didn't see Rudd at work as the hatchet man when Goss got into power in Qld. I understand it was pretty brutal.

It's not uncommon for an incoming government to replace staff with those they trust. So don't try to make this something only the libs do...LOL

Why do you try to spin things so much IF? Do you think we won't notice?
The dumping of Bracks is telling of the school yard mentality of the Coalition, no one behaves with arogance like a Liberal and or its supporters.

Really who cares if a Labor person gets dumped from a $250K pa bludge.........I don't
It's not uncommon for an incoming government to replace staff with those they trust. So don't try to make this something only the libs do...

Another thing to note is that Bracks campaigned for Labor AFTER being nominated. Government appointees are expected to not take political sides after being nominated. Their job is to carry out the wishes of the government of the day and put politics aside. If Bracks had followed that practice and also, as he would only be assuming the role after the election, showed the courtesy of discussing his appointment with the coalition, something which Gillard refused to do, he might have been dealt with more favourably by Bishop.
Except that her opponent and now likely winner, turns out to be a pretend conservative Doc. Backed by the left, within a organization she herself formed. Indi will welcome Mirabella back with open arms, wait and see.
Except that her opponent and now likely winner, turns out to be a pretend conservative Doc. Backed by the left, within a organization she herself formed. Indi will welcome Mirabella back with open arms, wait and see.

I am not too sure why Doc takes that view. She was very useful to Abbott. She could say things about the Labor female nasties that Abbott couldn't say for fear of the misogyny attacks.

Besides, she is hated by Windsor, so she can't be all that bad. He set up support for her opponent in Indi so as to inflict on Indi a "pretend conservative" in his own nasty image.
Except that her opponent and now likely winner, turns out to be a pretend conservative Doc. Backed by the left, within a organization she herself formed. Indi will welcome Mirabella back with open arms, wait and see.

I read something about this recently and it seems there may be other "independents" interested in using her model to take seats from the coalition in the future. It appears the plan is to deceive the electorate into thinking they are conservative.

If so, hopefully this situation in Indi will bring it to the the light and help prevent voters from being conned.
Really who cares if a Labor person gets dumped from a $250K pa bludge.........I don't

But you have no problem with a Liberal person getting a $250K bludge?

Personally I'd prefer them to earn the $, but I suppose as long as it's someone from the right getting the easy money that's fine and dandy?

This kind of behaviour in the corporate world isn't acceptable. Sacking someone because they're from the wrong side of politics in the corporate world opens you up to litigation.

Using justifications because they did it when they go into power last time. 2 wrongs don't make a right.

i think it's this kind of behaviour that lead so many people to vote for the alternatives to the 2 major parties.

Peter Costello has whats the differance?

Bracks was nonminated by a goverment well outside of any convention required consulting with Bishop was not required, by all accounts he had a water tight case for wrongfull sacking but chose not to run it.
Peter Costello has whats the differance?

Bracks was nonminated by a goverment well outside of any convention required consulting with Bishop was not required, by all accounts he had a water tight case for wrongfull sacking but chose not to run it.

What did he expect when he bit the hand that was feeding him. Serves him right.
Peter Costello has whats the differance?

Bracks was nonminated by a goverment well outside of any convention required consulting with Bishop was not required, by all accounts he had a water tight case for wrongfull sacking but chose not to run it.

Needing to consult with Bishop was not a convention but a courtesy since he would be assuming the role when the coalition would potentially, and as we knew then, very likely be the government of the day. The convention that was not followed was appointing someone to fill a position when the government was, for all practicable purposes, in caretaker mode. Just as Labor tried to put timebombs in place that were only there to frustrate the opposition carrying out its policy should it regain power (long term NBN contracts, funding commitments that went through the term of the next government), they also tried to make appointments that were only going to come into effect after the next government took power. Fair play to the coalition for not putting up with such nonsense.
And it looks like Bracks has brought some of this on himself:

Andrew Bolt also notes that "Former Labor leader Kim Beazley, though, will stay on as our ambassador to Washington until the end of next year."

Coalition does to Bracks what he did first
Except that her opponent and now likely winner, turns out to be a pretend conservative Doc. Backed by the left, within a organization she herself formed. Indi will welcome Mirabella back with open arms, wait and see.
In terms of her public media performances, she didn't impress me. She struck me as seeing herself as being a cut above everyone else.

Regardless of the background of the independent candidate, something obviously went severely wrong with Sophie's campaign bearing in mind the swing against her relative to the rest of the state.
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