I wonder how much Labor have learnt from their loss. About the only thing any of them have talked about during the election post mortem is how disunity cost them government.
They’ve made no mention of the lies, smears and character assassination against their opponents, their dishonesty in relation to the carbon tax, their reckless spending, their spiraling debt and their inability to produce a single budget surplus in six years while all the time telling us they were on track to do so, their self-created illegal boat people debacle, their cuts to essential services and infrastructure while splashing money around wildly on school halls and pink batts and the like. And no mention of their disjointed election campaign that repeatedly showed them to be serial liars.
If Labor ever want to be taken seriously again, then they need to start showing a bit of character by facing up to all their faults, and committing to fixing them rather than just hiding behind the excuse that it was just their disunity that brought them undone.
They’ve made no mention of the lies, smears and character assassination against their opponents, their dishonesty in relation to the carbon tax, their reckless spending, their spiraling debt and their inability to produce a single budget surplus in six years while all the time telling us they were on track to do so, their self-created illegal boat people debacle, their cuts to essential services and infrastructure while splashing money around wildly on school halls and pink batts and the like. And no mention of their disjointed election campaign that repeatedly showed them to be serial liars.
If Labor ever want to be taken seriously again, then they need to start showing a bit of character by facing up to all their faults, and committing to fixing them rather than just hiding behind the excuse that it was just their disunity that brought them undone.