The Herald and the AFR both endorsed Abbott yesterday.
There's an interesting split within Tas too.
3. Liberal won the rest, noting that the Tas economy is pretty much stuffed especially in the northern half of the state (Launceston isn't so bad, but apart from that it's stuffed).
The really strange thing and my main point is that, in Tas at least, Liberal is effectively now the default "workers party"
PUP preference deals might also save Greens Sen SHY in SA.The only reason Labor were not annihilated in this election is thanks solely to PUP and his preferences.
That's right, Mr Clive Palmer who has so far polled 5.6% of the national vote, almost as much as the Greens, saved Labor's :arsch: in QLD..pure and simple. There's a bunch of Labor seats that hung on for no other reason than PUP's preferences flowing to them in QLD....
Sweetest of Victories:
...This is a victory over a cultural elite that mocked him, and Labor, which vilified him as a "misogynist"and bigot.
It is particularly a victory over the green movement, which Abbott fought from the day he won the Opposition leadership four years ago...
...Labor deserved to lose but it took Abbott to spot where it was weakest.
Abbott used the carbon tax to destroy Labor and will now destroy the tax itself.
He will also strip billions of dollars from green schemes....
Agreed. I'm not sure what the situation is in the other states, but that's certainly true in Tas. The Liberals have won every electorate not in or near the capital city. That is, those electorates where agriculture, forestry (which is stuffed...), mining (which the Greens are trying to stop), manufacturing (much of which is already gone and it's no secret that the Greens are long term opponents of two large heavy industrial employers in northern Tas) have all gone to the Liberals.I see it as the Labor/green alliance screwing rural Tasmania, and the locals voting accordingly, i used to live in a isolated forestry based seat (NSW) and its easy for the locals to vote like they are outcasts, and that's because they are outcasts.
The main stream marginalises them, screws them and the locals just have to cop it...and they don't like it.
Congratulations to Tony Abbott and the Coalition
I think he will make a good PM.
Labor only have themselves to blame and I am glad its over.
There is a little light at the end of the tunnel.
Yes and no. The Greens at least stand for something they genuinely believe in. Clive Palmer, with all his money (full page advertising in all the main dailies plus saturation on radio and TV), is simply amusing himself, a bit like his silly dinosaurs and the model of the Titanic. If he does gain Fairfax, it's my bet his voting pattern will reflect his personal dislikes of individuals, rather than any consideration of what's best for the country.It looks as though with PUP around, the protest vote no longer flows straight to the Greens, which can't be a bad thing.
I think we all feel pretty much like this. Let's hope the Abbott bashers can hold off for a while. He'll probably be less than great until he gets confidence in the job. I'd like to think we can give him a decent chance.I don't hold high hopes for Abbott but hopefully he'll surprise to the upside.
Yes, indeed. And we do take our privileged status for granted.I've travelled to plenty of countries and most of the world's population don't have the luxury of voting out an unpopular government. As I got my sausage and lamington at the sausage sizzle outside the polling booth I remembered what a great country this is. Not because we can whinge and moan about the government but because we can take for granted the right to have an opinion and express it.
Exactly what my reaction was. He has the most astonishing capacity for self deception. And Labor are congratulating themselves all over the place about 'how well they did'.I'd take a guess that there will be people who caught a glimpse of the news coverage whilst in a shop etc and will now honestly be thinking that Labor has won the election. I mean that seriously - if someone saw a minute or two of Rudd and nothing else, they'd go away thinking he was claiming victory. It won't be until sometime tomorrow that they find out that this is not actually the case.
You now have what you have been squarking about for a long time. When we see the dust settle and we see which promises were "non core" (a liberal party definition of lies) and which are fair dinkum then we can make a judgement. It is a long tunnel and that light may just end up a flood light at the end of the mine.
You now have what you have been squarking about for a long time. When we see the dust settle and we see which promises were "non core" (a liberal party definition of lies) and which are fair dinkum then we can make a judgement. It is a long tunnel and that light may just end up a flood light at the end of the mine.
Plus 10.
It will be interesting to see
1) Just what promises are kept
2) How well the Liberals govern ie good governance, effective management
Time will tell.
Can I offer you some salt with those wounds?
Funny how you can both predict doom and gloom under Tony Abbott ahead of time, but you couldn't see the disaster right in front of your noses.....
Boy you really showed her.
Smurf and So Cynical, so for broader Tasmania, the penny has finally dropped. Better late than never....those who live in regions dependent on farming, mining, forestry, heavy industry, energy etc have gone to the Liberals.
So there's a degree of "city versus the bush" in all of this it would seem, environmental issues being the underlying basis.
So basically, I'm seeing that those who live in regions dependent on farming, mining, forestry, heavy industry, energy etc have gone to the Liberals. Not an unexpected result in view of policy, the ironic thing being that it was Labor governments who got many of those industries up and running in the first place many years ago and they employ many of Labor's tradtitional "blue collar" supporters.
Only Queenslanders could inflict on their fellow Australians such nutters and nasties as Katter, Rudd and Hansen and now Palmer and his stooge Glen Lazarus.
I think we all feel pretty much like this. Let's hope the Abbott bashers can hold off for a while. He'll probably be less than great until he gets confidence in the job. I'd like to think we can give him a decent chance.
Plus 10.
It will be interesting to see
1) Just what promises are kept
2) How well the Liberals govern ie good governance, effective management
Time will tell.
Pretty strong words against your fellow humans Calliope, which you no doubt resent others directing similar towards you.
Anxiety was high for the Coalition in NSW, where Arthur Sinodinos, who could be a senior figure in the new government, was in a life-and-death struggle with One Nation's Pauline Hanson for the state's sixth seat. Despite a primary vote of only 1.25 per cent, a very strong preference flow appeared likely to get Ms Hanson across the line, although three-quarters of the vote remained to be counted last night.
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