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2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

Like the Greens you are both wreckers. I know neither of you will read this... bereft of any ideas and safely cocooned in your boxes.

I don't usually see the content of your posts due to having you on ignore for the past 2 years or so.

Don't know about Nokia.


Calling us wreckers?
Notice the massive decline in workplace deaths since Labor has been in office. A pretty amazing achievement when considering the huge increase in workers in the resource sector and associated construction.

Errr... did you forget the 4 deaths that occurred as a direct result of poor policy implementation (pink batts). Don't care what the figures say, all findings say ALP were directly responsible for this one (Queensland coroner's report is worth a read).

Figures are worthless when deaths can be directly related to policies.

Claim anything else about the ALP that you like, but on this one they've lost all credibility. More important than any budget savings or economic stimulus, they cost four people their lives. The man should be on trial, not running in the election.
I wonder whether Fairfax will run their fact checker through this in one of their flagship papers.

As an example, they have $1.3bn of so-called pork for WA compared to ~$6m for Labor. The $1.3bn listed is for road projects.

One of these road projects is Gateway WA, a $1bn upgrade of roads around Perth Airport. This is a joint Federal and State Government project with the feds contributing close to $700m. Both sides have in fact committed to its funding and construction has commenced.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Rudd's electoral foundations continue to crumble.

The upcoming 9 days will be I suspect the longest of Bill Shorten's life and when he's interviewed, it shows.

There's no mercy rule though for Bill and Labor. They'll just have to suck it up and wait for the final siren.
IHe will get rid of taxes that cruel business and investment and hence employment - taxes like the mining and carbon taxes.

small business might not agree with you:

The Coalition is tearing up around $4.2 billion of Labor’s SME assistance measures across forward estimates:

– $2.9 billion in instant asset write-offs on investment items costing up to $6500

– $900 million in the ‘loss carry back’ scheme

– $400 million in accelerated depreciation for cars.

That’s not the only supply-side pain in the Coalition’s plans. The 1.5 per cent tax cut for companies big and small doesn’t begin until 2015, but the 1.5 per cent levy on big business to fund Abbott’s paid parental leave scheme begins in 2014.

That’s a one-year tax hike, followed by years of ‘no change’ for big business and a modest tax cut for small business.
I’m happy to stand corrected if I’m wrong about that, Julia, but I was pretty sure that both Emerson and Shorten are old bed mates of Gillard.

Shorten previously had a relationship with Nicola Roxon not Julia Gillard.

Why do you have to get into denigrading comments like this?

Accept there's a diversity of views. You certainly don't have to agree with others, but being rude because someone doesn't have the same point of view is just petty.

You pro business mate Tony has gutted over $4B from the SME sector in the forward estimates. One could say he's shafted small business to pay for PPL.

Looks like KRudd has been shafted by his own beloved Public Servants... the jig is up. It's all over now bar the shouting match. Should be fun to watch...
Looks like KRudd has been shafted by his own beloved Public Servants... the jig is up. It's all over now bar the shouting match. Should be fun to watch...

And from the Australian News paper as well.

Me thinks Martin Parkinson and David Tune might just be good friends with Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan and are out to spoil RUDNEY RUDES party.

I have been saying for quite a while now that Gillard and Swan will be seeking revenge on Rudd in the last week of the campaign and this is just the start of a bad last week for Rudd.

Watch the polls hit rock bottom next week.

How low can this Prime Minister Rudd go to discredit the Coalition.

He is lower than a rattle snakes belly.
The Labor Party caught out again.

Not cut, cut, cut but lie, lie, lie.

How pathetic are they?

From The Australian:

Bureaucrats expose ALP's biggest crisis

by: Dennis Shanahan, Political Editor
From: The Australian
August 30, 2013 12:00AM

TREASURY has been subjected to a lot of ridicule and criticism from the Coalition over costings and budget forecasts. But last night Treasury head Martin Parkinson and David Tune at the Department of Finance signalled a line had been crossed.

Two of the nation's most senior public servants had been placed in an impossible position by Labor's wilful misuse of confidential briefings. They had to act. Stepping out from behind the normal veil of government, Parkinson and Tune did precisely what strong public servants should do in the caretaker period - calling out Labor's misrepresentation for what it was.

Kevin Rudd now faces the biggest crisis of the election campaign - on an issue of truthfulness, trust and economic competence - after Treasury, Finance and the Parliamentary Budget Office exposed the government's politically fraudulent and desperate attempt to frame Tony Abbott for a "$10 billion fraud". Early yesterday, the Prime Minister accused the Liberal leader of fraud, and questioned his "truthfulness" based on "independent" Treasury and Finance Department costings of the Coalition's promises. Rudd, Chris Bowen and Penny Wong stood shoulder to shoulder and declared "Treasury, Department of Finance and Deregulation and PBO figures released this morning have exposed a $10bn hole in the savings claimed by the Coalition yesterday".

"At no stage prior to the caretaker period has either department costed opposition policies," they said in an unprecedented public statement.

The PBO later added its own condemnation of the way Labor had purported to release opposition policies costed by the independent office. The government was caught in its own "pea and thimble" trick, stitching together old reports and comparing apples with oranges to conclude Abbott was a fraud. Rudd's attempts to portray Abbott in a particular way have backfired and it is the Prime Minister's truthfulness that is now in question. This response to the Liberal policies is reminiscent of the last days of the Keating government, when then treasurer Ralph Willis got caught flogging false documents about Liberal plans, supposedly from Victorian premier Jeff Kennett. It was a singular moment of humiliation for a dying government.

My Bolds
All over Red Rover. I guess that GG and Explod are the only remaining Rudd backers on the forum.

I would find it difficult to describe myself as a Rudd backer, though, I take your point.

Rudd will win.

He is a campaigner par extraordinaire.

But a devious little one.

Like vampire on ice, he has destroyed the ALP, and now he is intent on doing it to Australia.

The ALP tried a stake through his heart to rid it of him, but forgot the garlic.

He will get the large muppet vote out there, 2 or 3 generations of welfare dependent voters, who he will target in the last week.

I will never vote again if he gets in.

I fear he will.

I would find it difficult to describe myself as a Rudd backer, though, I take your point.

Rudd will win.

He is a campaigner par extraordinaire.


I'd prefer if Tony wins, with a few seats majority, no control of the senate.

Then he can start to dismantle the welfare state he helped create when Howard was around.

Should be fun times seeing how he copes with the MSM howling in outrage over every cut he makes.

Better vote the lefties back into power then Syd, if you think the coalition will be so hard on business.
It won’t take long before Labor are giving you plenty of reasons to wish you’d turfed them out when you had the chance.
All we'd get from another term of Labor government would be more of the lies, economic mismanagement, incompetent and dysfunctional government that they've been dishing up to us for the last six years.

Talking of deaths that are directly related to policies.......let’s not forget an estimated one thousand people who have lost their lives while attempting to come to Australia by boat, after Rudd dismantled the Pacific Solution.

GG what was in that bottle last night?

Are you dreamin' or stirrin'???????????
Labor party has only three policies that they are fighting the election on.

1. Abbott, Abbott, Abbott
2. Cut, Cut, Cut
3. Costs, Costs, Costs

No wonder most newspapers are rubbishing them. The truth is they deserve it.

Just a pathetic mob of fraudsters.

I thought you were a better judge of the political scene, Garpal.

Saturday night (7th) and Rudd will be on the scrap heap just like his predecessor.

Both massive failures.

Australia deserves a lot better than those two losers and the public will vote accordingly.

Baseball bats, cricket bats et al, will be flying.
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