Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

All over Red Rover.:D I guess that GG and Explod are the only remaining Rudd backers on the forum.

That’s it! Sorry Sky News, apologies to the ABC, don’t bother We’re calling it first.

Sportsbet has declared the federal election a one-horse race and we’re paying out all bets on the Coalition nine days before Australia goes to the polls.

We’re so confident of a landslide Coalition victory for Tony Abbott and his team, we’ve paid out more than $1.5 million in bets to our members – a first in Australian federal election history.

Following last night’s third and final debate between the two leaders, the Coalition is at Black Caviar-like odds ($1.03) to claim government. (We paid out on the wonder mare as well!)

Kevin Rudd and Labor is $11 to win the election – their highest price since betting markets opened immediately following the 2010 federal election.

As it stands in Sportsbet’s electorate markets:

• The Coaltion are favourites in 90 electorates

• Labor are favourites in 56 electorates

• Katter’s Australian Party is favourite in 1 electorate (Kennedy – QLD)

• Independents are favourite in 1 electorate (Denison – TAS)

• 2 electorates are currently too close to call (Lyons – TAS, and Lingiari – NT)

The Coalition are favoured to win 34 more seats than Labor.

Of the 150 electorate in the 2010 federal election, 147 Sportsbet favourites went on to win the seat

As with all our early payouts, the market remains open, meaning punters can spend their cash at the sausage sizzle next Saturday, or reinvest in the Coalition should they please.

The payout applies to all single bets placed before 9.30am on Thursday, 29 August, on the Coalition to win the 2013 Federal Election.
(My Bolds:D)

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+10. Even if he won, I think it would all fall apart pretty quickly, so great is their loathing of him.


Any thoughts on who will replace Rudd if he relinquishes the leadership or is once again booted out by his own party?
Weak Willie perhaps? (Shorten)

Any thoughts on who will replace Rudd if he relinquishes the leadership or is once again booted out by his own party?
Weak Willie perhaps? (Shorten)
Bill Shorten seems to be the person most commonly referred to as the heir apparent. I don't see what it is about him that impresses anyone. After most of the front bench resigned in protest at Rudd's reinstatement, they don't have a lot of choice, do they!
Bill Shorten seems to be the person most commonly referred to as the heir apparent. I don't see what it is about him that impresses anyone. After most of the front bench resigned in protest at Rudd's reinstatement, they don't have a lot of choice, do they!

Julia Gillard is the obvious choice:D
And our illustrious Prime Minioster has the audacity to blame the Premier of Queensland, Campbell Newman, for the rise in the National unemployment.

He took the right action to decrease the over loaded state public servants by 14,000 and since then unemployment fell with creation of 18,000 jobs and now another 9000 in the Brisbane area alone.

You never hear Rudd talk about the high unemployment in Tasmania or South Australia.

What a wanka.

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Julia Gillard is the obvious choice:D

Yeah, bring back JULIAR. Everybody lubs her.

Why is everybody still pickin' on poor Julia?????????????:D:D
Yeah, bring back JULIAR. Everybody lubs her.

Why is everybody still pickin' on poor Julia?????????????:D:D

OR Mark Latham would be good, especially when he has a skinful and starts punching, real Labor Party class.
Dear oh dear.

Australia's two most senior economic bureaucrats have effectively torpedoed Kevin Rudd's claim of a $10 billion hole in opposition costings declaring that neither the Treasury nor the Finance Department had any role in the financial assessment.

Mr Rudd on Thursday claimed to have found a "$10 billion fraud" in Coalition policy costings, arguing savings identified had been deliberately overstated.

Poor Kevin. Poor silly Kevin. Making the same mistake that Gillard and Queensland's Anna Bligh made before him - thinking that you can win an election by telling lies to denigrate your opponent. In this day and age you just can’t get away with that sort of thing in politics. Bligh and Gillard found that out the hard way. Rudd will too.

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Bill Shorten seems to be the person most commonly referred to as the heir apparent. I don't see what it is about him that impresses anyone. After most of the front bench resigned in protest at Rudd's reinstatement, they don't have a lot of choice, do they!

Yes, ‘Weak Wille’ Shorten is talked about in Labor ranks like he’s the ‘Wonder from Down Under’. For the life of me I can’t see why.
Just the fact that he used to be Gillard’s boyfriend tells us plenty about his character, or lack of it.
Poor Kevin. Poor silly Kevin. Making the same mistake that Gillard and Queensland's Anna Bligh made before him - thinking that you can win an election by telling lies to denigrate your opponent. In this day and age you just can’t get away with that sort of thing in politics. Bligh and Gillard found that out the hard way. Rudd will too.
I seem to recall Paul Keating in the 1996 election campaign tried something similar to discredit the Coalition on their costings and the costings he had turned out to be fake.

I can't find any reference to it now though.
These are the facts that are being overlooked by one eyed rusted on Labor supporters.

Dont get to read ASF posts much these days. Probably wont be back again until after the elections. Disgusted in the one eyed rusted on Liberal supporters that fill the page. I'll look in and see how happy you are with one eyed rusty Tony in a year or two.:banghead:
Prob the thing i hate most about the Labor dysfunction is the free ride it's given Abbott. No one is realy question him on Coalition policies - PPL excepted. He's taken advantage of it and basically asking us to trust him. I know we get to do a perforamnce review in 3 years, but 3 years can be a very long time, and I doubt I'll ever trust a politician.

It’s not just Abbot who’s asking us to trust him. Both Rudd and Abbot are asking us to trust them. And that’s pretty funny in Rudd’s case, considering that he and Gillard and Labor have been so untrustworthy over the last six years.

Yes, three years can indeed be a long time to have to put up with an incompetent government – particularly if Labor wins and we have to add another three years on to the last six that our country has suffered under their abysmal governance.
The way I see it Syd, we know Rudd and Labor are incompetent – they’ve proved it for six long years with one stuff up after another. It would take a very big stretch of the imagination to believe that if re-elected they’ll suddenly change from incompetent to competent.
By comparison, Abbot and Co may turn out to be incompetent too, but then again maybe they won’t. They’ve gotta be a better bet than Labor.

Personally I think Abbot and Co will do a good job. He’ll largely cut out wasteful expenditure – one of the first rules of good business management. Sure, he’ll spend money here and there that you and I think could have been better spent. But there’s no way he’ll go nuts with reckless spending like Labor did.
I believe he WILL stop the boats – a massive expenditure in itself, whereas Labor will never do so.
He will get rid of taxes that cruel business and investment and hence employment - taxes like the mining and carbon taxes.
He will bring the budget back to surplus and he will bring our debt down to acceptable levels. How do I know that for sure? I don’t, but the LNP has a good track record in controlling debt and producing budget surpluses, whereas Labor’s track record in these areas is pathetic.
I don’t doubt that he’ll do a lot of other things too, some good and some bad, but if he does the things I’ve mentioned above then he’ll be be streets ahead of Labor’s abysmal performance.

I say again, you don’t employ people who are proven incompetents. You get rid of them and replace them with people who may (or may not) do better. But you don’t employ proven incompetents. If you do, then your business or country suffers serious damage.
Dont get to read ASF posts much these days. Probably wont be back again until after the elections. Disgusted in the one eyed rusted on Liberal supporters that fill the page. I'll look in and see how happy you are with one eyed rusty Tony in a year or two.:banghead:

LOL! You just can't handle people pointing out the hard truths about Labor!:)
Yes, ‘Weak Wille’ Shorten is talked about in Labor ranks like he’s the ‘Wonder from Down Under’. For the life of me I can’t see why.
Just the fact that he used to be Gillard’s boyfriend tells us plenty about his character, or lack of it.
To be fair, I don't think Mr Shorten has ever had a personal relationship with Julia Gillard.
Perhaps you're thinking of Craig Emerson.
Dont get to read ASF posts much these days. Probably wont be back again until after the elections. Disgusted in the one eyed rusted on Liberal supporters that fill the page. I'll look in and see how happy you are with one eyed rusty Tony in a year or two.:banghead:

Ok lets put Rudd in, lets see how YOU feel after less than a year.:eek:
To be fair, I don't think Mr Shorten has ever had a personal relationship with Julia Gillard.
Perhaps you're thinking of Craig Emerson.

I’m happy to stand corrected if I’m wrong about that, Julia, but I was pretty sure that both Emerson and Shorten are old bed mates of Gillard.
Dont get to read ASF posts much these days. Probably wont be back again until after the elections. Disgusted in the one eyed rusted on Liberal supporters that fill the page. I'll look in and see how happy you are with one eyed rusty Tony in a year or two.:banghead:

They will be in ecstasy, conservatives love nothingness.
Dont get to read ASF posts much these days. Probably wont be back again until after the elections. Disgusted in the one eyed rusted on Liberal supporters that fill the page. I'll look in and see how happy you are with one eyed rusty Tony in a year or two.:banghead:

Don't give up hope nioka and So_Cynical. One-eyed rusted-on Labor supporters like you can still trust your mates the Greens, while controlling the Senate, to make it as difficult as possible for the Abbott government to deliver responsible government, even with an overwhelming mandate.

Like the Greens you are both wreckers. I know neither of you will read this... bereft of any ideas and safely cocooned in your boxes.:rolleyes: