Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2013 Federal Election: 7 September 2013

Summery savings are a pleasant change after our winters of discontent.

Sorry Doc, sometimes I just can't help myself.:)
It's getting closer to summer every day and September 7 will be a significant step forward in that regard.

They showed me shots of the railway and some other things.

3-Day Isle of Skye, Scottish Highlands and the Jacobite Steam Train from Edinburgh, Edinburgh, ...

3-Day Isle of Skye, Scottish Highlands and the Jacobite Steam Train from Edinburgh

5 star rating: Highly Recommended16 Reviews

Experience the Highland beauty of the Isle of Skye on a 3-day excursion from Edinburgh. You'll spend two nights on the Isle of Skye, see legendary Loch Ness ... Read more
I believe there is only about 2% of women on $150,000 and there would be a very small percentage of that 2 % who would fall pregnant. Most of those type of women are career women and most of them would not even be married and most of them would be of mature age any way. Isn't the scheme capped at $150.000?

I believe the real issue is women earning $100K or more which is 7% to 8% by all accounts the PPL is likely to be underfunded.
I believe the real issue is women earning $100K or more which is 7% to 8% by all accounts the PPL is likely to be underfunded.

Yes that is all very well, but those on that type of money would have paid $30,000 income tax.

A woman on $150,000 would have to pay close to $40,000 income tax which would be enough to provide for two aged pensioners.

These are the facts that are being overlooked by one eyed rusted on Labor supporters.

All Rudd can rave on about with his scare campaign is why should the tax payers pay a millionare to have a babe.

IMHO, irrespect of the tax that high income earners pay, I do believe the PPL should be deferred untill the ecomomy revives the Labor wilful waste. I do understand Abbotts scheme does not come into effect untill July 2015
IMHO, irrespect of the tax that high income earners pay, I do believe the PPL should be deferred untill the ecomomy revives the Labor wilful waste. I do understand Abbotts scheme does not come into effect untill July 2015

It's a pity it has to be deferred that long. This country badly needs more high calibre women having high calibre babies.

This is typical of the sour carping whining losers who oppose it.

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I believe the real issue is women earning $100K or more which is 7% to 8% by all accounts the PPL is likely to be underfunded.

I understand that women will pay their normal tax on the PPL - that means those on high wages will give back a higher percentage of their PPL in tax. Does anyone know if that's correct?
I understand that women will pay their normal tax on the PPL - that means those on high wages will give back a higher percentage of their PPL in tax. Does anyone know if that's correct?

Yes I believe that is correct. I can't see how it could ever be tax free. So a Mumma on $150,000 would receive $75,000 and pay some $20,000 in income tax: enough to pay a pensioner for one year.
Rudd was as glib and silver-tongued as ever on the leaders debate tonight.

He sends a shiver up my spine. The past 6 years, the national debt, the electrified workers in pink batt ceilings, it's as nothing to him.

The AFL demonizes James Hird. Who are the real criminals in this country.
Syd I actually respect the fact that you support your argument with some substance.
However you shoot yourself in the foot showing your true colours when you write these furphies

Hatred of Rail?? I haven't seen any evidence of this plus its a state responsibility. Infrastructure will improve under his government IMO.

Really you go back to 2012 for this?? The "guy" is a Rhodes scholar at worst he is guilty of a little spin like most pollies.

Disclaimer: I am a liberal voter and proud of it.:xyxthumbs

Actually at least oneFederal Labor Govts have helped the states with rail. My understanding is some of the train carriages in Brisbane were funded by an ALP Federal Govt. I don't understand why Abbott is only interested in funding roads in the states. Surely if there's a bigger economic payoff for investing in rail then isn't that a better use of scares money?

As for Abbotts electricty bill claims, if as you say he's intelligent enough to read the bill correctly then I have a huge issue with what he did. I grew up bouncing around the poverty line for my first 22 years. It's not fun. the stress and fear Abbott caused with that lie, well politicians shouldn't be doing that to people on low incomes.

This is what Tony said: "With an $800 increase in just one bill of which 70 per cent is due to the carbon tax, how can the Prime Minister possibly claim that Hetty Verolme's compensation is in any way adequate?"

Spin is when you use factually correct information and present it in a way to manipulate people's understanding. I don't like it but I can accept that it' part and parcel of politics. Tony LIED. What he said was factualy incorrect, and the brooha his statements caused meant it was widely reported. He got away with it, and seems most people don't care. Fair enough, but if you let him get away with crap like that now, don't expect him to behave any better as PM. Rudd is no much better with his cut cut cut scare campaign. FFS both parties decided to take a temporary increase in Govt revenue and blow it. Little of it was used to secure further income in the future. Cuts have to be made and someone needs to start telling the public we're going to see a fall in our living standards till we match Govt revenue with spending.

I was really pleased to see that you came on this forum to learn.

OK then, here’s a lesson you can take home with you.....DON’T EMPLOY INCOMPETENT PEOPLE.


I feel like I've been in a Labor taxi with a crazy driver screaming at other taxis and generally scaring the bee jezzes out of me. Now I'm at a set of lights and throwing money to the drive and jumping out.

There's a pretty slick looking Liberal taxi. Pretty much no other options around. Oh I could take the pedal power Green taxi, but it's summer mate and I dun feel like sweating that much.

Prob is, I fear the Liberal taxi is going to take me on a near as crazy trip. I hope I'm wrong, and if the Coalition actualy release some new policy before the election I might decide to sit in the back seat and see how things go.

Prob the thing i hate most about the Labor dysfunction is the free ride it's given Abbott. No one is realy question him on Coalition policies - PPL excepted. He's taken advantage of it and basically asking us to trust him. I know we get to do a perforamnce review in 3 years, but 3 years can be a very long time, and I doubt I'll ever trust a politician.

As an aside you continually rant about the negative impact of the 50% CGT discount and the impact on revenue and as no one has queried your stance l raise the following. This was introduced as part of a package of CGT reform of which the major component was the removal of indexation of the cost base. My understanding was the calculated net revenue impact of the changes was a significant and increasing government tax take over time. The taxing of nominal (not necessarily real) gains accrued over time at full marginal tax rates in one year would have been a very hard sell, given even with the 50% discount it represented a big tax increase.

My issue with the halving of CGT was that Howard left NG able to offset non asset income. Since the CGT change:

* Investment properties in aggregate have made a loss EVERY YEAR. Prior to the change the losses were minimal with the odd positive year. The accumulated losses are around the $60B mark if you take inflation into account. Most years the loss is equivalent to a decent income tax cut.

* The halving of CGT on pre exisiting assets did very little to encourage new investment - IP loans are around 90% for pre exisiting dwellings. It did encourage speculation and people to look for ways to convert income into capital gains.

If Howard had also reformed NG to be the same as most other countries - ie any losses above the income of the asset are added to the cost base and lower the CGT bill - I dare say we wouldn't have had the house price inflation we've had, household debt would be far lower, rents would be lower, FHBs would probably not be priced out of the housing market, and our external debt would be far lower. Economicaly and socially we'd all be better off

As it stands property "investors" (I don't think someone willing to loose money in the hopes of a capital gain is an investor) are pretty much all that's in the housing market at present.

Whoever decides to tackle this issue will have to be extremely courageous in the Sir Humphrey sense.

- - - Updated - - -

He sends a shiver up my spine. The past 6 years, the national debt, the electrified workers in pink batt ceilings, it's as nothing to him.

By your reasoning if there is an increase in workplace deaths during an Abbot Govt, he will take personal responsibility? Notice the massive decline in workplace deaths since Labor has been in office. A pretty amazing achievement when considering the huge increase in workers in the resource sector and associated construction.


  • workplace fatalities.JPG
    workplace fatalities.JPG
    16.9 KB · Views: 124
Syd, Re the CGT changes.

1/ They also apply to other assets classes such as shares

2/ There housing price bubble was common to most western countries and some in the East. More to do with availability of credit and social proof than taxation.

I think your continuous bleeting on this point is off the mark... no more than a minor impact
I think a majority have made up their minds who they will be voting for by now, 10 days out of the election.
Come on down the 7th.
Some of the questions in this last debate said it loud and clear, that the public want change.

Labor have trashed their brand in the last six years and need time out to reform.
I cant see Rudd staying as leader if he loses.
Labor have trashed their brand in the last six years and need time out to reform.
I cant see Rudd staying as leader if he loses.

I don’t think the ALP will want Rudd after he loses the election. Most of them don’t really want him now, but they reluctantly elected him because he was their only possible hope of pulling off an election win.
Win or lose on September 7, I think the Labor Party will once again turn on Rudd after the election.

Maybe friend Kevin will be on the lookout for another political party to join.
I was surprised to see on my ballot paper that one of the parties is called the Pirate Party. Kev might be a prime candidate to join this party, given his plan to plunder our bank accounts!:)
Paul Kelly thought that Abbott clearly won last night's debate. His only negative for Abbott seems to be the PPL.

If there is any big message for the Opposition Leader , it is the political problem arising from his PPL scheme.

This comment on Kelly's article exactly mirrors my own experience and thoughts;

Ron of ACT Posted at 9:39 AM Today
With regard to comment 27, it is not just younger women who support it. As an older male(retired, and yes I guess I will lose some franking credits), I am strongly in favour of the PPL. I worked with many very capable women who had to work hard juggling new babies and busy careers. They were amazing in managing it and deserve all of the support the PPL will offer
I don’t think the ALP will want Rudd after he loses the election. Most of them don’t really want him now, but they reluctantly elected him because he was their only possible hope of pulling off an election win.
Win or lose on September 7, I think the Labor Party will once again turn on Rudd after the election.
+10. Even if he won, I think it would all fall apart pretty quickly, so great is their loathing of him.
Rudd was as glib and silver-tongued as ever on the leaders debate tonight.

He sends a shiver up my spine. The past 6 years, the national debt, the electrified workers in pink batt ceilings, it's as nothing to him.

The AFL demonizes James Hird. Who are the real criminals in this country.

And don't forget the 1000 + who have lost their lives at sea all because of Rudd's stipid decision to relax the borders.

Rudd says he had a mandate to do what he did. I would sure like to see some evidence of that statement!!!!