Very clever Rumpy.....So which ones have I been driving away from this thread?
I realize I am outnumbered by the Socialists on this thread and I have coped plenty of character assassination, ridicule and intimidation but that is the least of my worries as I am used to it but I would say there are members who would be most interested in posting their POV but fear the same malicious treatment consistently dealt out to me because I don't always agree with what you say.......So to dominate the thread, some of you will go out of your way to drive away a conservative POV by insinuation....Guess you can't blame them which is a shame....I am sure you would like to see me disappear from this thread because I am a thorn in your side....With me out of the way you have the whole thread to yourselves and continue to post your lies and propaganda in the true Fabian fashion.
Hey Rumpy...another 143 viewers from 7.30 am to 9.30 am this morning.
So am I driving them away or attracting interest?