Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Double Dissolution 2016

Whom ever wins the election, let them get a majority in both houses.

Sick of the elected government not being able to govern because of wanker greens and idiot independents.

Get rid of the Senate!!

Of course Paul Keating is famous for his dislike of the Senate's method of representation:

In a Sept 1995 interview, PK said: The last time I saw Richard Alston, I was doing a campaign launch in Western Sydney to a news conference, which was arranged by me. He wanted to get into it, and while he was waiting for me, he was hiding in a bush. When I finished, he crawled out of the bush I had not walked three yards and he appeared like some sort of apparition. You know, he was down there with the mulch and the bugs and the bush. Which is, by the way, where he belongs.

Just saw an election ad where our current PM beats up on unions. :xyxthumbs

Brave new world.

Yes it's a race to the bottom when large sections of the community are outlawed and ostracised by our civic leaders who are supposed to be the social heartbeat of our nation. Cheap votes from the cheap seats are always got when someone pokes a tiger with a stick.
I see that the "noddies" are back.

Eight weeks of the halfwits nodding their heads in agreement. :banghead::banghead:

To all the political parties: for heavens sake, please get rid of them.

nod·dy (nŏd′ē)
n. pl. nod·dies

1. A dunce or fool; a simpleton.
Yes it's a race to the bottom when large sections of the community are outlawed and ostracised by our civic leaders who are supposed to be the social heartbeat of our nation. Cheap votes from the cheap seats are always got when someone pokes a tiger with a stick.

If the 'large sections of the community' you are referring to are the members of the CFMEU, the ETA or the warfies, then those not represented by those thugs would be quite ok seeing them lose their power and become mortal citizens again. I'm sure.

This country still has the most militant, thuggish and overpaid for work, unionists on the planet. They need a good kick in the rear before they completely root this place for good.
For the record....


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I cannot believe how the Labor Party fool people with their lies in order to swing voters...

I know a single young lady of 27 years of age who has a good job and works hard......She is deaf and dumb and supports her aged grand father.

She communicated with me the other day stating she will vote Labor this time because she read where Labor stated the Liberal government was going to cut back on aged care....Her first thoughts went immediately to the fact the her grandfathers pension would be cut back under the Liberal government, that was until I set her straight that his pension would not be reduced but increased every March and September......

Unfortunately this is the type of misconception we will all face in the next 8 weeks.
Unfortunately this is the type of misconception we will all face in the next 8 weeks.

Yeah, it's the same sort of misconception that people get when they are told the value of their houses will go down when they will actually rise by 5% if negative gearing is abolished instead of 7% under the investor take all policy.

If the 'large sections of the community' you are referring to are the members of the CFMEU, the ETA or the warfies, then those not represented by those thugs would be quite ok seeing them lose their power and become mortal citizens again. I'm sure.

This country still has the most militant, thuggish and overpaid for work, unionists on the planet. They need a good kick in the rear before they completely root this place for good.

China don't have unions right? Chinese workers on average earn pretty dam low right?

Are most Chinese richer earning less money?

Are people richer if a few of their richest are really rich?
If the 'large sections of the community' you are referring to are the members of the CFMEU, the ETA or the warfies, then those not represented by those thugs would be quite ok seeing them lose their power and become mortal citizens again. I'm sure.

This country still has the most militant, thuggish and overpaid for work, unionists on the planet. They need a good kick in the rear before they completely root this place for good.
To add to this:
Anyone who thinks labor isn't about handouts to big business is an idiot. Just so long as those business is union friendly. They f#$ked over thousands of small subcontractors during the BER while a few select building companies made off with the Lions share.
Labor is well known for hating subbies and making it hard for them.
China don't have unions right? Chinese workers on average earn pretty dam low right?

Are most Chinese richer earning less money?

Are people richer if a few of their richest are really rich?

Not sure what you're trying to draw for comparisons here...perhaps lets use a civilized democratic country like the US, Canada or the UK as an example?

I have no objections to Unions, non-what so ever. I do object to the way a Union can operate to EXTORT funds from the business, which eventually cripple the business, industry or country.
Not sure what you're trying to draw for comparisons here...perhaps lets use a civilized democratic country like the US, Canada or the UK as an example?

I have no objections to Unions, non-what so ever. I do object to the way a Union can operate to EXTORT funds from the business, which eventually cripple the business, industry or country.

One way or the other someone is going to get away with some of our tax dollars, be it the unions or business.

Labor favours their mates, so do the Libs that's pretty undeniable, but when it comes to health care, education and public utilities I prefer that they are under the control of someone I can vote for, not some corporation with their executives in other countries.
One way or the other someone is going to get away with some of our tax dollars, be it the unions or business.

Labor favours their mates, so do the Libs that's pretty undeniable, but when it comes to health care, education and public utilities I prefer that they are under the control of someone I can vote for, not some corporation with their executives in other countries.

We're not talking about just tax dollars, we're talking about something that effects employers, businesses....these are a vital part of the economy. Without competitive businesses, there are no go overseas...sure we can protect our jobs here by using tariffs, but then be prepared for the same on the exports....

Do you know that many businesses charge a 'tax' of their own for purchases on public holidays? Do you know what that is for? That's to cover the penalty rates they need to pay. Are you happy paying that fee? What is so special about a Sunday that one must get paid more than Saturday? Many people might not go out and eat on that day, but stay home instead. So the business stops opening on Sunday all together.

You can see by my score on the survey that i could easily be a Liberal in the true sense of the word...its just Unionism gone wrong that pushes me to the Liberal party.:2twocents

I might also add, that i wouldn't have this view unless i had developed a reasonable knowledge of economics and business management from running large business operations and then moving onto trading. I think that's the problem in allot cases, there is a lack of understanding on the part of Unions on how they're actions affect the greater economy. Its fine in boom to milk it for all its worth, but too continue to expect these sorts of 'entitlements' once the economy is transitioning is unsustainable.

There is a level of re-numeration and social benefits that this country can afford. We need to be there, regardless of your standing with the Union.
We're not talking about just tax dollars, we're talking about something that effects employers, businesses....these are a vital part of the economy. Without competitive businesses, there are no go overseas...sure we can protect our jobs here by using tariffs, but then be prepared for the same on the exports....

Do you know that many businesses charge a 'tax' of their own for purchases on public holidays? Do you know what that is for? That's to cover the penalty rates they need to pay. Are you happy paying that fee? What is so special about a Sunday that one must get paid more than Saturday? Many people might not go out and eat on that day, but stay home instead. So the business stops opening on Sunday all together.

You can see by my score on the survey that i could easily be a Liberal in the true sense of the word...its just Unionism gone wrong that pushes me to the Liberal party.:2twocents

Sure, I can see your point on penalty rates, I think they are outdated and job destroying, but it's not a deal breaker for me.

There are some Labor policies I disagree with, and the factionalism that they maintain means that I could never be a Labor Party member, but putting a curb on corporate power is more important to me that putting a curb on union power because the unions are becoming more irrelevant anyway as more people think they are unnecessary, but businesses continue to rip people off in a variety of ways and I don't think this will be adequately addressed by the LNP.
Not sure what you're trying to draw for comparisons here...perhaps lets use a civilized democratic country like the US, Canada or the UK as an example?

I have no objections to Unions, non-what so ever. I do object to the way a Union can operate to EXTORT funds from the business, which eventually cripple the business, industry or country.

Point was that a country cannot be rich if the majority of its citizens are poor.

Citizens are poor if their wages are driven down to poverty level.

Take the US where there's only some 7% of unionised workers today. How has the average American Joe fared with unions out of the way? Not very well.

We really should stop with this idea that if business and rich people make enough money, they'll share it and we'll all be richer too.

Sometime when people make more money at other people's expenses... they just keep it and take more holidays.


Take Turnbull's ad blaming unions for being "corrupt" and wanting "too high" wages, which in turn drove up higher property prices and priced out young families etc.

Really? Unions? Tradies having it too good?

Tax payer subsidising loss-making property investment for high income earners have nothing to do with high property prices?
Point was that a country cannot be rich if the majority of its citizens are poor.

Citizens are poor if their wages are driven down to poverty level.

Take the US where there's only some 7% of unionised workers today. How has the average American Joe fared with unions out of the way? Not very well.

We really should stop with this idea that if business and rich people make enough money, they'll share it and we'll all be richer too.

Sometime when people make more money at other people's expenses... they just keep it and take more holidays.


Take Turnbull's ad blaming unions for being "corrupt" and wanting "too high" wages, which in turn drove up higher property prices and priced out young families etc.

Really? Unions? Tradies having it too good?

Tax payer subsidising loss-making property investment for high income earners have nothing to do with high property prices?

You will never make the poor richer by making the rich poorer.
You will never make the poor richer by making the rich poorer.

I disagree to a degree.

Increasing the circulation of money by handing it out to people who will spend most of it gets customers through the door of businesses, promotes economic activity and creates opportunities for more businesses therefore creating employment.

Giving a tax cut to business does nothing if the customers aren't buying.